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Gabriela Ilivyre

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Everything posted by Gabriela Ilivyre

  1. Gabriela Ilivyre


    Gabriela Ilivyre was born up in the trees by her mother and father. One day her father fell sick and sadly died.when she was 7 she started to study the stars. when she turned 10 she was declared the smartest in her village. when she was 13 she had a strange dream and it was about her father still being alive. she knew in her heart that he was still alive. one night she snuck out and went to her dads grave and dug it up, nothing was there except a letter it says " you will find me if you look in the stars". she could solve any problem, but this one she could not solve. now she is 18 and she still cant solve the problem. she has gone insane trying to solve it. she needs to find her dad. During this time a war is most likely going on but she does not know about it . Gabriela is very lonely and she has no friends, if she could find her dad she would be better at making friends. people don't really like her because everyone thinks she is crazy about her father still being alive.
  2. how do i start because i am invisible in the game

    1. devvy


      Hi! You're invisible because you're a wandering soul, which is a fancy name that basically means you're not whitelisted. In order to have full server access, you need to have your application accepted. I would suggest following the steps given on your previous application and submit another!! The community team will gladly assist you in the application process if you're struggling. Hope to see you soon!!

    2. Gabriela Ilivyre
  3. Gabriela Ilivyre


    father died because of a sickness and never forgets about it. an artist who lives writing stories just like her father. she had a great life and still remembers him. there was a story her father told her when she was little and she try's to remember it. it has information about if there are aliens in space. she studied papers and books and videos but she could not find anything. she was born in the trees and at night the stars would light up and the ground would light up too. something about her father is very odd and it feels like something is missing. when she turned 18 her discovery went wild and she needed to find him she knew that he was alive.
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