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Posts posted by JustAngel69

  1. 2 hours ago, cherrybud said:

    "Dear Gott" - "Johannes is finally getting married!" The groom's sister, Adelheid Klara, let up in a cheer before hastily jutting forth the invitation to her Husband, Philip @JustAngel69 "We must prepare gifts."

    Sir Philip furrowed his brow in surprise reading the missive for himself. "Wow... after all this time he's finally getting married. Good for him!"

  2. Someone is going to have to be the bad guy one of these days and go close these realms. 


    It has to be done.


    The best time to cut realm bloat is 10 months ago, the second best time is now. 

  3. "No....No." 


    Sir Philip remembered back to when he was a child first encountering Sir Ethan when he was but a noble boy of Petra, green and eager to see blood shed.


    "This will not do at all, you will be avenged my friend...." 


    The Knights voice trailed off as he marched off to find Sir Godric. 

  4. Full Name of Man - Philip Laurent Halcourt
    Date of Birth of Man - 1932


    Name of Woman - Adelheid Klara von Alstreim
    Date of Birth of Woman - 1933


    Location of Ceremony - Chapel of Our Lady Paradisus ; Aaun
    Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1956
    Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony -Bishop Leofric

  5. Modern Antiqua

    The Queen Who Fled


    Secret Tunnel Network' by Rastislav Kubovič | Secret tunnel, Ap studio art,  Image painting

    The Queen of Balian with her Royal Guardsmen fleeing into the many tunnels beneath the city,1957.




    In the land where Veletz's valour stands,
    Defending against Aevos, united bands.
    Men of courage, brave and true,
    Against the coalition, outnumbered, they slew.


    King Aleksandr, a tale of shame,
    The King Who Fled, left his soldiers in pain.
    Abandoned at Winburgh, he chose flight,
    Leaving his queen, in the League's firm grip tight.


    Queen Sybille of Balian, a queen untrue,
    Spreading lies, seeking Veletz's doom to pursue.
    Her city fell to the League's might,
    Yet she fled to tunnels, in the glaring daylight.


    The Queen Who Fled, in shadows concealed,
    Escaped to tunnels, her fate unsealed.
    Her people battled, their hearts in dismay,
    As she sought refuge, from the light of day.


    In the face of war, she cowered below,
    Leaving her citizens to the enemy's blow.
    In hidden passages, she sought reprieve,
    While her people fought valiantly, they grieve.


    Veletz, a beacon of strength and might,
    Facing the coalition, standing upright.
    Against cowardly leaders, they defend,
    In the face of falsehood, their honour they mend.


    In the annals of history, their tale is told,
    Of bravery and valour, steadfast and bold.
    The League of Veletz, in the defensive fight,
    Against the Queen Who Fled, in the tunnels' respite.


    By Sir Philip Laurent of Veletz




  6. Sir Philip scratched his head holding his helmet under his arm as he looked to Sir Ethan @Creator_Alan"I am confused Sir Ethan, they say we slaughtered children but - Did you not take it upon yourself to mentor one of the young Balianites? This is so very confusing, I think all the running has jumbled the queens thoughts." 


    Sir Philip pursed his lips. 


    "Tunnel air, that'll do it to ya." 

  7. Sir Philip read the letter atop his horse as he looked out over the roads ahead of him. He lifted his helmet from atop his head setting it down in his lap as his eyes tore across the page. "Grandfather no..." Was all he could muster out. His eyes looking up towards the sky. 


  8. z2nLrVwfZTfULCoSgR0Ojp-7MhbkyNWKSM94Jo4glfln16F_FJfC-svOVsqkzoiFsY2H9415rLOyBTjYhroD01sUi_2hWMZ-CvEZS2OVPwXwJMud7HyZ2q9CRpcixI4TBYXH19YqdF655SoMVi6nNIY


    1956 A.H.   



    First First in all Things


    The story of Philip and Adelheid began almost two decades ago when the two met as friends within a tourney at Stassion, linked together in common cause to find more friends to play with the pair set forth as best friends. A decade later the late Baron of Brasca, George Marc made a pact with Prince Heinrich Lothar of Merryweather to wed his cousin Philip to the eldest daughter of the Langkette Mountains, Adelheid.



    As the Heartlands braced themselves for the inevitable onset of war, many found themselves grieving and fearing for the safety of their cherished ones. Among them, Philip Laurent Halcourt and Adelheid Klara von Alstreim experienced the same sentiments. With not only the recent loss of the Prince of Merryweather, but also the sorrowful passing of the Baron, George af Brasca a few years prior, the duo discerned that there could be no more fitting moment than now to uphold the promise forged in their youth by their relatives - an arrangement that would bind their two noble houses futures together. 


    With a sense of expediency and lack of pomp and circumstance due to the ongoing conflict, Philip Laurent Halcourt of Veletz and Adelheid Klara von Alstreim of Merryweather, were married within the Chapel of Our Lady Paradisus within Aaun on this holy day of Tuvmas, with only a modest attendance of witnesses hailing from both the League of Veletz and the Kingdom of Aaun. United, finally in holy matrimony the couple look forward to many years of happy Union.


    Celebrations for the couple will be held following the conclusion of the war. 






    His Lordship, Sir Philip Laurent Halcourt

    Her Highness, Adelheid Klara Halcourt

  9. Sir Philip continued to keep a look out for those dastardly Haeseni, Petran, Balian, Urguan, Hyspian, Norlandic, Aaunic, Numendil patrols crawling back into his foxhole he scribbled out the provided form. "I cant wait to see what I get, GOD i love Boons ideas."

  10. Philip Laurent reads the missive while he kept a look out for those dastardly Haeseni patrols. 

    "Doomtag... well thats a rather depressing name for a party." He poked his head out of the watch tower before lowering himself down into cover again. "I hope I dont die attending." 

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