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Posts posted by Cubicita

  1. YLCcvCFwWXLUA4fSg3jXQUE1qw-r81uTXNYoY0I7UT1idId6lAp9M38S3To8M2-fPLO5omeXC3Xr7vWnzQW54EgDTAavTrrb1uoa1UfFGoSOaD1pHAu0v7QwayfHS7Oo5wlXx8VSMDkELHkO



    12th OF SIGISMOND’S END, 1962 AST










    It was a most somber night, the stars were shining yet their streaking light was most wan in the eyes of Adelheid, such was the phenomenon she most witnessed of late- for some years now in fact. Her life had been a disappointment in a number of aspects, stemming from the man she married, Emilio the Roach. Cursed be his name! His promises were what drew her in their more youthful years and yet few of them he ever fulfilled, had he forgotten? No, she was sure he was naught but a liar, a promise breaker. His promises were that of greatness… of retribution… and yet after all these years he was still nothing more than a petty baron with a palace in an elfen mosquito ridden swamp.


    She knew she had been a fool in believing in him, for he was a fool himself. All she had was the constant reminders she was in a foreign culture, few of her children had taken to her mother language of waldenian always speaking in the accursed Illatiano her husband Emilio the Roach so loved. How it wounded her so, and for such wounding she inflicted what she felt onto Emilio, often bruising his poor visage and features. How she grew to despise him, his penchant for digging ancient and useless artifacts from the ground, his bland diet of spaghetti and other variants of it, all of his ineptitudes! He wrought all her abuse upon himself, that much she swore to herself.





    It was a night like many other nights; but for Adelheid it was the night of her doom, whether she knew such or not, a specter loomed above her or perhaps it was a man? Truth be told one cannot be sure. It is said Emilio the Roach woke up late in the night, and saw his lady wife standing upon the railing of their room’s balcony just moments before she took the fateful step to her doom. Try as he might, he could not bring himself from his bed, he was still, his body would not respond to his thoughts, his thoughts to jump and save her did nothing, finding himself within a paralysis of slumber as she slipped and plunged into the night’s darkness, to her doom. 


    Such is only one retelling however, it was said that a servant down in the palazzo’s courtyard say they saw the arms of a dark figure push lady Adelheid, while others, specifically Emilio the Younger do indeed recollect seeing the Lady Adelheid ambling about as they went for a late night snack from the kitchen, lending credence to this being a woeful accident.






    It is a great sadness when a family must mourn one of its members, such is the case that has struck our dear and beloved house. The passing of my lady wife, Adelheid Mathilde Varoche née von Reuss, the woman I cared and loved most for has passed into the beyond, the Seven Skies, her grace forever lost to our family and great house. She and I had our great differences but I never believed them to be such an awful burden upon her, if only I had known… it is too late for that now. I will forever pray for her and cherish her memory. May the Creator save us all when our times come.









    Thanks to Illuminare for writing this for me! (Way to busy to try to write stuff right now)


    I loved playing Adelheid and enjoyed my time on LOTC so far. I've decided to take a break on the server for a while as I am getting my degree and need to focus on my requirements for that. My discord will always be open (might take me a little to respond) but otherwise I shall be back at another time!


  2. 8uIFgjwH-N9mB_S1CwLLHaM5KCKy__6Vsh7txeLIzAUACupzNJ51laG1bZTq3BoZSmRSOqe1Ch41IdIwicd9KaeXeP52VKb4L15sZFiRHfb-FFLIBPLacCKVIIokXnCalVhwGHktCuB5zWA7je1M-pw



    A portrait of the Baron of Montfort and his bride Clementine 




    Within moments after a man exceeds into adulthood, one is urged to seek out a wife. 


    House Temesch would like to announce the betrothal between Baron Anthony Temesch and Her Ladyship Clementine d’Arkent. This pair have been rather familiar with each other for nearly half a decade now and therefore shall wish to quickly be united in matrimony. The proposal was given within the audience of the Lady d’Arkent’s mother and eldest brother. 



    T I M E T A B L E



    All guests are instructed to meet upon the square of Fredericksburg; the town held upon by House Stassion- where they shall be instructed the chapel. The procession shall occur once everyone has settled within. Both the bride and groom shall be guided to their places so the ceremony can commence. 


    1. THE FEAST

    Following the exchanging of vows, House Stassion has graciously allowed House Temesch to hold festivities within their home and to indulge in a multitude of drinking festivities. With a bard invited from across the realms, guests will be gifted with their own bottles of wine and may promenade and dine to their heart’s content. 





    The House of Temesch 

    The House of d’Arkent

    The House of Stassion 

    His Lordship, Henrik Amador and his noble pedigree

    His Highness, Heinrich von Alstriem and his noble pedigree 

    Her Ladyship, Katrin Stafyr, Baroness of Thurant and her noble pedigree 




    His Royal Majesty, Adrian, King of The Kingdom of Balian and his noble pedigree

    His Royal Majesty, Edmund I, King of The Kingdom of Aaun and his noble pedigree

    His Royal Majesty, King Aleksandr II of The Kingdom of Haense and his noble pedigree 


    Peers and citizens of the Kingdom of Aaun




    This event shall be held in the Stassion Chapel at 5:30pm EST THIS SUNDAY 11/5/23



    S I G N E D  B Y 


    HIS LORDSHIP, Anthony Marcellus Temesch

    Baron of Montfort, Patriarch of House Temesch


    HER LADYSHIP, Clementine Francisca d’Arkent 


  3. kfVG9yqP4oyC9D0wNhAuPxBrgbhhD8efIJgMN_sg9SPBF5tTf5F15yTda0-CC7Vgl9IvSaW96PYKEc1cUBuTHkTDu5mPDBYkVEW6vpE54Upp8Yz1WYj2J9eJQOaAZH4TFoA_z-gCAMzVT_OeE0OXFsFuUb4iQo8jbQQKEIQN9HhPlHNvYxpZvHVgAh5o3g



    17th of Owyn's Flame
    In the year of our Lord, 1949


    After a meeting with Her Royal Majesty, Catherine I of The Petra, and  her Regent,  Konstantin von Theonus, House Temesch & The Crown has regrettably come to the decision that our paths shall no longer align. Our relationship as House and Royal Crown has grown strained. Due to unforeseen reasons, The House of Temesch et Resmore shall no longer prosper under the Petrine Crown. 


    Although the Crown shares blood and we proudly claim them as our Kin, this circumstance shall not cause us to have any ill opinions towards the Petrine Crown or the Commonwealth of Petra entirely. We commend and applaud the new reigning Queen Catherine I upon her newfound regency and wish her the best. However, we shall not take another further part in her reign. 


    This decree was finalized and made by the Current reigning Patriarch of Temesch



    S I G N E D, 


    Anthony Marcellus Temesch, 

    Patriarch of House Temesch et Resmore

  4. Once again, it would seem a missive fell into the hands of Anthony Temesch; the current Viscount of Mies. "Don't they have something better to do with their lives? Perhaps even I don't know.  .  . handling their own household?" The Viscount seemed rather annoyed that there were continuous announcements over this household. "I've never heard of a Roa anyways- Perhaps this is simply a stunt for their own publicity. A shame really. Anthony soon balled the missive, tossing it into the flames with the rest of the ignorant papers he's received over the years.

  5. The Viscount of Mies; eldest nephew of the late William Temesch frowned upon the news concerning the events. It was meant to be a mere introduction of households and instead took the life of a dear kin of his. A letter should arrive to House Amador concerning the events and further information shall be beckoned. Anthony would share the missive with his fellow siblings- noting that his last surviving uncle was now dead.

  6. PHlnjvxI3K6GdmjqAK4B9-u9lv3sB5bnTnA7JeoaXoeuk7J5v3KVZNznJRwz28gpmAXRfvjEm7czoJEKEIgPBPoG2UwvvztsUUaMxj2UpxIJD5w868vAdxLFiumnDrOdaJBrV-Dx17nF4HG7f-CNV30


    The Celebration of a Viscount


    As children we look forward to Coming Of Age, in our minds, it seems there is so much more we shall be able to do once we have. Though that curiosity as to the things we can do eventually does wear off as we grow old, we cling onto that feeling of curiosity and imaginative state of mind to keep that childlike breeze flowing within our thoughts.

    Our minds are uninformed of the true meaning of Adulthood as we’re glancing into the world of Adults. With a Red Hue, the gloss of childhood, as this hue begins to fade we realize we aren’t
    ready to Come of Age yet. We shall never truly be ready, but it's not possible to turn back time and 'prepare yourself'. Instead, we must trudge head first and grow to enjoy it.

    With that being said, Viscount of Mies, Anthony Marcellus Temesch, has been honored to see his eighteenth Name Day. The theme is Gems of the Season, dress as your favorite jewel as well as incorporate it into your ensemble. We shall all relive our childhood memories as he takes his place within the Court fulfilling his role as Viscount of Mies. Suitresses are more than welcome to this event to speak with the Viscount. Specific Invitations will be sent out to those who are deemed close to the Viscount.





    As we open our party welcoming our guests, there will be an opening speech from his household, welcoming their brother into Coming Of Age, and Adulthood. As well as a minor feast the food prepared in celebration of the Viscount, all being his favorites and traditional Temesch dishes. Soon enough the music shall begin to ring about the corridors of the palace, indicating the dancing shall commence. The Viscount shall offer one person a Dance, this person shall be quite special to him someone he considers important to him. Only after that person has danced with him, may he be offered a dance from Guests or Ladies.



    As the music begins to die, we shall move to the more Physical portion of our celebration. The guests shall be ushered out and those who wish to participate in the Hunting and Archery Competition are more than welcome. Drinks and Pastries shall be served to those who'd rather watch the competition than participate. Bets may be placed on participants who they think shall win.


    After our bets have been placed and won.. or lost, the final event of the night begins to settle in. The Viscount shall go through a 'Test of Courage' proving he can withstand Adulthood and is ready to move on in life. Past his childlike past, and grow into a fine Gentlemen.After he tested his courage, he finished with ease. The presents brought in honor of his Coming of Age shall be presented to him. One by One he shall accept the gifts bestowed upon him by the Guests.





    Her Royal Majesty, Renilde I, by the Grace of God, Queen of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty
    Her Royal Highness, Catherine Arabella of the Petra, the Archduchess of Vallagne,
    Princess-Royal of the Petra, Protector of Dogs
    The Honorable, Viktoria Helena af Brasca, Baroness-Consort of Brasca

    Her Ladyship, Adelheid Klara 

    Her Ladyship, Katharina von Reuss

    Her Ladyship, Ipera Galbraith

    His Lordship, Octavian Tiber




    His Royal Majesty, Adrian, King of Balian and his Noble Pedigree
    Her Royal Majesty, Renilde I of the Kingdom of Petra and her Noble Pedigree

    His Royal Majesty, Aleksander II of Haense and his Noble Pedigree 

    His Royal Majesty, Edmund II of The Kingdom of Aaun and his noble pedigree.

    Captain-General of Veletz, Sir Gaspard van Aert, and his respective denizens






    This event shall be held TUESDAY 10-17-23 at 5:30pm EST at the Wittenbach Keep in Petra

    Coords: x 1278  z  30

    We ask that you abide by the dress code: Gems

    Also, this event is a surprise to the Viscount IRP- please don’t tell.


    Thanks to Sanriu and Kai for writing



    Her Ladyship, Clementine Francisca D’Arkent
    Ward of the Majordomo of Clementine Court

    The Honourable, Adrian Godfrey Temesch

    Deputy-Orateur of the Garmont Assembly

    Her Ladyship, Marilyn Temesch

  7. sPLeiv8qqYVktBY3fReTlspNyW_FaO--DvZ26Gxb1Ux5KAf9VdtXqmxUT20N_FLnmfT3fTRBE5gj4-F1TBNSMjD7UWal_vGcBmEfAAr4uQdmspaCnVSTfnIBmGfpn-PJNfImX6Qza7I_lWYPuJnVW9A



    Penned and Issued by 


    14th OF HOREN’S CALLING, 1946 IST



    Through a seemingly difficult time for House Varoche in adapting itself to a marshy environment, a grand palace has been established, built upon wooden piles deep within the marshy earth. And in such time the Lord of Varoche found himself married joyously to Adelheid von Reuss. Unexpectedly however, the birth of two twin roaches have occurred, the Lady of Varoche’s pregnancy seeming to not be one in which it revealed itself until the very last few days before the birth of the two children, a rare occurrence if not almost an unheard of one. Certainly a most pleasant surprise to say the least. The newborns shall be graced with the following names.


    Emilio Pasquale Varoche 


    Marietta Sofia Varoche 


    In order to allow complete focus on the mother and newborns’ health, festivities for their arrival shall be pushed onto a later date. The household asks that all send word for their blessings as the medics pay close attention to the well-being of them all. 


    S I G N E D,


    HIS LORDSHIP, Emilio Sigismondo Varoche,

    Baron of Napoliza


    HER LADYSHIP, Adelheid Mathilde Varoche,

    Baroness consort of Napoliza



  8. ag34pQJAK8tdMwwbcoslRmQG6kKGWSK8pGLMjDC51R0yoDdBgIWR72sKyHt-e_85JAwHfG416OjEIjmmx8Yvt5HKUharSqNjYPvVsd8Id3tM0vTgOCcRY2V82yitBpB_vHs4oQbQwb4A3QHTr4x8rHo




    Penned and Issued by 

    Adelheid Mathilde Varoche

    23rd OF SIGISMUND’S  END, 1943 IST



    Let it be known across the human realms that House Varoche has a new matriarch and while she is eager to begin her responsibilities, she would first like to extend an invitation of wardship to all the young noble ladies with exceptional talents. 


    I am seeking those interested in grasping and training for the fundamental life of nobility; and the power in which a woman may hold in court. Needless to say, I do not wish to take in someone who merely wishes to wear a pretty dress and parade around our gracious kingdom. As my ward, you shall need to possess talent. Whether that is for the arts, or event planning, or even something as simple as baking. It is quite important that you acquire and showcase your interests so that I may truly assist you in becoming the best woman you may be. 




    Becoming a ward of any noble is not an easy feat. Therefore, the Baroness has a few duties and expectations that she hopes to instill in the young women she takes in.


    The Baroness oversees many of the festivities that occur at Napoliza. Therefore, her wards are expected to assist in either the planning or overseeing of the events. 

    Lady Adelheid is particularly fond of the gardens within the Napoliza courtyard, therefore she may ask for your assistance in tending to the plants and pulling out any dreadful weeds that could contaminate the lush garden. 

    When the young ladies come of age, the Baroness would wish to speak with the ward’s household in hopes of coordinating a celebration in their honor where she shall showcase their learnings as well as talents to all of the Aaunic court. 



    With undertaking hard work and dedication of your learning, there will be some additional options which may prove as a benefit to the wards. Such would include: 


    Explorations of the other human realms are quite common as the Baroness has connections and friends from all over. She believes that each of her wards should be given the opportunity to safely travel and create fundamental relationships with those not of their own kingdom. 

    Housing shall be provided within the walls of Napoliza to each individual gifted with warding under Lady Adelheid. 

    By warding beneath the Baroness, the children not only learn about their own talents and how to exceed in the life of court, but they will also be able to experience first hand the italian culture within the walls of Napoliza. They shall learn the history and even undergo some of the traditions. 


    Let it be known that the Baroness shall only be taking in three wards at a time with the age ranging from five- seventeen, therefore not allowing herself to be spread thin and to create bonds between each of the young ladies. It would be highly appreciated if the ladies could provide a showcase of their talents upon meeting the Baroness. If you are interested, a bird should be sent to Lady Adelheid Mathilde Varoche for further instructions and information. 


    She hopes to hear from you all soon. 



    OOC Contact Information

    RP Name: Adelheid Mathilde Varoche

    IGN: Cubicitas

    Discord: Cubicitas 

    Feel free to message me or send a letter if you need any more information or have questions!




    HER LADYSHIP, Adelheid Mathilde Varoche, 

    Baroness-consort of Napoliza


  9. Cousin Laurens,


    ” It is unfortunate that we must speak on these terms, though I hold no ill will towards you, or any other member of the House Halcourt. I was reached out upon by the Lord af Brasca and after listening to his claims, I deemed appropriate to sign upon, though I shall do no more than such. It is insulting that you seek to tarnish the reputation in which I held both in Petra and the household. Though I have always loved my realm, my duty first comes to my wife and my children. Therefore I go where she goes. My time as Castellan has certainly proven my worth and diligence to the household and therefore it is unfortunate, but you have no right to insult my name. If anything, I am a true husband, and a true Father; something that each house shit hold dearly to them. Whatever shall be going on back in Petra, I wish you the best. I hold no loyalty to either side and therefore will do my best to remain neutral. If the Lord af Brasca speaks truth, then I hope you the best and shall pray for the House Halcourt’s continuance in hopes for the newer generations. Please do what is best for your home and your children and grandchildren.”


    Still with love,


  10. z9QDO7FzQ0iF3dUWLXTzV6tWum7MpnX3Ni2KKQ_e_Ua0ZMaKc2y72jfX_6jy21STHBsm7OrttGU61QVsFjdHJarEuhHSOsvSW0lpoAFNbzLaPi5zIZNrB9Rw_bOZkkvywzMxF515ln0Nt3mImR2_x5Q



    Written under the purview of;




    It is with great joy that we announce the betrothal between Lady Adelheid Mathilde von Reuss and Lord Emilio Sigismondo Varoche. Shortly after Adelheid’s wardship came to term, her brother Siegmund deemed it time to find her a proper match. Through much determination and searching, the Markgraf von Velen sought of Lord Emilio; a gentleman and baron worthy of the Lady von Reuss’ hand in marriage. 


    Now that Adelheid’s debut came to term and the Baron of Napoliza finally given land, he’d publicly asked for her hand, where the von Reuss graciously accepted. To celebrate this engagement, the couple have planned a small but intimate reception at Napoliza; the future home of the bride and groom.




    The ceremony shall begin with the flower bearers throwing roses to mark the entrance of the couple within the Chapel of Saint Publius. A prayer shall be intoned to Saint Publius the Shrewd to give good luck and fortune to the union. Then follows the oaths of the two and they shall be wedded. After the Lady Adelheid shall throw her new husband into the shallow river of the Waterland, to humble Lord Emilio and make him recall where all come from. With such done, festivities shall commence!



    Shortly after the ceremony has concluded, guests shall be directed right down the hall to Napoliza’s feasting hall to indulge in the household’s most famous Roach Red wine and a wide display of velenic cuisine from the bride’s home. The couple shall make way to each guest in hopes of receiving any gifts and prayers for them both. 



    With the newly constructed estate, the Baron invites all guests to partake in a tour of the land including their most extravagant gardens.




    This event will be held at the Napoliza Estate in Aaun (X: 3428 Z: -114:) THIS FRIDAY at 5:30pm EST




    House Varoche

    House Reuss

    His Eulership, Stefan Euler, Baron of Eulerberg and his esteemed Eulers

    His Lordship, Leopold Haverlock, Count of Talentine and his noble stock

    House Alstriem

    Citizens of Virdain


    His Royal Majesty, Edmund II, King of Aaun and his royal pedigree
    His Serene Highness, Ferdinand Barclay, Grand Prince of Minitz and his noble pedigree

    His Highness, Heinrich II von Alstreim, Prince of Merryweather and his noble pedigree
    His Highness, Gawyn Tiber, Prince of Beaufort and his noble pedigree

    His Royal Highness, Richard Stassion, Margrave of Stassion and his noble pedigree

    His Lordship, Louis de Rosius, Margrave of Haute-Epine and his noble pedigree

    His Lordship, Konstantin von Augusten, Count of Hohengarten and his noble pedigree
    His Lordship, Emilio Varoche, Count of Varoche and his noble pedigree

    His Lordship, Louis Haverlock, Count of Talentine and his noble pedigree

    His Lordship, Fernand de Lewes, Baron of Virdain and his noble pedigree




    HIS LORDSHIP, Emilio Sigismondo Varoche 

    Baron of Napoliza, Lord of Cors-Suticae


    HER LADYSHIP, Adelheid Mathilde von Reuss

  11. fourth-reign-personal-use-only-border-di




    It is with great pride and joy that House von Reuss invites the courtiers of The Clementine Court and grand citizens to celebrate the debut of their eldest daughter Lady Adelheid Mathilde von Reuss. In regards to Velenic tradition, the festivities shall be held at the Whitespire fairgrounds and shall be most grand and wondrous in their scale. They shall include the presentation of the illustrious Lady von Reuss to all gathered in attendance in full Velenic dress and fashion, unveiled in a shower of roses. 


    After all shall congregate about a glorious bonfire, with drink aplenty to fill the belly and sate the wanting of a hundred men. Lady von Reuss shall regale everyone with tales of her youth, a great adventure or grievous misadventure of her choice.


    Once the fire dulls and subsides, the festivities are to have a great feast of the Velenic sort rarely seen within Whitespire. It shall begin with a toast from Lady von Reuss to all with Velenic Currant Mead, and then a great thoroughly spiced meatloaf shall be presented upon each table alongside Velenic long-necked geese marinated in butter and garlic, and a side of Reuss sprouts. Along with the feast there shall be a sausage eating contest, with the winner acquiring 50 mina.


    T I M E T A B L E


    I. Presentation of the Eldest Velenic Daughter 

    In the absence of Adelheid’s parents, Her Royal Majesty, Queen Amaya of Venzia and The Queen Mother, Adela of High Peak shall present her to the guests and speak of her childhood and joyful moments with her.


    II. A Velenic Bonfire 

    Per the traditions of House von Reuss, the debut shall be partaken in the midst of a bonfire. This bonfire shall be the centerpiece for a nocturnal spectacle and allow an overwhelming sense of enjoyment for all those who attend. 


    III. The Feast 

    As the flames settle and the sun begins to rise, guests will served outside the fairgrounds to indulge in a feast featuring the classic Velenic cuisine. 





    House von Reuss

    Lady Marlene Alstreim 

    Lady Manon Yvaine 

    Lord Alfred Konstanz, Baron of Sigradz

    Lord Emilio Varoche 

    Her Royal Majesty, Queen Amaya 

    Prince Paul of the Petra



    His Royal Majesty, Edmund II, King of Aaun and his royal pedigree 

    His Serene Highness, Ferdinand Barclay, Grand Prince of Minitz and his noble pedigree 

    His Highness, Heinrich II von Alstreim, Prince of Merryweather and his noble pedigree

    His Highness, Gawyn Tiber, Prince of Beaufort and his noble pedigree


    His Royal Highness, Richard Stassion, Margrave of Stassion and his noble pedigree


    His Lordship, Louis de Rosius, Margrave of Haute-Epine and his noble pedigree


    His Lordship, Konstantin von Augusten, Count of Hohengarten and his noble pedigree

    His Lordship, Emilio Varoche, Count of Varoche and his noble pedigree


    His Lordship, Leopold Haverlock, Count of Talentine and his noble pedigree


    His Lordship, Fernand de Lewes, Baron of Virdain and his noble pedigree


    and those of Petra, Aaun, and Haense of good standing.





    Quick thanks to @Illumimattiefor helping write the post


    This event will be held this SUNDAY at 4pm EST at the fairgrounds in Aaun



    Her Ladyship, Adelheid Mathilde von Reuss


  12. "Ich must make sure Siegmund doesn't make a fool of himself..." Adelheid Mathilde von Reuss; Siegmund's eldest sister quickly began to assist her brother's preparations, praying that he won't mess anything up. "Marlene shall surely be the most beautiful bride."

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