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Posts posted by Rattussmackus

  1. V_NPtTR36B239-zvp1RTMmvBAbzsmTWN8VcUvgaxMSyfNJX3Sgq6D_PEjTnZ4D_dUnNFewnjAmDg3StzhWK8ppiAu_x7Ly2L8koPA2CJhFOE6Q6T298HtMi9YZ57Hu5EcV0DPrg8



    To the people of Norland and those in Clan Freysson,


    For multiple years now our current Chieftain, Vane Freysson Ruric, my father has been inactive from duties. That has left our Clan very confused and lost.


    So as a result under the clan redefining, I, Princess Olivia Freysson Ruric declare myself;


    Chieftess of Clan Freysson.


    I will be taking over my father’s role and hopefully making the Clan as active as it once was.


    I will hopefully make Clan Freysson relevant once more. I will be handling the diplomatic side of things as I had always wanted to.


    If anyone wants to challenge my position they may but if they aren’t fit under the Clan’s redefining laws, I will not listen.



    Her highness, Princess Olivia Freysson Ruric,

    Chieftess of Clan Freysson



  2. Gold, ruby and black onyx.
    The official matrimony between Princess Astrid Eiriksson Ruric of Norland and Oliver Black.

    Astrid tracing Oliver’s shadow atop the Alisgrad walls.


    It had been a few years since they first met, it started with a few witty lines and exchanged looks before they officially began a relationship in the Alisgrad palace. They sat atop a tree in Ironguard and discussed the future. He mentioned his dream of having a house by the water and she wanted to live that dream with him.


    They soon visited her father and asked for his blessing, after a few conditions, King Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric approved of the matrimony and it was decided. A few months after that, Astrid was given a hand-made ring by Oliver and everything was sealed.


    Special invitations have been sent out to the following from the bride:


    King Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric of Norland and the rest of the Eiriksson clan.


    Friedrich Henrysson


    Casimira Edvardsson Ruric and whoever she wishes to bring.


    Ragnar Sigvardson and the rest of the Sigvardson clan.


    Boots Anarórë and the rest of the Anarórë clan.


    Anna Amador and the rest of the Amador clan.


    Ciaran Vildr and the rest of the Vildr clan.


    The rest of the Norlandic populace.


    Special invitations have been sent out to the following from the groom:


    Lord John Marsyr and the People of Cartef Mor


    Lord Edward Thuri-Elendil and his Kin


    All Adunian Kin of Almaris


    A message from the bride: Leave the fighting outside, I know how much you all hate me.



    OOC: Sunday 23rd April at 8pm est. If you can’t make it, that’s alright, should be a tavern night after :D


  3. Josephine Wick-Vuiller hears of her older brother’s death and a loud scream emitted from her. Her only known brother was dead. Her protector was dead. Josie looks upon her sleeping children, how they managed, she did not know. She presses a hand against her youngest’s forehead “He’ll never know of your faces..” Her lip wobbles as she drops to the floor, a flood of tears coming throughout the night.


    Ezra Wick-Draskovic collapses on the floor, staring blankly at the wall in front of her as she does so. She tries her hardest to wipe away tears but they continue to come “I wanted you to try cake with me..” That was all the little girl could manage to say as she curled up into a ball, waiting until someone eventually found her.

  4. 13 hours ago, Narthok said:

    Manfred would scoff imperiously as he'd stroll through the streets of Alisgrad in the company of Vangel, for who could stop him?"

    Olivia Freysson Ruric remembers how last time Vangel came to Alisgrad, he fled with his tail between his legs because four Adunians and a child countered his claims.

  5. Dear loved ones,


    It must be odd, hearing from me. For I must be dead, surely, I must be dead.


    But that, dear reader, is where you are wrong. I fooled you, all of you. I ‘died’, avoided the situations I was in but now I’ve returned. I went hiding in the woods for years until I felt it was time.


    I’m back.


    For good.


    Sincerely, Andria Dreth.

  6. [Many flyers were posted around Alisgrad, sloppy yet readable cursive spread across the paper.]


    'Dear reader,


    You may or may not know me but my name is Olivia Freysson Ruric. I am the first daughter of King Vane and Daria Vildr. I am fifteen at the time of writing this. 


    Just a few months ago we had a clan meeting, I was excited. I sat in my father's throne, deluding myself as I pretended to take my father's spot. I talked to Casimira, I told her about how I wanted to be a diplomat, see the rest of Almaris, learn about others.


    The meeting started with mundane yet interesting topics, I watched my cousin try and stay awake, watched as my Uncle stood, trying to usher the topics along. My Uncle left for a moment and returned with words I still think about daily 'There are armoured men in the city.'


    I didn't get to react before they began storming the palace, Casimira rushed me and my cousins further into the palace, behind locked doors. We heard the rest of them shouting, all demanding a Kingsmoot. We slipped out the window and fled to Haense to look for help, none came. They never do.


    I was fed up, agitated so I ran back to Alisgrad, slipping past the Orenians and back beside my fellow Norlanders.


    I didn't understand much of what was said but the Orenians claimed to be Rurics and wanted the throne. My father returned, much to my surprise, and told the men that only valid Rurics may call for a Kingsmoot. That's when the slaughtering began, they fought us, beat us into submission. Anyone who objected was tied up and forced to watch.


    The makeshift Kingsmoot crowned the coward King.


    He claimed to be my cousin but let it be known now, that man is not my cousin, even if we share the same blood. I will never accept him as such, he's a coward.


    Rurics aren't cowards.


    I was pulled down from where I was tied up by Orenians, they pulled me by the fire and began to whisper because they don't have the balls to speak openly.


    'Boil her alive.'

    'Strap each limb to our horse and begin to ride, ripping her apart.'

    'Sacrifice her.'


    I shall reiterate, I am fifteen, I am a child.


    A boy my age stepped forward and argued against my death, insisting I be let go. I don't know his name, I never got to thank him. They killed him but the distraction meant I was 'pardoned.' I owe the boy my life.'


    [The next few lines seemed to be frantically scribbled out, clear it was hard for the girl to write.]


    'What happened next, I think about everyday. I relive it whenever I see the flash of a blade or when people shout. When I hear the name 'Oren.' Whenever I see your face Vangel, whenever I see your stupid, cowardly face.


    The Orenians took me outside, along with my father.


    They placed a sword in his hands and they killed him, they killed him in front of me. Let his blood stain the dirt.


    They didn't let me say goodbye. They took the one man in my life that gave me hope and courage. They took that from me in that moment and I felt I lost everything.


    You told me no harm would come to me and I fled to Haense, breaking down and emptying my stomach in the clinic.


    I still vomit now, seeing his face as life slowly slips away.


    Now it's your turn Vangel, you're next. You will lay helpless and dying in the streets as no one comes for your aid and when that day comes, I want to be there to see it. 


    I will spit on your grave.


    Rurics aren't cowards.


    -Princess Olivia Freysson Ruric of Norland'



    OOC: No, prof did not pk. Olivia believes her father to be dead, hence the way it’s written.


  7. Olivia Freysson Ruric has yet to speak fully since the last incident with Oren but she does smile lightly at the missive.


    Astrid Eiriksson Ruric, on the other hand, let’s out a hearty laugh “If they want war, we’ll give them war.” 

  8. Nyx Ellerbrock-Ame’narnir Obedia lets out a gasp when her eyes lay upon her first daughter “Hilly, my darling, it is too soon for you.” A tear slips down her face, “Reunited again, tell me all the stories of your life. I want to hear them all.”

  9. Zuma Al-Hamad let’s out a cry, much like a scream when hearing of her mother’s passing, she clutches her chest and stares at the water edge, “May Allah keep you safe now..” She whispers before pulling herself up, determined to continue on for the only mother-figure she had.

  10. 6 hours ago, satinkira said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    I'm gonna be that person


    I'm pretty sure the game is papers please..






    Glory To Arstotzka.

    it almost definitely is, but shhh, no one needs to know, i made it at 4am

    10 minutes ago, rukio said:

    im just confused why everyone is replying to a creative writing post like its rp....

    it happened irply, that’s why, they’re just memeing 

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