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Posts posted by Jaslaw

  1. ((As Aditional info!))

    The dark elf clan is located in Vikela and is larger then just those mentioned, thats just the closest family!


    If you have any questions feel free to dm jaslawonon Or hk1058 about it thru discord, or contact us in game thru the ooc names given above



  2. *Haenseni elf blinkes a few times after having read thru the misive... Questioning to himself* "Alright why do humana need to have a problem to everything...? Let people wear what they want come on." *Sighing as he shook his head slowly yet musing for a moment about the other part* "I am only racist to the children runing about being idiota..." *Not gonna denny the fact.* "But I see the point with baning the green-skins. Been quite a pain most of the time as the mentally stable ones rearly visit." *Clicking his tongue as he noded his head having not too many complains about that bit*

  3. 1: It was always funny to me seeing how people may catch up to others while being in full plate and runing after people in no armor. So, yes. Besides it would make it better for those that dont really want to take part in CRP all too much, while not putting people on a full disadvantage just becouse they dont want to wear armor skins all the time ((Still love how people always react to me not having my armored skin on- seeing the not so old conflicts xD))

    Just dont forget about including horses into the anount too! Aka horse armor and armor of the rider. It shouldnt be that big but still could do something with it!

    2: Absolutely. Agility is not taken into acount AT ALL as of right now while it should be a decant part of combat, it pains me to see people being restricted to slow paced combat. It would be nice for that side of things to come into acount too rather then just strengh.

    3: No, but some changes. Trowables are two emotes and thats already quite fine, Perhaps shortbows that have low poundadge could fall into that too- but recurve bows and longbows should stay at 3 for all that I would say. They still may do a good bit of damage to lower armor oponents, especially if the other sugestions are to be implemented, but I would sugest changing crossbows etc into 4 so they arent just simply superior to bows, which should be resonably faster to fire anyhow. ((And which would still be fair anyhow seeing the damage crossbows may do))

  4. "Oi dunno any other of dat people..." *Grumbled the dwarven resident of the caravan making note to meet some more people later on to be able to handle it better* 

    Name: Are Greenbeard

    Are you an inhabitant of Dúnkeld: Yes

    Madelyn Noryth (1-5): 2

    Wisteria Adeline Pinemaw (1-5): 3
    Vauban Daesmon (1-5): 2 

    Lin (1-5): 5

  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Are Greenbeard


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:

             Sure do


    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

             Yea ofcorse



    21 minutes ago, TreeSmoothie said:

    nah for blessed child u need a Naztherak to create it in the first place

    Well its posible but I dunno really eather way best to check with the above


    And Heres the demon magic link


    Eather way those are the two things I know of conected to the demona but might be more

    [Honestly best to just check oneself + I think necromancy is from Ibless but that's Technically undead and not demons so ;shrug;]


  7. Playing a cursed child is just a App you can make , meanwhile to become a demon you have to get a teacher and then make a MA for any sort of magic 

    And CA if its a creature you want to Play


    Eather way all other then the ''blessed'' child you need a teacher

  8. "Oh, finally getting adressed... about time. Bringing a darkspawn into our citie with them and knowing they exact name, and then being anoyed when he gets stabed... Go figure." *Shook his head sighing his head gently* "Spreading infections and pestilance, what a amazing thing of them to do by all the unecessary testing... how great."

  9. 3 minutes ago, Spoopy_Duck said:

    For all comments mentioning specifics like capitals I would like to avoid that for two reasons.

    What defines a capital? The build or the region, both are flawed.
    Capital regions are not drawn to the city usually are just big boxes that sometimes can be way bigger
    Capital builds is inconsistent as well what about the places like halflings who don't use walls what gauges in and out of the capital city

    Maybe instead the capital just when a guard would have the deffender defult in a given area, and I guess that would just extand to the entire city then and the really nearbyish areas

  10. Well while at it its good to note that the three emotes to ring a bell is too much with it in place, as it will take way over 15 minutes to ring the bell making them kinda useless
    But eather way even in those 15 minutes you can likely meta rally I would have guessed as long as people respond quickly theres no point

  11. "Ah yes, humans." *Onon grumbled shaking his head at this all* "It was obvious that so much damage wouldnt be taken well... Stupid." *Annoyed in his tone as he spoke. Shaking his head at all such* "Some people shall not have been told of such things, and some are too ruthless. Gotta spread the word now I suppose." *Sighing knowing full well he was rather powerless against a entire order*

    Upone seeing notes where atached arguing the cruelty of this, another note had been added in from the elf explaining to those of the cannonist the implications of the actions... admitedly poorly written.


    "Upone anyone that wishesh to learn why this was illogical and cruel, the alchemical method involves drawing a fourth of the infecteds blood. Which will likely put the infected in a critical condition in the end. Meanwhile leaving the cured person in a state of full vampiric transformation and panic. Regardless of what you may say, the fact is that it was sure to kill the children. 

    That taken into consideration, one must not instantly cure someone. Theres no rush, theres time before it becomes imposible. She could have given birth and then gotten cured, her only crime is NOT keeping her condition a secret so that others are prepered in case the curse takes over. One also doesnt have to feed for rather leanghty amounts of time. If her condition got inflicted not long before or during the pregnancy there was no reason to murder her children."


  12. "One journey ends, another starts hm?" Mused the elf still upset about the loss of his friend yet unable to argue with the way of things "Wherever ya are now Fae, I hope ya stay happy... And may our paths meet again." Couldnt help but smile at the thought of maybe seeing his friend in the futture, yet for now it was really just wishfull thinking. Only time would say how it goes. "Hm, perhaps I could publish some of his poetry in his name in the meanwhile though?" Mused thinking about if he could honor his friend in such a way "Some rewriting of his works to do, yet he was a darn good poet so it could be worth it? I got the time during all the gate duty I do..." Chuckling to himself as he realises how much of his life he wastes away in the gatehouse yet growing more serious as he finally decides "Might as well. Keeping one's memory alive is the least one can do. Shame for them to go to waste after all... I for sure will miss Fae but ay at least might be ready in case they return! As unlikely as it is." Onon more then determined to try and stay positive, even in such a situation as this one

  13. "Finally. The Honnorable are speaking out, may the old orcs finally beat some sense into those children runing around as Adrian dogs." *Onon grumbled to himself upone reading the misive. Shaking his head gently though he remarked* "Took them long enough, yet better later then never. Only to hope the others will be able to pull they brains together and come to similar conclusions... I really dont want to make a stop at Krug next."

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