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Posts posted by marslol

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Old Enough


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Kani is a miscellaneous magic that involves the manipulation of ambient mana around them by achieving ‘resonance’ with the three main parts of their form: Mind, Body and Core. Kani users, or Oscillits can manipulate the mana around them by achieving a rhythm within themselves and breathing in a certain way that allows their bodies to resonate with the outer mana. Dense objects such as metal or anything as dense as such, can inhibit the user from achieving Resonance, and therefore prevent them from casting. This magic cannot be effectively disconnected from as it is viewed as the honing and attunement of oneself to the mana around them - they can only be disconnected by the way of transforming into a transformative CA, or their lungs have been irreparably damaged and unable to achieve rhythmic breathing.


    There are two types of resonance that one can achieve through practice and enable them to do different things. Passive Resonance is used for non-combative spells and covers the beginning spells that an Oscillit may invoke, while Aggressive Resonance notates the combative spells. Their aura can be freeform as long as it does not obscure the eyes, such as sparks of energy, and will only grow more intense when achieving Aggressive Resonance. To enter either resonant state, they must follow the emote count of their respective tier - after such, they can call upon any spell respective to their tier in [1] emote.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are two paths an Oscillit can specialise in upon reaching T3 and being able to incite Aggressive Resonance, and the user must learn both in order to apply for a TA. These paths may be swapped between once every month, by meditating under either the Sun or Moon respective to their new path.


    Sun Path: This path is considered more aggressive and physical, allowing the Oscillit to manipulate the mana around them to achieve feats such as punching with the force of a warhammer, or being able to delay their strikes after the initial hit. The Oscillit that takes upon this path is often said to be more straightforward and aggressive in nature.

    Moon Path: This path is considered to dabble more in the metaphysical and magical, allowing the Oscillit to manipulate the mana around them to achieve feats like physically seeing the flow of mana, or being able to disrupt someone else’s mana pool and rendering them unable to cast for a time being. These users are considered to be more calculated and calm.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    [T5 Aggressive Resonance + Third Eye]


    [!] Sumana set himself in front of the gleaming Menhir with a low sigh. Keeping his eyes open, the elf kept both hands by his hip as his breath began to fall into a calculated tempo, causing his chest to rise and fall with each inhale and exhale. The air around Sumana began to warble and warp, becoming slightly distorted in his breath. [1/3]


    [!] The gentle breathing began to turn more forced, as the elf began to take deeper breaths inwards and huffing the air out of his system. In tandem, the rippling atmosphere around him reacted just the same, as the distortions harshly wavered around his form like disturbed water. [2/3]


    [!] With a sharp exhale, Sumana practically forced the air out of his nose as his hand clenched briefly into fists. The air around him waved and thrashed around aggressively at that, rippling and wavering around harshly over his body like a mirage, or a heatwave. [3/3]


    [!] Turning his eyes towards the stone now, the thrashing ripples in the air appeared to condense near his forehead - specifically around the centre of his brow. The distortions appeared to be using that point upon the centre of Sumana’s skull as its epicentre, as the waves in the atmosphere only echoed out from that point. Gazing upon the ghostly rock, he was able to denote the abundance of mana from it’s core with a grimace. [1/1]




    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    [T2 Passive Resonance]


    [!] Guiding his student along the cliffside, Sumana pauses right on the very edge of the grass and swivels to stare at his student. “I’m sure that you remember seeing me, with the ripple about my person, mm?” His hand gestured to the air around him. “That is an indication to you, and to others, that I have achieved that oneness that is required to do anything else. That is the first step that I must teach you here today - I know you know how meditation works, so I want you to try and get into that state first, focus on your surroundings and take a deep breath.” The acolyte bobs their head along his words before allowing the tension to fall from their forms with an inhale in. [1/3]


    [!] The elf steps back then, allowing the student their space as he observes them from a distance. “Deep breath in, then deep breath out. Allow the air to fill your lungs and body completely before letting it out, and allow your exhale to fall out of you with ease. Find a rhythm that suits you and hone it.” He murmured quietly, not wishing to disturb them too much. Taking his words into heart, their hands relaxed further along their side as they kept their pace, keeping it concise and simple as they began to fall into their flow. [2/3]

    [!] Sumana was completely quiet now as he watched in silence and intrigue, resting his hands upon his hips in patient wait. The acolyte’s breathing fell into a comfortable tempo, and it wasn’t long before something began to happen around them. Sparks of energy began to flicker and fly off their person and around their eyes like a gentle crackling fire, flying off into the atmosphere around them into nothingness. “Ma, mae carnen. I want you to remember this feeling, and that pace you set yourself at. You will need it, in order to call upon anything else.” [3/3]




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Should I be made aware or catch my student powergaming, I will talk to them to go over their mistake or issue in order to rectify and clarify the issue before it gets worse or snowballs further. Should they be caught powergaming once more, I will discuss the issue with ST and potentially drop the student.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  2. Stood over the end of the bed where the fallen druid's corpse lay in silence, the Rain Druid uttered a quiet prayer under his breath - allowing the emotions to roll over him like a tidal wave sweeping over the sandy beach. Hanging hid head low with a deep sigh, a singular tear fell upon the table with a quiet shudder.


    "Ahernal ito."

  3. Spells Learned:

    Ensorcell Material (glassyskies)

    Ensorcell Flesh (glassyskies)

    Augmentation (glassyskies)

    Hemorrhaging (glassyskies)

    Scabbing (glassyskies)

    Siphoning (glassyskies)

    Hail (glassyskies)

    Embark (glassyskies)

    Invent (glassyskies)

    Quiet (glassyskies)

    Sealing (glassyskies)

    Call Calamity (Moon_Is_Innocent)

    Gilding (Moon_Is_Innocent)

    Tearing (Moon_Is_Innocent)
    Spiritspell (Moon_Is_Innocent)
    Enrgorge (Moon_Is_Innocent)

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