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Everything posted by Sandranyj

  1. Sandranyj


    The new citizen of Elvenesse reads the missive with a lump in her throat. "I really hope peace can stay for awhile... I am so terrible tired of running." she mutters to herself.
  2. Sandranyj


    She is born and raised in Haelun'or by her completely pure mom and dad, and in full high elven fashion. She dont have any siblings, but loves her parents dearly even tho they always was very strict so she could keep up with the exptectiations of all the high elven around them. She spent a lot time reading books to gain as much knowledge as possible and trained her archery skills whenever she had any free time, because it made her feel free and invincible. She liked to feel independent, strong and wise, and often went on adventures with her trusted bow when she got to her teenager years. One day she felt the urge for freedom and went on a longer adventure where she took a ferry to the mainland and started her adventure on horseback. She ended up in a city deeply hated by her race called Elvenesse, the city is filled with wood elves and in the beginning she was quite scared to even be in the same space as this low ranked elven. Even tho she knew she was supposed to hate them, she just couldnt understand why, and found herself intrigued by their way of living. She kept finding a reason for staying, and most of the time the reason was a beautiful girl called Chandrelle Elmwood, they quickly became acquainted and walked in the woods together where Chandrelle teached her everything she knew about herbalism and Alwaline tried to learn Chandrelle how to become an archer. They fell in love quickly and Alwaline couldnt get herself to leave Chandrelle behind, she understood she had to face her parents and ask for their blessing to live a life with her love even tho she is a wood elf. Multiple months later Alwaline started on her journey home to ask for her parents blessing. When she finally confronted her ma and pa, the conversation got very heated and Alwaline felt betrayed, but after awhile her parents understood that she would leave anyways, and decided to give her their blessing so she would still be their daughter, but they would say to their high elven friends that she is still on a quest to find wisdom. What they didnt know was that a close friend of the family Thilinael was outside of the door during their convo and when he realized that the parents was going to let her go and bring disrespect on the entire family he wanted to help them and sent an assassin to kill Chandrelle. The assassin had to tell a royal gard about his mission when leaving which resulted in that both of Alwaline's parents got thrown into an acid pit in the middle of the night for treason while Alwaline was on her way back to her loved one not knowing about any of this. When she finally arrived it was already too late and Chandrelle had already been killed, in full rage she went back home convinced this was her parents doing and got back to a closed gate with the message that both her parents was killed and that she no longer was welcome among Mali'aheral. Alwaline is now all alone in the world and confused about how everything could go so wrong because of her selfish ways and is now on her way to Elvenesse to ask for their blessing to stay with them since its no other place she feels welcome, and need a place to render her heart and understand her place in the world.
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