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Posts posted by Turbo_Dog

  1. The Ratchemist (Rat alchemist) Spuds looks on at the note as he sat on his dragon-like horde. He dug around as he pulled out a mason jar and a few herbs that he examined “Yep.” The musin comments “It’s time to get back on the road to Balian and bring out the big one.” With that comment made he set the needed items aside and went back to basking on a high pile of possessions 

  2. Daal obnoxiously snores on the open window. The smell of blood drifting through the air and hitting his nose like a freshly baked pie. He was lured down the stairs in a sleep driven hunger before realizing where he was and bolting out and leaping out the open window he slept in seconds prior 


  3. Spuds lounged about in his home. Five hundred mina less in his pockets as he grumbled in disappointment at his loss. “I’ll have to make that back up somehow. I wonder what is in that charming little home I saw a down the mountain.” He took one of his hairpin lock picks and fiddled with it as he pondered alone “Decision, decisions, decisions. But hey at least that is out of the way. Leaves one less problem.”

  4. Daal looked about the latest news missive, at his two mismatched eyes set on his opposition he sighed “Little flesh thing is moving past. What does me do do now?” He exhaled a gout of ash and smoke like a cigar and slumped against a wall “My favorite toy play thing moved on.”

  5. 4 hours ago, Samler said:

    Can't Skin Alteration potion not already do this?

    I’m not sure. I didn’t read that prior. I’ll read it now


    edit: it does not do that at all. It just changes your skin color and pattern 

  6. Snake Skin Salve (Common | Tier 2)




    The discovery of Snake Skins Salve has been the handy work of a elven tattoo artist for the purpose of fixing and removing their errors in their ink works. This intermediate product of alchemy takes the form of a thin topical cream that is clear.



    Base: Aqua Vitae
    Mundane: Separation x2

    Mundane: Purity x1

    Aether: Endurance x1




    The alchemy must start by extracting all necessary symbols in their respective processes. When all symbols have been properly extracted they would be added to the base. From there the alchemist must gently stir the mixture and over the course of 1 narrative minutes (2 emotes) it would take a new texture and thickness into a thin, clear cream. A single creation of this is enough that if all the cream is used it would cover a whole limb.



    When applied to a patch of skin the cream would start to take effect the same emote it was applied. Over the course of (3) emotes the effects would take hold with the first emote the skin feeling itchy, dry and a tingling sensation on the applied area. The second emote, any deeper lying ink would rise up to the surface and blot with the surface level ink. The third and final emote the skin where the ink was applied to would peel off and fall off the recipient, the ink blot still on the stray skin. It will not take more than the necessary surface layer and would not harm the recipient during the process. The skin would be tender in that area and the effects would not inhibit combat. This is the same effects and process for the usage and removal of redstone tattoos as well. Should one have second thoughts about applying this it can be cleansed off with the use of water or wiping it off with cloth or any other available means.




    - Can not regrow missing skin 

    - Only works when applied to a area on the skin that has a form of tattoo on it such

    - Will not cure the weakness causes by red stone tattoos 

    - Digesting it is not harmful 

    - All skin taken by the potion's application will be negligible in damage, and would only shed the exterior layer of skin in a non-harmful manner.

    - Not detrimental to the combative capability of a recipient 

    -Common recipe

    - Does not require ST signature

    - Does not require ooc consent to use on another recipient

    - Will not effect the skin of any who possesses a MA/FA/CA that’s skin can not be changed. 
    - Can not take away magically applied tattoos and brands

  7. “WHAT THE DEVILS?” Exclaimed Spuds as he sat on his horde of goodies “I need to get this done now and done fast!” He slid off his pile as he ran off

  8. Spuds with his keen musin ears caught wind of these rumors, an unquenchable urge of chasing all that glimmers would trouble his mind like a rope being tugged constantly. With treasure on his mind and rumor in his ear he then set off to look about town square to ask questions to the local ‘ker and any of those like minded or simply curious 

  9. 20 hours ago, Punished_Pup said:


    The Illithids are powerful physic entities that lurk in the void, they seek to break free via way of their firstborn's afflicted people that have been turned into them via way of Cognito hazards as well as forceable infection via another illithid. Their society is fairly monarch-like and militaristic with one Overmind Ruling all other sects of ilithids and several Ascended ones acting as his lutenists as well as his firstborns. Romance is encourages as it allows illithids to gain new knowledge.

    Thanks. I missed this actually 

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