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Posts posted by Damnit_Delmar

  1. Spoiler


    A written letter would be left out, made for all to see and hear, a precaution in case the adunian known as Vesryn Otellio Delmar died suddenly. 


    "Hello there everyone, I know this is an improper way to start a letter. But I've never been much of a proper indvidual, I'm a lying conniving bastard, that somehow won the grandest prize in life. To think that a peasent like I, managed to become nobility, riches, and gain a loving family. To think that I would rise the way I did, and attain what I did, I mean like I said. I'm a right and true bastard. But I digress, I would like to make a small message, for those I knew and those I interacted with semi often. I thank those that genuinely gave me a chance, that trusted my decisions, and put faith in me. I thank you those that guided me, and those I could call fellow brothers and sisters in arms. Most certainly, I thank those that accepted me as an equal, regardless of my Adunian heritage which I am proud of. 


    To some of you, I will leave behind a personal letter, however for others I shall either thank you or curse you out here. Borok you where a right Orc and fun hunting buddy, I hope you achieve all that you are looking for in the way of Grizh. To Ahng,  you where a cool Brotha to hang out with. To Yarrow, You gave out really good Cactus Green.  Ellathor, you where a bit of an idiot, but you had a kind heart. Do right by the Rangers and the rest of Elysium. To Aiyeis, you where an amazing soul, and I wish you nothing but the best in life. To Coral, I wish you and Edward the best. To the Vanari's, I personal would like to flip you all off, but you have the arm of my favorite flipping off hand. To Alona and Togrim Vanari, you are the exception to the prior flipping off. It was an honor to work with you both. To Strange Incantations, you where one of my favorite book shops. To Adem, good luck on your ventures. Avery I hope you continue on with your reading studies, your doing good. Prince Amaesil, I still hold that grudge on you not paying me for the arm.  Aech, stay short and fearsome. Rina D'avre I will meet you in the pits of Moz. Rylanor, you where a good proud dwede, and I thank you always for the hand you gave me. Cypress, you where an idiot who talked shit about my wife, **** you. Kane, you where cool, good beard.  To all the vampire covens in Almaris, **** you, I can kill you with seasoning. To the Inferi of Almaris, **** you, you fed my soul. *******. To all Voidal Mages, besides the select handful I like.  **** you, for bringing about the hollow, you fuckwits.  To the mystics of the realm, I don't know you that well, hope that Specter I sent is okay. To the Necromancers of Almaris, some of you where *******. To the druids of Almaris, you had some good people in your groups I respect it. To Lotis however, **** you for trying to kill my wife that one time. But thank you for the cool sword. To the pumpkin duchess, I will meet you Stroz, you round pumpkin *****. To the entirety of Oren and it's people, **** you for killing my people and it's culture, you genocidal scumbags.  To the Paladins, **** you you pompous little *******. To Yong Ping, you had a rat problem, I now hate rats because of you. To Sions extended family, why didn't you like me? To the O'Roukes, some of you where good people. To Auden, I'm sorry I could have been better. To Elysium as a whole, your city was good, the people where somewhat shit though. To Hexers, you where shit monster hunters. To the Lectors, thank you for the arm. Lastly to round it all of, to the entirety of Cartref Mor. Though I was here from the start in physical form, I will sadly be unable to progress and see how you grow and flourish in the physical. But, my spirit shall remain, guiding as an Ancestor from above. To always help point to the right direction in life, and to always scheme you out of a situation. "


    Signed - Vesryn Otellio Delmar, The Viper, Head of Diplomacy in Cartref Mor, Far Scryer of the Adunains.

    Sent out in private, would be letters for Six Indviduals. Labled [@Setsuko_] Edward Thuri-Elendil, [@Sciencepants2] Sionnach Delmar Redfist, Velen, [@Braydben] Bryan, [@BloodyZarios] Feo, [@DrHope] Lord John


    OOC Notes




    Over the last couple of months I had a lot of fun playing as Vesryn Delmar, he was genuinely a fun bastardly character to play and he was also a fun experience. I'm honored to have managed to play him in all different communities, and I hope he was a fun addition to other communities. This is certainly not the end of me, as I may return someday, that said I have not been that active on the server and been wanting to give a satisfactory end to him. All in all, I'm happy to have met some of you, and wish nothing but the best to the good people of the server. Goodbye for now, and hopefully someday, you may see the blindman bastard in a different form. 


  2. 36 minutes ago, Sri said:

    I feel like there are already potions for a bunch of this stuff.

    Honestly I searched through the alchemy list, trying to find potions that did a lot of this stuff, and it was surprising that there was not really anything that did what these potions do. Hence why I thought I would try my hand at writing the lore up. 

  3. Adunic Alchemy

    25 DnD Herbalist Botanist Florist Herbalism ideas | fantasy characters,  character portraits, rpg character

    An adunian bowie alchemist, currently sorting and preparing the herbs to make into medicine or symbols. 



    After being cultivated and formed by the wandering Adunic bowie, many of the travelers decided it made sense to not only embrace their deep ties with nature, but also to utilize these ties to their advantage. As such Adunic Alchemy was formed, utilizing nature's glorious bounties.



    Deer Heart






    Life x2

    Endurance x2

    Swiftness x2



    A heart but its a deer heart



    To harvest it, one must carve it out of the corpse of a dead deer


    Raw Effects

    Its a deer heart that can be used to make tasty food if you truly wish



    -All Reagents must be gathered via roleplay

    -It is just a heart, so how many of them you want, you need to kill that many deer. 



    Stags Stamina


    Base: Aqua Vitae

    Growth x3

    Vigor x3

    Deer Heart x1

    Kings Ivy x2 



    Upon consumption of this drink, the user would find themselves beginning to feel energized and refreshed, as though their body and self was pumped full of Stamina. In actuality the user is filed with false stamina 


    Upon drinking a drought of it, the user would find themselves beginning to gain more energy and less fatigued, becoming energetic. For the next Narrative hour, they would be pumped full of false stamina, their supply seemingly filled. For healthier individuals, this is great, however for the more fragile and magically attuned, the effects of this potion would be lessened by half, due to not only the individuals capacity being smaller, but their muscles being more susceptible to tiring out. In terms of combat, it will take 2 emotes to set in [1 for consumption, and 1 for the effects to settle in]. While the effects will last for a total of 10 emotes. 


    The Use of this potion is most common for long traveling, as it allowed the adunian people to traverse long distances. In fact, it was extremely common to give their horses this supplement, as it allowed them to travel vast distances. That said after the effects wore off, they would find themselves drained and lethargic for several hours afterwards. Requiring a normal healthy individual 30 narrative minutes to recover, and a magically weakened one 40 minutes. 


     Creation Method

    1. The first thing the user must do is ground the king's ivy into a paste, and cover the deer's heart, allowing the natural stimulating effects of the plant to marinate into the heart. After one narrative day of letting it marinate in this, the heart will be primed and you will be ready to properly create the potion. 

    2. Upon the heart being ready to be used in the potion, the crafter must begin to carve the hardened crust off of the heart. When they have completely done that, they may then chop and grind the deer heart crust into a paste.

    3. Afterwards the user must mix the Vigor x3 into it, then they must do the Growth x3. Afterwards they can finally mix the powdered mixture with the aqua vitae, shaking it briefly and allowing the dark brown and red mixture to fully sit. 



    -T3 Potion 

    -Requires an St Signature

    -This potion is counted as “Rare”, meaning you must learn from someone or find the proper recipes in order to learn

    -Magic Users that lose muscle mass, and tire faster from physically fighting, will only be able to last for half as long. 

    -If the user had used it during a fight, they will afterwards find themselves completely drained of Stamina for the next 6 emotes, as their body is recovering from overproducing

    -This in no way boosts one’s strength or physical speed, neither does it increase actual agility or reaction speed. This merely boosts a person's Stamina, making them less tired and able to fight or travel longer. 

    -One cannot constantly drink this brew to fill up on Stamina, healthy and physically adept individuals would be able to partake in three of these brews every ooc day, while a magically weakened and degraded individual would only be able to partake in two of the brew per ooc day. Drinking more then the alloted amount, will provide no beneficial or detrimental effects. 


    Bowie Camouflage 


    Base: Lard 

    Air Silence x4

    Mundane Connection x2

     Mundane Peace x2

    Mundane Balance x2


    This oil was made under the idea that visual camouflage was a need for the adunic rangers. With wanting to save precious time and resources, they came up with this innovative and smart camouflage to not only track their prey. But also hide from the hunters that so desperately wanted to hunt them out. The oil can be applied on any light armor and clothing, adapting the fabrics to the color of the environment to hide from individuals. 


    -Cannot be placed on metal weapons to make them invisible

    -Cannot be placed on Metal Armor

    -T2 to learn and use

    -This potion is counted as “Rare”, meaning you must learn from someone or find the proper recipes in order to learn

    -Does not require ST Signature

    -Requires you to stay still in order for the camouflage to properly work 

    -Bowie Camouflage only changes to the color (Not texture) of of the surrounding area, meaning that one under the effects of this potion is still  somewhat distinguishable from their environment past a glance.



    With a lot of old adunian culture involving bowie and hunter aesthetics, I wanted to bring about a chance to give back some of that culture in this piece. With for example, having a background in traveling I added the Stag's Stamina. In terms of quick food, I thought the Seared Salts would be a nice addition to add some more flavor to rping out making rations on the fly. Lastly with the Bowie Camouflage, it gives those who enjoy hunting or have characters that hunt frequently some cool new gear. All and all, I wanted to contribute a small amount to those that enjoy the more gritty travel and ranger rp. 

    OOC Comments and Shoutouts:

    First I want to make it clear, this is my first time submitting lore or alchemical lore for that matter. So apologies if it seems a bit weird formatting wise. Secondly, I want to give a huge shoutout to those that reviewed the piece and gave some advice, that being Nooblius and TheBlackBobRoss. Along with, those that just peer reviewed it with me, such as DrHope and Jameson, this is was a lot of fun to make and work on. Regardless of all of that, I hope to write some more lore in the future. If you have any criticisms or comments, by all means comment on the post or just dm me. 

  4. Swog would currently be making food, a fresh fruit salad in fact, however upon hearing the new's the gobbo would stop. The messenger looked at the malnourished creature, and for the first time, a single tear was shed for the Wonk. "Latz waz da hozhest King ov da Kinder Goi........"Sniffling, he would thwack a bandaged arm to his chest. Nodding at no one in particular.  "Mai latz drink da grog, and lead da B teem from da Zki, Froggie" 

  5. [!] A letter would arrive at the doorstep of lady Nyx. 

    "Hello there, the young Adunian Bachelor named Edward Thuri-Elendil,  is a very sad Dilf looking for love. The man has four kids and has been blessed with the courage of an Angul. Give him a chance and I am sure you and him would be an amazing match.


    Signed by

    The Simple Blindman"


    Vesryn would chuckling as he smoked on the front porch, glad to know he was a decent wingman for his lonely brother in arms 

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Vesryn Delmar


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Edward Thuri-Elendil


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Swog Gwa


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Vesryn Ascella-Delmar


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             'Edward Tyle'


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  9. Vesryn would look out from the tower, the smoke rising in the distance as his feet dangled from the towers edge. Slowly he would stand, stepping backwards into the tower. Nodding his head slowly as his grey and lavender gaze rested towards the horizon. The new dawn slowly bringing new rays of light. "Hmmm with this new day rising, I wonder what is to come for us all in the future" He would stroll downstairs, preparing to properly train. 

  10. Would nod as he saw the poster on the side of the road, curious about this, he would slowly lean over. Picking up the flyer he would nod as he looked over, his path lay before him. "Hmm might be able to find what I am looking for." With a grin growing under his face mask, he would wander to Eastfleet in search of the shop


  11. Vesryn read the letter, his brow's furrowing in concentration as nodded. "Well then, I assumed something like this would occur." He would look at the wall, it's grey fixtures and tones, shifting in the rays of the lantern light. His own thoughts wandered to the events at the gate, what he had seen. His lips would turn to a frown, one of disappointment. "When will they understand I wonder." He lifted up his mask, slowly leaving  his house as he made his way out into the forest, heading to his current research project. 


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