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  1. WilhelmBayern07


    Arton was born in the midst of political turmoil within his home city. His mother was from a ruling class family, but has since renounced her inheritance for the sake of fighting for the preservation of a Druid's Grove just outside the city. His father was a Druid from that grove, he was an important figure among them and used his power to protect his grove. His father assumed control over the druidic circle after the original leader was killed. He left the city with his circle, leaving behind his wife and son who refused to go with him. After a long legal battle, his mother was assassinated for protecting the grove itself. He left home resenting those who pushed for the land his mother died for to become "civilized".
  2. WilhelmBayern07


    Arton was born in the midst of political turmoil within his home city. His mother was from a ruling class family, but has since renounced her inheritance for the sake of fighting for the preservation of a Druid's Grove just outside the city. His father was a Druid from that grove, he was an important figure among them and used his power to protect his grove. His father assumed control over the druidic circle after the original leader was killed. He left the city with his circle, leaving behind his wife and son who refused to go with him. After a long legal battle, his mother was assassinated for protecting the grove itself. He left home resenting those who pushed for the land his mother died for to become "civilized".
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