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About silvertheghost

  • Birthday January 2

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  • Location
    uhhh space
  • Interests
    Art, books, plants, writing, animated shows

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Adrista Lee Highridge
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  1. silvertheghost


    Adrista Lee Highridge was born to travelling merchants that wandered along the borders of Norland and Haense to sell goods between the nations. Her father was Eastern Farfolk from Yong Ping and her mother was a Highlander from Karosgrad. The merchant group that they were a part of was small, but they made good profits. At a young age she learned to amuse herself with leaves and twigs she gathered along the dirt paths, pretending to make medicines that she would give to her mother to try. There, her parents taught her basic knowledge of herbalist medicines used for travelling, and she grew up in this lifestyle, never really staying in one place and learning the basics of surviving on the road. Her life was peaceful until one day when she was 8, the merchant group steered their wagons off the trail and into the wilderness to try and avoid an approaching snowstorm. As the group huddled in a cave for days, they became low on food. Adrista's parents and a few other merchants went out into the storm to find food, and never came back. The storm had ceased, but after that Adrista was left under the care of the merchant group, a wanderer even among the wanderers. She still kept her kind demeanor but thought of where her parents had gone every day. There were rumors in the neighboring towns of the lost merchants, some saying they were alive, some saying otherwise. As Adrista grew up, assisting the other merchants for their wares, she slowly listened to the rumors dwindle and fade away. Finally, Adrista found that she needed to see more of the world than from the scope of her wandering group and discover her own path. She parted from the merchant group in Karosgrad at the age of 20, saying her goodbyes to close friends and guardians. She'd developed knowledge of many medicinal plants and survival skills, and was ready to use them for good. She now looks to depart from Karosgrad and travel to the Druid Order to apply her skills, while running from her past.
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