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Posts posted by xMuted

  1. 13 hours ago, Smmer said:


    Not to us, not to the people who wasted hours out of their free time to fight. Hours wasted for grinding, hours spent on a game meant to be fair for all. It wasn’t, I said this war would end badly and like always i’m right. You’re lucky this didn’t turn into Acre v Oren, it was close to infact it did to a certain extent. How impossible is it for staff to realize immediate intervention is more important than broken now fix later. You weren’t involved in the war, you don’t know how many people set round the clock timers to grind resources for a war that was unfair. Disappointing to see you admit this was an april fools. When evidence says otherwise, we had no one supporting us why is that? Why was our group villainized to the extremes that they were for what? for rp consequences? Seriously, I don’t understand how neglectful the people meant to run the server actually are, projects delayed, codes meant to be implemented don’t get added instead we get slice of life gui menus and fishing, this isn’t how you promote retention, this isn’t how you grow the server it’s how you stagnate it. Don’t turn into alex where all you respond when someone gives you critism or a critique with “cope” this war could’ve been fun but instead it ended with severed friendships which could’ve been avoided. 

    this can be made into a funny discord gif

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Hou-zi (Laobai-Zhu)


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Hou-Zi, an uplifted species of primates bestowed with intelligence and enhanced physical attributes by the now-deceased Daemon, Metztli, once flourished on the Aos continent of Axios, particularly on the isle of Asul. However, following a cultural decline, they have dispersed across the Material Plane through various means, predominantly originating from the province of Cathant in Ai-Zho or Aeldin.

    Today, the Hou-Zi remnants are predominantly categorized into three distinct sub-races: the Fei-Zhu, the Laobai-Zhu, and the Zhihui-Zhu. Each of these sub-races exhibits unique physical characteristics, markings, and temperaments, reflecting their diverse cultural backgrounds and evolutionary paths.

    The Laobai-Zhu, the original subrace of the intelligent primates known as Hou-Zi, are commonly likened to common monkeys, with brown and black fur and a height between 3 to 5 feet. They possess remarkable hand dexterity and adaptability to their environment. Mentally, they are highly social, energetic, curious, and mischievous, often finding fulfillment as merchants or adventurous wanderers.

    Hou-Zi possess extraordinary physical abilities inherited from their primate ancestors and further enhanced by Metztli's intervention. They have an incredibly strong grip, making it nearly impossible to disarm them.

    They are skilled at clinging to ledges, holding onto weapons, and restraining prey. Their superb balance, developed from their tree-swinging abilities, allows them to remain stable even in precarious situations, aided by their tails. Additionally, their primate dexterity enables them to perform tasks using their feet and tail, granting them the ability to multitask effectively outside of combat.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    A 4'2 tall Laobai-Zhu with a slender build and a standard brown coat of fur. Has a large crown to indicate his royalty.

    image.png?ex=6605b0ff&is=65f33bff&hm=a93be5edc223829e06b33ffb57bd380d1b3dc1c607058ec31affc9d05bd275c6&    screenshot-1710694227021.png?ex=6609945c&is=65f71f5c&hm=7f7cffc4f7fc3dec9399d4cdb1bc9467bb2842a20d6e033cf210036c6499b831&=


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. 1 hour ago, Reckless Banzai Screamer said:



    I used to love using Burst Body it was incredibly OP if you were a solo templar and being 2 turns it was one of the quicker methods of blinding people and especially useful if you were being ganked. But it was very broken and probably not all that fair to those on the receiving end. I wouldn't be mad if we went back to 2 emotes since it's no skin off me but a 10 to 8 meter distance change is barely a balance for cutting a emote count down. How i'd want to improve the spell if anything would be removing the first emote's need to brace one's self so the templar can move fluidly 4 blocks while preparing fervent flare to avoid being attacked before you finish casting.


    It really wasn't that OP, and if someone sees it once they know the tell for the rest of their life anyways.


    Three emotes for this spell is just way too long for any use compared to other options.


    Never once did I hear anyone complain about Burst Body as it was, and I wasn't sure why ur was changed. With this three emote version I haven't seen it used once in combat since it's criminally underpowered.


    Two emotes for a flashbang is fine, there's plenty counter play to it before you get blinded and even if you get blinded.


    Three emotes for something a person can counter by closing their eyes is silly.



    When surrounded by enemies, or perhaps seeking to disrupt wicked sorceries, a Templar may set ablaze the courageous aura that swells within them and expel it outwards with a blinding flash. A vibrant white will overwhelm the sight of those who bear witness, and those deceitful foes who would hide within the realm of shadows are forced to manifest.





    Fervent Flare requires [3] Emotes to cast: The First to brace one’s body in a stiff position, the Second to manifest a courageous, wispy white aura about their person, and the Third to expel said aura within a [10] block radius. This spell may be cast a maximum of TWICE per combat scenario.


    Victims who gaze upon the expelled flare will be endowed with blindness for [2] emotes. The First emote would be a complete blindness as one’s vision becomes overwhelmed with a white radiance. The Second emote following would be akin to a partial haze as their vision begins to recover, with rough shapes being visible.


    Invisible entities such as Ghosts, Corcitura, ETC. would be forced to manifest and become visible should they find themselves within range of the Fervent Flare. Too would Deadbreath be made transparent within a [4] Block radius for the duration [5] Emotes; it is noted that should a Templar be T4 or higher, the Deadbreath will dissipate completely within the allotted radius.



    • Fervent Flare does NOT affect those who divert their head or close their eyes. A Templar must close their eyes in order to remain unaffected by their own spell.

    • Fervent Flare’s radius is a maximum of TEN BLOCKS from where the Templar is standing when expelled.

    • Fervent Flare’s effects are momentary, and last only several narrative seconds when exposed. This is to say that there is no long-term visual damage.

    • Fervent Flare is incapable of affecting Seers and the blind.

    • Fervent Flare is incapable of affecting Illusions.

    • Fervent Flare will render invisible entities visible to the naked eye. This said, Fervent Flare cannot be used to check for Ghosts unless there exists a reasonable explanation for a Templar to be suspicious.

    • Dark Hazes originating from Dark Magic, such as Deadbreath, would be made more transparent as a result of Fervent Flare for the duration of 5 emotes and in a 4 Block radius. This is to say that only visibility will drastically improve, but other debilitating effects of the Dark Haze may still affect a Templar. This does NOT apply to Smoke Whispers or Voidal Obsurcants.





    Fervent Flare requires [2] Emotes to cast: The First to brace one’s body in a stiff position, and to manifest a courageous, wispy white aura about their person, and the Second to expel said aura within a [8] block radius. This spell may be cast a maximum of TWICE per combat scenario.


    Victims who gaze upon the expelled flare will be endowed with blindness for [2] emotes. The First emote would be a complete blindness as one’s vision becomes overwhelmed with a white radiance. The Second emote following would be akin to a partial haze as their vision begins to recover, with rough shapes being visible.


    Invisible entities such as Ghosts, Corcitura, ETC. would be forced to manifest and become visible should they find themselves within range of the Fervent Flare. Too would Deadbreath be made transparent within a [4] Block radius for the duration [5] Emotes; it is noted that should a Templar be T4 or higher, the Deadbreath will dissipate completely within the allotted radius.



    • Fervent Flare does NOT affect those who divert their head or close their eyes. A Templar must close their eyes in order to remain unaffected by their own spell.

    Fervent Flare’s radius is a maximum of EIGHT BLOCKS from where the Templar is standing when expelled.

    • Fervent Flare’s effects are momentary, and last only several narrative seconds when exposed. This is to say that there is no long-term visual damage.

    • Fervent Flare is incapable of affecting Seers and the blind.

    • Fervent Flare is incapable of affecting Illusions.

    • Fervent Flare will render invisible entities visible to the naked eye. This said, Fervent Flare cannot be used to check for Ghosts unless there exists a reasonable explanation for a Templar to be suspicious.

    • Dark Hazes originating from Dark Magic, such as Deadbreath, would be made more transparent as a result of Fervent Flare for the duration of 5 emotes and in a 4 Block radius. This is to say that only visibility will drastically improve, but other debilitating effects of the Dark Haze may still affect a Templar. This does NOT apply to Smoke Whispers or Voidal Obsurcants.

    The rationale behind this change is that the current [3] emote count of Fervent Flare doesn't stack up against our other spells, and is very underwhelming compared to those other options. I personally did not see anything wrong with the old version under the name 'Burst Body' but I can understand the rationale of it being a bit too oppresive against concentration based casting magics. 

    To tune it down from the old version, I have changed the effective range of the spell to [8] blocks so that casters can still be a safe distance away from a Templar to not get their concentration broken whilst making Fervent Flare more useful in situations where Templars are in a melee range with their opponent. 

    Currently, the [3] emote counts of our other offensive options are quite useless in CRP once the combat has started, since it can be easily disrupted when in melee combat. Giving Templars this [2] emote version of Burst Body back with a range nerf is a healthy balance of not being too strong whilst still being fast, but disruptable and giving us an option other then the normal melee combat that everyone has access to.

  5. This whole thread is a massive 'what if' nothing burger that briefly turned into high elf nazi discussion??


    This feels like alot of people getting angry at canonist rpers for something they don't even do.


    Shouting at them for a possibility they do stuff which they don't.


    I haven't seen anyone genuinally experiencing 'homophobia' rp ever

  6. are people genuinally scared of using the modteam to help them when they feel uncomfortable with certain roleplay


    And are they too scared of people who are blatantly breaking the rule about homophobia 


    if people reported this surely it would be no issue


    i dont see a massive problem with the way the rule currently is and neither have I ever seen any blatant homophobia rp 

  7. 12 hours ago, Minuvas said:



    This is the only mobility ability skillset for a player archetype that requires space and mobility to employ it's skills with limited or no ability to counter close combat other than being a scion.


    Every other mainline magic has the ability to be disconnected and still fight, not voidal. Without distance, and the ability for limited mobility generation, you're seriously crippling a mage. The nerfs ro distance don't allow escape from an encounter, arguably it's primary function. Mounted goon will run you down in 3 turns. 

    the entire point of being mounted on cavalry is to pick off people who are ranged and thus less inclined towards melee combat.

    you are trying to justify not changing something because the counter would actually counter.

    this is like saying someone in plate should be buffed towards voidal mages because it's their main counter.

    3 turns for a dude on a horse to reach you is still a lot of time, the current skillset for Translocationists if this was changed just forces you to play a bit smarter instead of being able to fall back on the 'insta tp' and 'i tp across the entire battlefield when u finally reach me' crutches all the time.

    deal with it.

  8. veyLbv2eU0pvmzjZA42DYNjKmoU8UrCF3GP70sW0tiJ5-Rl3eHYTFDpt7lGpHtYUz0O_JZSxCoYVmjtFKr_0I4h1XTywDpymuSBWXxOYMRmtU_xAn6opA-CT84JX7j41hGWiVbT7Yx8YNwdLsZLDQnk


    Year 167 of the Second Age




    ᚨᚾ ᚨᛊᚲᛖᚾᛊᛟᚾ ᛟᚠ ᚠᚨᛁᚦ

    ᚨᚾ ᚨᛊᚲᛖᚾᛊᛟᚾ ᛟᚠ ᚠᚨᛁᚦ



    ᛁᛟᚦ ᛒᚱᚨᚦᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ ᚾᚨ ᛁᛟᚦ ᚢᚱᚷᚢᚨᚾ 




    The Throne Room of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan was filled to the brim with the most Theologically adept minds of Urguan


    The Dwarves of Urguan gathered in full within the packed room of Kings. The sounds of extensive debate, argument and negotiation could be heard from outside the palace. The call to faith had been answered as the several Cults and Sects of the Brathmordakin gathered  as one. 


    The disintegration of the title of High Prophet held by the previous High Prophet Alaric Grimgold, and the decentralization of the clergy as per the command of Grand King Sigrun ‘UndeadSlayer’ Stonehammer and his council, had resulted in the necessity of this meeting of the Dwarves of Urguan. The voices of the King and the most fanatical and pious of Dwedmar mingled in discussion of the future of Da kirkja Dverga and how it should function within the Grand Kingdom of Urguan to prosper and succeed in its most holy mission.


    The discussion turned to the recently inactive Prophets of Grimdugan and Belka, and the reliance of active Prophets for the clergy to function as an entity. From this Call to Faith, the following have been raised to electors of Da Kirkja Verga:


    Grand King Sigrun Stonehammer ‘The Living Hero of Dungrimm’, 


    High Reckoner Jorvin Starbreaker ‘The Living Hero of Dungrimm’,


     Thazzaer Grandaxe ‘The Priest of Yemekar’,


     Thromdrick Irongut ‘The Priest of Ogradhad’ 


    Alaric Grimgold ‘Prophet of Dungrimm


     The Green Priest ‘Acting Priest of Anbella


    The final topic was the position of High Prophet and the necessity of a head of Clergy. After a brief electoral vote by the clergy electors. An unanimous discussion was reached upon who will take over the essential mantle of ambassador of the Dwarven faith:


    Thazzaer Grandaxe ‘The Prophet of Yemekar’ shall ascend to the role and title of ‘High Prophet.’







    Sigrun ‘Undeadslayer’ Stonehammer
    Grand King of Urguan,
    Clan Father of The Stonehammers, 

    Priest of Dungrimm,  Hero of Dungrimm,

    Three-Time Grand Champion of Urguan



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