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Posts posted by Damnit_Delmar

  1. Spoiler

    I would like to preface, that should this rewrite come to pass that all current Archlichs would retain their current CA. Should there be any liches that desire to drop the CA, they may however choose to do so, reverting back to a T5 Necromancer or even gaining the ability to completely drop Necromancy.



    Throes of Ascension - Solas Composer



    The Venerable Gravelords


    Let me show you the countenance of the HEITH-HEDRAN, born of conjunction, whose sons breathe air of long darkness. We stand now, in unbound breadth, and take sight of shadows once banished between sky and earth.” - the Red Prophet, Geitheros


    Most mortal’s have sought to escape the cold clutches of death, from those humans who sought to escape their short lives, to the elves that sought eternal power. Each one bore a reason to escape their own mortality, and so when the mad attempted to become something greater, they turned to the very creations they rose, the undead, the infallible and cursed. Through cannibalizing the bodies and reagents of the greater and weak, mortal descendents were able to subvert death. Yet, as one grows older, they learn to enhance the ritual and gift. Hone their once weakened bodies, to achieve feats that they had not considered prior. Initially pioneered during Geitheros' tutelage before being banished from Rh'Thor, to eventually raise figures such as the King in Crimson, Ostromir, the Rat King, Ludwig and the mad jester, Azkholdun. Every lich holds a desire, and thus every lich holds a unique strain to their immortality. Through further tinkering with their body, soul, and mind., so does the once mortal weaver; ascend to Arch Lichdom.





    'We are born, Feeble and weak, given nothing save languish in the hereafter. Far, far from paradise. Yet such too, is remedied by mine touch'” - The King in Crimson, Ostromir

    The shrewd Archlich can take many shapes; ranging from fleshy half-skeletons draped in ceremonial shrouds, walking corpses covered in linen as mummified demons, or the rotted, gaunt image they held in life. Pinnacles of unliving flesh and bone, an Archllich can choose to even fleshsmith their body so long as it is within average human or elven proportions. That stated however, one would find that as an Archlich, they hold boundless stamina. Making them incapable of being physically tired. Yet, such priests were not meant to fight, this would lead them with the capability of only being able to utilize light weaponry. This is additionally coupled with a unique resistance against all forms of weather. Extreme sources of heat, and likewise the body not succumbing to the extreme duress of frost.



    • Archliches are restricted to strength similar to a voidal mage, making them only capable of fighting with lighter weaponry as well as making them incapable of wearing plate or half-plate armor. 

    • Archliches find themselves highly resistant to piercing and slashing attacks. 

      • Should they be attacked with blunt weapons, they would take twice as much damage. 

      • Should they be attacked directly in the head with a hammer, they would find their vessel instantly destroyed. 

    • Archliches are immune to all forms of mundane and alchemical heat and cold, due to their bones being composed of Dragons Bone, as well as the magical essence granted by the blood of hags. 


    More often than not, the Archlich is violent, cruel, and sadistic. Their minds have been perverted by their undeath into the hunger that had consumed them, making use of their twisted bodies and powers to fuel their will. Even the wisest among these powerful undead now are numb to the realities of life. They will find no empathy to the humanity they once bore, often resorting to feigning moral codes if any semblance of who they were remains.


    Despite this, these beings are not inherently evil, nor do they exist hellbent on seeing the world burn. Regardless of how Archliches have earned a name aberrant monstrosities and coldhearted perversions of undeath, many exist with logical convictions that can give a facetious semblance of morality—forging false identities to feign the idea of life, now lost.

    The Infallible Curse

    Those afflicted with the Infallible Curse—some in their pursuit of immortality and others against their will—are forever cursed to walk the realm. When the undying are disposed of, their soulbound lifeforce lingers in the world, unable to find peace beyond in the soulstream or the certainty of Ebrietaes. Doomed to the fate of the mortal plane, this energy coalesces over a year before it finds a new host to inhabit. After this time has passed, the residual energy of the slain undead is forced to once again inhabit a random corpse, the soul forcing upon it the burdens of the body the undead once had. Even for those who willingly succumb to the fate of the Infallible Curse, it exists as a hellish purgatory for the damned dead, as one may find undeath is not so easily escaped.



    • Darkstalkers and Archliches can never be truly slain.

      • Normal hard PK rules still apply, such as killing one’s self or otherwise.  An undead that PK’s according to these rules cannot be brought back.

    • After 30 IRL minutes from the point of their death, the Archlich or Darkstalker will inhabit a new body.

      • This body takes the augments of one’s soul, whether it be a necromantic modification or the capacity to wield mighty powers of undeath.

      • Dying takes a toll on one’s psyche when the once again awake to find themselves in a new body, capable of causing one to feel numb and disillusioned to reality.

    • This process does not require the assistance of a necromancer.  A body is just found, where the undead simply awakes with their new body narratively in Cloud Temple or a soulstone pillar they are mechanically bound to.




    So the lich began to carve and sculpt his next creation, a construct of carnage to aid in a unknown war 



    Magical Body

    With the body of the Archlich consisting of rare and valuable Dragons Bone, the once mortal would find that the strain upon their soul severely weakened. In fact, almost seeming to add a bountiful source of power within the Archlich. However, not all sources of greater power may enjoy these old beings. 



    Archliches gain the capability to not only change Necromancy from a 4-slot Magic to a 3-slot, however, they additionally gain the capability to further augment their body with Necromancer Mutations. 


    • Archliches hold the inability to learn any Divine Magics(Besides Seer), Soul Altering Magics, or Magics incompatible with Undead. 

      • This may only be bypassed via a MArt with ST Manager Approval. 

    • Necromancy changes from a 4 slot Magic, down to a 3 slot magic. 

      • Should a magic be chosen that can summon other entities, such as Conjuration, be chosen. One would only be capable of using summons from one magic, or the other. 

    • Archliches are capable of gaining upwards of 3 modifications, rather than the standard 1 modification. 

      • The additional modifications are noted upon the MA, for ease of access. Rather then the CA

    Flesh Facade

    Being masters of flesh and form, a lich may disguise themselves back to what they once looked like. For the role of a Necromancer is to be a deceiver and manipulator, and with the ability to bear false flesh, it allows such individuals to blend into societies to gather their contacts and disciples. 



    Over the course of 4 emotes(2 Conjure Lifeforce + 1 Manipulate and mold flesh + 1 Place it upon yourself), a Lich may fabricate false flesh upon their person, locking away their powers temporarily in order to gain a false body of flesh.




    • Flesh Facade takes 4 emotes to conjure, and cannot be conjured in the midst of combat. 

    • Flesh Facade will remain active in a combat scenario, however should a lich take 3 or more hits while in it, the disguise will crumble and rot away. 

      • Should the Facade be destroyed. The Necromancer will find their connection to necromancy fully restored. 

    • One cannot access their Necromancy powers while within Flesh Facade, however they may forcefully tear it off their form over a course of 2 emotes. 

      • During these two emotes, the Lich may not attack, defend, or cast. 


    Corpse Courier

    An Archlich may choose to use the long deceased as an act of communing with those who happen to be leagues and miles away. Whether it be via an old crumbling skull, or the carcass of a recently slain beast, or even through the mindless husk of one of their fallen soldiers. 



    An Archlich may commune through a corpse of their choosing, so long as they know of the body, are near a Rift of the Heith-Hedran,  and so long as it does not bear any sentience. 




    • An Archlich may commune through an old and rotten corpse, so long as they know of the corpse they intend to speak through

    • This cannot be used to metagame locations, such as randomly speaking out of a recently slain bandit that they have never seen or interacted with

    • Archliches may set up areas of communication, should a Lich create such a spot, they must denote such through an rp sign. 

    • A Lich must be near a rift of the Heith-Hedran in order to communicate through the corpse. 

    • While communicating, a lich must be entirely focused upon the conversation at hand, unable to cast magic, attack, move, ect

    • This ability cannot be used in in the midst of combat

    • The vessel is unable to move or attack, merely acting as a form of communication between the two parties. 

    • This may not be used to temporarily take over Darkstalkers, Archliches, or Drauger. Due to their vessel already being occupied by a spirit

    • This may not be used on any living individual, a corpse or skull being required in order to communicate. 

    • This is a means of utilizing the /whisper option, that stated all conversations and responses would be able to be heard should someone be within #W. 


    The Elders Presence

    There is a tangible presence to those that have achieved the occult arts of undeath, one such that not only causes respite for the dead, but fear for the living. One may choose to suppress this aura, so as to hide themselves amongst the common folk, or may cause such to show and spread strength for the dead and fear for the living.



    Over the course of 6 emotes( 2 Conjure Lifeforce2 + Draining nearby Lifeforce + 2 Spreading Lifeforce), a lich may conjure an aura that affects all those within #RP range one of two effects may occur for those that are not dead or of the Weaving Arts. This Aura lasts for 3 emotes, before the lifeforce disperses back into the Weaver. Stunning the Caster afterwards for 1 emote, due to taking in an overload of Lifeforce.  


    Living: Living Descendents upon entering  range of the lich, would begin to experience flu-like symptoms and cold chills. Their strength weakened to half, due to the abundance of lifeforce permeating the area. 



    Undead: Where life wanes, the dead do flourish. Undead and Necromancers would find themselves enhanced, their bodies thriving within the dense font of lifeforce within the area. They would gain an additional +2 to movement speed, in addition to granting a sense of relief and comfort to the undead. 





    • The Elders Presence takes 6 emotes to conjure fully and lasts for 3 emotes once conjured. 

      • The Elders Presence may be used 2 times per ooc day

    • After the ability has been utilized, the lich would find themselves stunned for 1 emote, due to the overload of lifeforce

      • One is unable to attack, dodge, or block while within the 1 emote stun

    • Living Descendents would find themselves weakened and feeling ill while within the confines of the dense aura. This is due to their lifeforce being negatively impacted. 

      • CA’s that do not have Lifeforce are immune to this Aura, such as Siliti and Automata 

    • Undead would find themselves boosted, gaining +2 movement, and grant reprieve and peace to the undead, similar to a Darkstalkers Abyssfire. 

    • This aura is centered upon the Caster

    • The area around the user should look decayed and shriveled, this is purely for aesthetic purposes. 


    Strength of the Damned

    Archliches are craftsmen, creators, and kings. All who hold the power and respect to take and modify their form as they please. As such, a Gravelord may choose to find some way to further grant themselves power, for every scholar is unique in their desire. 



    A Lich may choose to attempt to MArt themselves, granting upwards of three additional benefactory custom abilities.




    • The MArt Application  should include screenshots of roleplay creating the lich, how many necromancers aided, obtained necessary reagents, OOC and IC purpose, and any other redlines that the Story Team deems necessary.

    • These abilities must fit in with the Lich as well as the magic it possesses or is attempting to possess. 

    • One may only MArt their lich once. 

      • This may only be circumvented with direct ST Manager approval. 

    • It is suggested that should one add three custom abilities, they should also add an additional custom negative bane. 

    • Custom appearances, physicality, and mentality do not count towards an additional ability for the MArt. 

    General Redlines

    • Archliches exist as undead creatures of necromancy with capabilities to study other magic.


    • Archliches regain the modification they had as a necromancer, if they had one.


    • As undead, Archliches are unable to sire living children and FTB romantically 


    • An Archlich possesses the physical strength similar to a voidal mage, completely unable to adorn metal-plated armor.


    • Striking an Archlich in the skull instantly kills their current vessel. 

      • Being touched by sunlight is painful, and eventually feels like fire on living skin if unshrouded.

      • Archliches are just as vulnerable to mundane weapons, and are not any more adverse to gold or silver compared to living beings.


    Writer - SilvertheDM

    Punctuation - boughtabride

    Writing Help - Krunos10, Lockages, Zarsies, femurlord

    Art - Pinterest

    Original Lore Writer - dard


    Original lore





    As a former necromancer, and still someone pretty well versed in a portion of the Necromancy community. A lot of people are in agreement about the current state of Lich, and how it is not only something that is extremely difficult to obtain, but also something that gives very little payoff. Not only are you required to get Dragon Bones, which is an ST specific thing only, however you need the Blood of a Witch and Phylactery Dust. Requiring you to both know someone who is a Naztherak or Frostwitch, as well as PK an individual. That, combined with vague wording, lackluster flavor, and overall lack of content within the actual CA itself, lead to me writing, and using the given critiques given to me, to create something fresh for the Necromancy community.


  2. So did that Husk peer down at the missive, that Lord Commander humming as he passed his wizzened digits upon the paper. "Oh how wonderful, just the thing I need as of current" He then once more turned his attention to that chassis, the now tinkerer finalizing upon that hulking construct. For he had soldiers to prepare, if he where to fight such a beast.

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Aurelion Marsyr


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Immortal Husk


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Smoggers is a feat of further alchemy, granting the user the ability to construct large constructs. It gifts the user to be able to make large machines and moving structures, constructs that while they are massive in size, bear no combat utility unless MArted. Smoggers as a whole is reliant on three things in total, for while the feat is small in terms of what you make, the creativity is immense. 


    Smoggers comprises of three main things, that being the creation of Red Oil, the creation of a Gear Stomach, and the actual Smogger that is being built. 


    Red Oil

    Red Oil is a resource intensive recipe, that is a mimicry of the Gear Heart fluid for Animii. It is what fuels the Gear Stomach, as well as what produces the caustic and most notable smog that Smoggers Produce. 


    Gear Stomach

    Gear Stomach is where the Red Oil is funneled through, and is what acts as the engine for the Smogger. It usually is formed into a larger and more reinforced varient of the Animii Gear heart. It is designed so as to send Red Oil throughout the Smoggers creation.


    The namesake of this Further Alchemy, through it, one can create truly glorious feats of automata. Looking more jagged, and being more mundane, a smoggers tinkerer is able to create contraptions. Ranging from as mundane as a metal press. As convenient as a walking manor, or as complex as a mechanized mount. Truly imagination is the only restrictive, along with a few redlines.   



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?





    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?



    Red Oil

    [!] The alchemist would grab forth those vials of symbols, and that small mortar and pestle. His bronzed visage, peering over the ingredients he had lined up, with a bored hum he would slowly toss in the charcoal tainted water. The Redstone and liquid mixing well, before he found himself tossing in those symbols of life, connection, order, and endurance. The quartet of three symbols each, and an interesting sludge like in-between of the tincture


    [!] The alchemist would give a light yawn as he then found himself adding in the symbols of growth, balance, and grace. This would cause that liquid to rise, only for it to seem to lessen once more, now at a more liquidly consistency. The red and brown flowing around in the mortar like a paint of sorts, a sight that was short lived as the alchemist would toss the solution into a container and added a single dosage of strength.


    [!] With that drop of strength, the oil would take on a vibrant shade of red, a vibrant look in the caustic and staining liquid. Before the alchemist walked over the nearby Gear Heart, the mouth of that container tipping into that specialized furnace so as to begin hammer out the next sheets of metal. 




    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    "Listen to me, and listen well, for today you learn how to create a Gear Stomach" That thing did usher out to his student, his stride causing him to glide forward towards the front. Wizzened digits tapping onto the sheets of metal that lay about them. "The most important part of the Gear Stomach, it is akin to a Gear Heart, except much more mundane and larger." He would snap his fingers, and with that, his automata would soon begin to move the portions of the metal about the area. Giving a sheet to each student that required it, for some already bore minions, and others used their own hands. "NOW! To begin, you must first construct the shell. Create a casing, no smaller then a grandfather clock. For these must be big, in order to properly feel these large and clunky machines." The maddened being would give a low hum as he took note of the students work. Watching as some hammered the metal, others forged it together, and others used complex magics to meld it together. This was to merely begin working upon the case,  nothing as of yet having been activated. A mocking clap would come from the Husk, the figure moving forward as he stated. "Good, now, begin upon the piping!"-"Though I would most certainly suggest, not using voidal magic. Utilization of such will mess with the Red Oil, as most Voidal Arts do when in contact with the Material Arts." With that the others began to further forge the large Gear Stomach into a proper looking furnace, rivets of steel banded and reinforced throughout it, piping properly integrated into the stomach so as to properly spread the flow of the red oil. The design of the piping and furnace, meant to circulate throughout and engine so as to properly fuel it. An exhaust pipe made, so as to expel the burned red oil. 



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    As per usual, a talk to see on how they messed up, and then a solution to rectify their behavior. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  4. From the north did a man look over the missive, having ripped it from one of the boards within the ker city. His blue gaze shifting over the lettering, and from it, did he find his lips turning. While incapable of fully feeling, he had found some humor in the missive. "Solving one problem, with another, I'm going to enjoy this disaster" From that, did the humorless noise of a chuckle escape past his marred lips. For if not for his condition, he would surely find true and proper joy in the news, from the punishment of this once ally of his. 

  5. A squire looks to the old ruins of the kingdom of Canon, his gauntleted hands raised, as signed forth the lorraine. His hands clasping together as he bowed his head. "While one foe may be defeated, another joins the fray. But GOD shall guide us, and shall embrace us in his light and mercy, and shall aid us in delivering his wroth upon the foul darkspawn" Unclasping his hands, he would grab onto the heavy tower shield he had wielded during the fight, lifting it up from the charred sands as he gazed towards the slowly drifting sun. Awaiting for what the new day would bring. 

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Orpheus Calidus Sol'Acal


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             [Bardamancy S+M]


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self Teach-Caravan


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self Teach-Caravan


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Orpheus Callidus Sol'Acal


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Sir Emir


    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Orpheus Calidus Sol'Acal


    Character's Age:

             20 something


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self Teach - Amathea


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self Teach - Amathea


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


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