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Status Replies posted by Lunan_EXE

  1. I walk a lonely road…

    1. Lunan_EXE


      The only one that I have ever known..

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. I don't know where else I'd post this, but what if avian-like creatures were a thing on LOTC? Instead of being the common angel-like creature maybe one with bird/chicken legs and possibly arms that form feathery wings, being completely flightless but nearly capable of every task a human would be able to perform, or maybe smaller wings out of the back still kind of flightless? I say flightless because if they could fly a lot of people would choose to be an avian purely for an elytra/flying permissions, it'd be pretty cool and I literally have an example on hand of an avian character. [Sorry for badly drawn example below the arm wings were a quick draw and the rest was a trace of my avian character Cosmo]

    image0 (9).png

    1. Lunan_EXE


      I know that sprites exist, but they're fairies, and I mean like a chicken or a parrot as you can see in my poorly drawn sketch-

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. I don't know where else I'd post this, but what if avian-like creatures were a thing on LOTC? Instead of being the common angel-like creature maybe one with bird/chicken legs and possibly arms that form feathery wings, being completely flightless but nearly capable of every task a human would be able to perform, or maybe smaller wings out of the back still kind of flightless? I say flightless because if they could fly a lot of people would choose to be an avian purely for an elytra/flying permissions, it'd be pretty cool and I literally have an example on hand of an avian character. [Sorry for badly drawn example below the arm wings were a quick draw and the rest was a trace of my avian character Cosmo]

    image0 (9).png

    1. Lunan_EXE


      I get the whole thing of flying, which is why I said they could possibly be flightless-

      Edited by EstelClawsenheart
      it was underlined for some reason
    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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