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Posts posted by HobbitForHire

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Einar Kervallen-Elmwood


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Edvard Kervallen


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Bardmancy [Sound + Aesthetics]


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Godwin Maiheiuh


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  3. Out in yet another tavern, a bearded old mage sits with a half full flagon in front of him, barely having moved since recieving the news of his daughters death. "Tha's both o' 'em gone" he mutters into his drink as he lifts it to his lips, taking a swig. "Ain' sure I go' owt left" he adds, before chugging down the rest of it. "Fly 'igh, both of ye. I'm sorry I failed ye" the man cries with his head on the table



    OOC: Enjoy your freedom. Sorry our timings didn't line up much as I brought Einar back slowly, but the RP before his vanishing was always a good time no matter your persona. Wishing you the best mate


  4. An old mage, sat in a tavern, sets down the missive he picked off a noticeboard and puts on some spectacles to read. Having recognised the word 'Berry' as he would from anywhere, his interest was taken. Sipping on his drink, his face begins to drop as he reads on. "Well then Thelia, ye've made yerself a new enemy" he mutters to himself with a light laugh. "OI EVERYONE! YE CAN EARN YE'SELVE A FREE BOTTLE O' KERVALLEN BERRY GIN FER EACH TEN BERRY BUSHES YE PLAN' AN' GROW T' FULL SIZE" he calls out with a wicked laugh only an old man could muster.



    Jokes aside, happy trans day of visibilty all! It's a rough road, but hopefully everyone has a support network around them and are heading towards living their best lives.

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Earth Atronach


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Jon Snowell


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    An atronach is an elemental being created by voidal mages skilled in the use of Transfiguration and most commonly an Evocation as well. The skill set can be split between multiple mages, but these two magics are required. The atronach takes on a form dependant on the evocation used, fueling itself through the elemental mana flow inside itself with mana obelisks being used to recharge this voidal elemental energy. Atronachs are most commonly a humanoid up to 7ft tall, but outside of this the creator of the atronach can shape the shell and plating to their like. Inside, the atronachs have a core which acts as a 'heart', and liquid atronacs contain a more fluid elemental mana pool that can bleed out like blood if the plating is damaged


    Similar to golems in strength atronachs are hardy creations that are difficult to take down in one-on-one combat, but are susceptible to pack tactics as they're unable to cover weak spots. Outside of this, any form of antimagic, abjuration, or anything that expose their internals can cause problems for the creation, requireing them to be repaired by their creator or another skilled in Atronach Forges.


    Like other constructs, an Atronachs perception of emotion is learned and imperfect. Often times an Atronach is satisfied simply performing their purpose. Without this inherant emotion, this purpose is followed without the seeking of loopholes, and their programmed loyalty will not let them hurt their master. This becomes moot if the master is killed, giving the atronach a form of free spirit, though still without the emotion to act upon this as a descendant might


    Atronachs made from a solid material (e.g. Ice) are known as a Solid atronach. These kinds are generally hardier than their liquid counterparts and can handle some of their playing being removed, however they're suceptible to blunt force. Being solid does come with the benefit that less mana is required to continously keep the elemental energy tied in though, so a Solid Atronach needs to visit an obelisk or mage for recharge once a week. Liquid atronachs (e.g. fire), however, need a recharge every three days. Generally a little more nimble than the Solid kind, Liquid Atronachs have a far harder time of things if their elements are exposed as if too much plating is removed they're unable to retain their shape and will become but a puddle.


    For the different types of solid and liquid atronachs there's Water, Ice, Earth, Sand, Fire, Air, and Telekenisis. Each have their own quirks and affinities for elements, given by their name. Earth, for the example of this req, are slower than other other atronachs so can be outmanouvered by a group leading to its downfall


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    An Atronach, in this case an earth evocation Atronach, is an elemental being, sealed within a suit of Armor plating, holding the fiery form in place in a humanoid structure. The Armor plates, that are made of a stone or metal, are carefully sealed as to keep the mana inside, however still flexible enough to allow movement like that of a descendant. Additionally, atronachs have a core in their elemental bodies, practically functioning like their heart, located in the centre of their body.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Malii'evarir Ame'narnir


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Druidic Transcendence


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Aerendyl Hawksong


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  8. Malii'evarir reads over the poster. "Payment will be discussed in a secluded dark area where there's nobody around and where I know the area and layout. Genius, I'm going to have to use that" she says to her travelling companion. "We'll swing by in a few days, see if the corpse has anything left in its pockets"

  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Malii'evarir Ame'narnir


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Alchemy encompasses five primary elements constituting all matter, present in reagents. Reagents are categorized among these elements, forming a crucial aspect of potion recipes, namely Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Aether.


    Additionally, there are Symbols, representing more specific classifications and composed of a limited set of materials as reagents. These Symbols can be blended into a base along with other symbols and catering factors, facilitating the use of reagents. Examples include Life, Reduction, Vigour, Peace, and Dark.


    Alchemy is structured into three tiers, each instructed by a specialized teacher. The initial tier, Identification, guides students in recognizing symbols and signs. Subsequently, Extraction focuses on extracting specific elemental prefixes, while Mixing involves incorporating symbols into a recipe with a base.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Many subcategories fall under this skill, too numerous to enumerate (Confectionary Alchemy, Alteration Alchemy, etc.), but one that stands out is Further Alchemy. Further Alchemy finds application in various other feats. Typically, mastery of this extension is imparted through lessons associated with the chosen skill sets.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Mermaid Skin:


    Humming a cheerful melody, Malii laid out the freshly gathered athin on her cutting board. The elfess skillfully chopped it into small chunks, facilitating the subsequent grinding in her mortar and pestle. She continued the rhythmic pounding until the herb achieved a uniform texture. Taking a jar filled with aqua vitae, she positioned it above a flame, allowing it to reach a boiling point. With care, Malii removed the jar and added the now-paste athin, stirring the mixture until well-blended.


    Satisfied with her progress, she moved the concoction to her table, where a cloth-filtered container awaited. Pouring the athin paste into the new jar, she reheated the fluid. This meticulous process repeated itself until the fluid became clear, devoid of any residual plant powder.


    Spreading the damp powder on a plate, Malii patiently waited for it to dry before proceeding. She meticulously selected the purity symbol from the powder, placing it in a jar while setting aside the remaining powder for later use.


    The same meticulous process was applied to collect the necessary balance symbol from elf's hair vine.


    With her symbols prepared, the elfess blended their powdered forms into water, maintaining an exact ratio of 1:2. Stirring until fully combined, the potion assumed a deep blue hue without any discernible odor.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Luminosity Potion:


    Malii brought a mortar and pestle to the Work Table, addressing her student with enthusiasm, "Alright, let's begin with a fundamental potion, the Luminosity Potion." Placing the tools on the table, she looked at the student, stating, "For this, we require three different symbols: 1x Light, 1x Endurance, and 1x Swiftness. You can extract these from Goblin's Ivy and Night Glow, so go ahead and bring some."


    The student nodded, fetching one of each plant from the herb cabinet and positioning them on the working table next to Malii. "Goblin's Ivy and... Night Glow," he said, placing each herb into a bowl and awaiting further instructions.


    Observing, Malii spoke after arranging the herbs in a bowl, "Now, the first step is to crush them. But before that, let's cut the herbs into small parts to make the crushing part easier." Retrieving two knives from her pocket, she handed one to the student. Taking the bowl with Goblin's Ivy, she cut it into smaller pieces.


    Accepting the knife, the student followed Malii's lead, cutting the Night Glow into smaller pieces.


    Having finished first, Malii moved to get two mortar and pestles, placing one in front of the student and keeping the other for herself. "Now, we place the herb inside the mortar and use the pestle to grind it," she demonstrated by crushing the Goblin's Ivy into a paste. "Once finished, we pour it back into its bowl and let it soak in some Aqua Vitae." She poured the contents of the mortar into the bowl, allowing it to soak in Aqua Vitae.


    Observing Malii, the student replicated the process, crushing the Night Glow into a paste, pouring it into the bowl, and letting it soak in Aqua Vitae.


    After soaking for some minutes, Malii grabbed two sieves, offering one to the student. "Now, we have to sieve the mushy paste to eliminate any non-desired impurity," she explained, ensuring no impurities remained in the sieved paste.


    The student nodded and repeated the process, sieving his Night Glow mushy paste and ensuring no impurities were left.


    With the now sieved pastes, Malii gestured for the student to follow her to the burner. Grabbing two glass vials, she gave one to the student. "We need to heat it up to be able to discern the symbols," she said, pouring the Goblin's Ivy paste into the vial and hanging it around the burner to expose it to heat.


    The student repeated the process, hanging his vial around the burner with his own mushy paste.


    Once the heat revealed dark spots inside both vials, Malii used tweezers to grab both and moved them to the work table, pouring the contents into separate bowls. "Those dark spots are the symbols. Initially, it might be a bit challenging for you to find and identify them all, but it will get easier," she explained, offering the student a pair of tweezers and a magnifying glass.


    The student accepted both items, separating the symbols with Malii's guidance.


    Malii then instructed the student to take all the symbol bowls and move to the fireplace. She grabbed a cauldron with Distilled Water, hanging it over the fire. When the water started to heat, she spoke, "For the Luminosity Potion, we need 1x Light, 1x Endurance, and 1x Swiftness." Pointing towards the bowls with the respective symbols, she added, "Pour them one by one!"


    The student approached the cauldron with the symbols, pouring Light, followed by Endurance and Swiftness.


    Malii grabbed a metal rod, stirring the mix, sparkling cyan dye on it, and stirring until it became homogeneous. "We can dye the Luminosity Potion to change the color of the light. Now, grab a bottle, and once it has cooled down, pour the potion inside, and we should be done!" She moved the cauldron out of the fire to cool down.


    The student smiled, grabbed a bottle, waited until the mix was cold enough, poured the content inside the bottle, and corked it, completing the Luminosity Potion.


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I would speak to the OOCly to check on why it happened. If it was a misunderstanding, I would advise them to the appropriate emotes and usage. If it was laziness or otherwise, I would firstly inform ST and advise that I will attempt to take steps to reduce this happening more, such as extending lessons or re-doing old ones. If it happens a second time, I would inform ST again and discuss removing the person from my TA, as it's clear they won't learn from previous infractions. I would also let the person know that I would be doing this


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Malii'evarir Ame'narnir


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Druidic Herblore


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Herblore is a form of druid magics that grant the user gifts focused on altering flora's aesthetics, properties, and effects. Primarily aesthetic, a druid with Herblore can also create a hallucinogenic concotion to allow the consume/user to have visions, manipulate small amounts of flora into makeshif bandages, and extend or shorten the duration of effects that would normally be felt through the flora.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?




    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Alter Flora


    [1/3] Malii closes her eyes as she sits cross-legged in front of the berry bush. As she takes deep breaths, a pulsating flow of ethereal red fire creeps from her form and towards the plant. As the flames reach the bush, they begin to get absorbed like a sponge drinking in water. A moment later, the berries of the bush burst into a similar form of flame.


    [2/3] As the berries continue to 'burn', a faint change would be noticable as the blue of the berry begins to change ever so slightly. As more time passes, the change from blue towards red would become more pronounced as the elfess encourages the bush to change the colour of its fruits. The fire continues to pulsate from her, waves in time with her heartbeat appearing on the surface


    [3/3] A short while later, the last of the flames around the berries will have faded to nothing. Openning her eyes as the pull of nature softens, Malii takes in the sight of the now orange berries from the blueberry bush. Satisfied, she cuts off her connection and picks a couple off to chew on


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    Sealing Moss


    "Okay, so today we're going to be learning how to quickly patch up a wound to stop the blood loss. This isn't going to fix a wound, but it'll buy you some time" mal hums. "The first thing to do, at the sign of an injury, is grab some plants and leaves. Moss is great" she instructs, taking a small knife out and slashing at her arm. Blood would begin to flow from the fresh cut as she looks at her student. "Come on, hop to it"


    -Student, used to her teaching method, gathers some materials nearby-


    "Ayla. Now, put them nearby the wound and reach out to them in the same way you would any other time" the elfess instructs as the blood runs down her arms. "You'll be instructing it to gather and wrap around the affected area. My go-to for this is to almost describe how a bandage works to the plants, gives them something to go on. Once they're up and tight, you'll begin altering them"


    -Student follows the instructions, guiding the plants over the wound-


    "Perfect. Now, like how you altered the properties of plants before, you're going to do the same. This time though, you're creating physical bonds between the various plants. Push your energy through them until you can get them to melt together. It'll take some work, but remember you only need to seal them together, ne make them completely one"


    -Through sweat and grit, the student manages to bind the wrapped plants together-


    "Nearly there, now make them hard. Like one of those casts, enough that a bump won't break it. Think back to when you were altering colours and use that" she instructs, inspecting the work her student had done so far with a little pride.


    -Now in more familiar territory, the student pushes through to the end and hardens the makeshift bandage-


    "Mar'ayla, you've earned eating rights tonight" malii laughs while offering the student a thumbs up. "Once you get used to it, you'll be able to do more and more while its calm. I recommend practicing this in stressful situations though, always a nice trick to have


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I would speak to the OOCly to check on why it happened. If it was a misunderstanding, I would advise them to the appropriate emotes and usage. If it was laziness or otherwise, I would firstly inform ST and advise that I will attempt to take steps to reduce this happening more, such as extending lessons or re-doing old ones. If it happens a second time, I would inform ST again and discuss removing the person from my TA, as it's clear they won't learn from previous infractions. I would also let the person know that I would be doing this


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  11. Malii'evarir would read the note she found on a hunt as she camped for the night. Then she read it again. And again. Each time the hysterical laughter she'd broken into growing before she crumpled the paper and threw it into the fire. "Ah the hunt's ruined, but by the mother I've gotta tell the others about this" she says as the laughter finally subsides and she wipes the tears from her eyes.

  12. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Einar Kervallen


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Voidal Transfiguration


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Voidal Transfiguration is the manipulation of the world and things formed from it through concentrated use of mana. Transfiguration can be used to give items magical effects, change their form, or to guard against other magics. Transiguration mages can also disrupt spells on the offence.

    For applied the magical effects to an item, the transfigurationist must have knowledge and ability in the chosen spell, or have it donated to them by someone who does.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    - Voidal Feeling: 

    Using their mana, a transfigurationist can manipulate an object to gain some insight into the objects being.  It's the first Transfiguration skill that a transfigurationist learbs. A transfigurationist can feel the following things:

    Tier 1: Average Temperature, Natural Color, Durability. Objects not further than at arm's distance and only items that can be handheld.
    Tier 2: Melting, Freezing and Boiling points. Objects up to 2 meters far and not bigger than a beach ball. Enchanted items that can be handheld and Alchemical reagents can be felt (Only if Alchemy FA)
    Tier 3: Can feel all the physical properties with ease, what's more, can understand what alloys are made of. Three meters radius and up to one cubic meter objects. Beach ball enchanted things.
    Tier 4: Can recover chemical properties; flammability, volatility, toxicity. Four meter in radius up to two cubic meters objects. One cubic meter enchanted and alchemical reagents.
    Tier 5: All of the before can be felt easily. Five meters radius of range.

    - Transmutation:
    After learning the attributes of an object, the transfigurationist can change its properties to their will. This can be used in many ways and usually is the next step to Voidal Feeling. Once can change different properties from an object:

    Alter Temperature: Add or remove heat from an object.
    Alter Shape: Adjust the spatial distribution/shape of an object.
    Alter Color: Shift the hue of an object.
    Fusion: Combine two or more materials into a mixture

    Fission: Separate a mix of materials and recover their components
    Alter Density: Compact or decrease the volume of an object

    Transmutation also allows the use of Enhaced Magelight, creating a small orb of light that can be used to stun or blind foes.

    - Enchannting:

    The ability to imbue an object with a spell known by the transfigurationist or donated by a mage with knowledge of the spell. It can be done in a few different ways:

    - Lesser Enchantment: Mostly placing aestethic spells into objects that don't have combative potential. First step on enchanting.
    - Potent Enchantments: Applying spells up to T3 into objects, the mage imbues the object with an artificial mana pool. 
    - Grand Enchantment: By implementing magegold or using an Arcanium item, a mage can imbue it with more powerful and deadly spells.
    - Co-Enchant: When a mage wants to enchant with a spell they don't know, can use the help of another mage who will share that knowledge. Then the transfigurationist will use that knowledge to enchant.
    - Entrap Spell: Similar to Co-Enchanting, a mage can close a spell of their choice into a jar or glass bottle. Those spells can then be used by other mages in a co-enchanting process.
    - Mana Ley Line: By using focus cristals, a mage can create lines that will transport mana from an obelisk or a tear to an enchantment to have it always activated.

    - Warding and Abjuration:

    The last part of Transfiguration, allows the creation of disruptive mana that will 'destroy' spells launched at the mage, making them fizzle into particles or bounce fromt he barrier. That can be done in two ways:

    - Ward Shield: Creating a disc shield of disruptive mana that will look like glistening air coloured like the mage's mana. If a spell hits it, it will fizzle into pieces or bounce. It does not offer physical protection and only protect against magic the user knows.

    - Abjuration: Compacting the disrupting mana into a ball, this can be launched to take control over the other spell making it return to the void. They cannot dispell non voidal spells.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?



    Enchanting - Conjour Air


    Taking the stick in his hands, Einar closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. The autumnal glow his eyes took would be visible through his eyelids as he focuses on his wellspring of mana.


    Slowly, a mist the same colour as the glow in his eyes seeps from the hands clutching the stick before beginning to swirl around the stick like a slow tornado. As it does, Einar focuses on the casting of Conjour Air. The feeling he felt as it formed, the use of the spell to form a shape, the pull on his own mana as it lasted.


    As the instructions were taken into the mist, they began to move more deliberatly. Like a swirling of sine waves as they spun around the stick, before beginning to be drawn into it. The ends of the waves flowed into the stick until, before long, they returned to their normal misty form as the instructions had been imbued.


    Satisfied with his work, Einar disconnects from the void, stretching as he did so to alliviate the aches from so much focus


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    T1 Voidal Feeling


    Einar would lean idly against the column of the room, tossing a black rock over to his student. "Righ', ye see this rock. It weren' always black. Wha' colour were it at t' star'? Tha's fer ye t' find ou'. Remember wha' we discussed. Mana in, feel aroun', an' listen" he says as he prepares to observe


    -Student connects to the void, after either catching the stone or being bonked on the head by it and picking it up-


    Einar sits back, watching his student. "Remember t' listen. Ye bad enough at tha' as it is, per'aps t' stone speaks yer language more" he'd say with a laugh


    -Sighing at the joke, the student focuses on the rock-


    -After some straining, their mana would cover the rock before returning to them. Looking up, as though concerned they'd be wrong, the student says "Grey?"-


    "Aye, gray it is! I mean, it's a rock, so pre'y much guaranteed, aye?"



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I would speak to the OOCly to check on why it happened. If it was a misunderstanding, I would advise them to the appropriate emotes and usage. If it was laziness or otherwise, I would firstly inform ST and advise that I will attempt to take steps to reduce this happening more, such as extending lessons or re-doing old ones. If it happens a second time, I would inform ST again and discuss removing the person from my TA, as it's clear they won't learn from previous infractions. I would also let the person know that I would be doing this


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


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