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  1. *gazes at the poser with wide eyes gulping to the poster and quickly tearing it down* "damn you William you just killed all of your people"
  2. HalfElf


    Zykoria awoke dazed in her young years having been abandoned by her parents years ago she was left to the foster home within Norland, her father having dropped her off at his home caringly before he ran. She didnt blame her parents for leaving, they did so to protect her from those that might hunt the poor girl. Racism was everywhere but apparently in the norland it was less prominent. Therefore Zykoria was able to live out her child hood in peace. One day within her foster home having awoken to commotion she went outside to see what the fuss was about... there stood the king and queen of the land greeting all the foster children with sweets and toys, quickly Zykoria jumped into the mix happy to be apart of the frey of candy and wooden dolls. The king Edvardsson seemed to take an odd interest in her smiling down at the girl, she had fight, she had spirit. the girl however young he hoped she would not go down such a warriors path so soon, being of there culture most fought at young ages but young death was pointless. something so young as her deserved not such a fate. He smiled at her offering her a piece of candy personally and led her out to the courtyard to face the gigantic tree within there city, here he taught Zykoria a lesson taking it upon himselfer a to attempt to guide her "you see... this tree didnt always used to be here" he chuckled guiding the young girl along and sitting her on a bench outside the temple of the red faith "it used to be but a seed, a sapling to which after many years became what you see now." he paused wiggling the half elven ears of the girl which caused her to giggle and squirm away. "you are a half elf... living with both curses of two challenged races, yet you set an example as well. An example that love can truly be found anywhere." He chuckles ruffling her hair and kneeling down to be eye level with her "however things threaten our land... our tree and our love, one day you will grow big and strong and you will realize that all things need protecting and there are many ways to do so" he smiled picking her up to lead her back to the foster home "how would you like to come home with me? hmm? I could show you around the keep and teach you a few things, you can rest there for a bit and we can go from there yeah?" Zykoria of course squealed with glee saying yes 1000 times over, the king having not okayed this with his wife the queen quickly saw to that arrangements where met for the young girl where she would be raised and taught in hopes that in her coming future she would be ready for her trials ahead, many years later Zykoria still remembers the words of the king, he had not raised her but he gave the the best life she could have asked for and in return has turned her into a rather generous giving and selfless woman who spent most of her time teaching at the foster shelter for the homeless kids. Today however was a big day as she sighed up for her job to join the military of Norland to protect her home as the king had once taught her.
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