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Posts posted by SimonItorp

  1. A groan was exhaled beneath the earth, within a cave littered with cyan light rebounding off its walls of which contained a large seat, a Throne. And upon this Throne, sat a Lord encased in stone whom's empty sockets of his stone helm were illuminated with a dark cyan glow, dread seeping out in the form of dark cyan mists from underneath the helm. "Dark and Light... Fear and Courage... Glory and Death.Rasped out a voice of such depth and sinister nature.

  2. Name of the Artifact:

             Crown of Judgement


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):

             SimonItorp, White_Wolf and Zakajaervi


    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

             Razaak, Astark and Nox-Dominus


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:


    Creation RP



    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):


    A crown made of stone. The crown consists of spikes that protrude upward like a regular crown would, only the spikes are pointier and longer, representing an omen of death with Razaak’s crowned head. Occultist symbols and sigils would be carved into the Crown around its rim and up along its spikes, softly emitting a cyan gleam from them with blueish white mists dripping off the spikes passively.




    Effect(s) of the Artifact:


    Remnants of Old



    "My past... It reaches forward, torturing me yet."


    Remnants of Old come in the forms of wisps that float around the crown atop Razaak's head. Being either voices, faint shapes or even vague appearances, seeming to be of distant memories in time from the life of a mortal as well as a phantom before the Pale path was taken. Remnants of beings that reside within the stony shell of Razaak and are eager to come out and eager to see the world as it is.


    This ability is purely aesthetic and is meant to add some flavour to the King's appearance and provides no advantage to the King as the voices that may occur are voices taken from people of a distant past to Razaak.


    The King may experience sudden feelings of depression or demotivation, as memories from the past remind him of what once was and is no longer.


    • These apperances and voices do not possess information that Razaak doesn't already know. The voices and appearances are meant to only be reflections of beings and people that Razaak has met in the long time that he's existed, both in and outside of being a Stoneborn.


    • The voices that come forth are not meant to be in any way shape or form as a means to "disguise" the Lord or make him sound like the people that sometimes come forth, it is, once again, only meant to be literal figurations of Razaak's past. I.e, encounters that have already HAPPENED


    • While old and distant memories can be portrayed for the sake of a person getting to know the Lord more through interesting RP, the voices and shapes will always be blurry and inconsistent. No matter if it's meant to portray the same person from Razaak's past. Quite literally being that the Lord's mind is a blur.

    Lord's Bond




    Through a process of Razaak placing his might to bring forth his Menhir forged weapon, should it be dropped or placed down for a moment, the King is able to reach his hand out and recall his weapon to his hand in a quick fashioned way. The weapon physically lifting from the ground, seeking pride in wanting to be within its owner's hand once more upon having been let go of, and thus flying towards Razaak's held open hand with haste. This ability can be done, as long as the weapon is within sight and within [20] meters of the Lord, as the weapon is now truly bound to him, and him only.


    The ability is to be done in an emote order of [1 grasp + 1 summon] in order to call upon the stony weapon to be ripped back to its rightful place. 


    As the weapon is called upon, the weapon will have a visible tell upon it that it is being recalled to the Lord's hand. I.e, blueish green flames appearing upon the weapon, mist beginning to pool under it, wisps starting to circle it, whispers beginning to frantically chant around the weapon, etc.


    Emote count remaining the same pertains to the fact that it takes [2] emotes in order to summon a Menhir weapon that is stowed away. This is meant to be an added way for him to regain hold of his weapons, as well as more efficiently mid combat.


    • When the weapon is close to Razaak, in the event of it being dropped mid combat or similar events, the emote count of which the weapon will be called upon is lowered to just [1 summon] as he is in the vicinity of the weapon. Thus his connection to it is stronger, as opposed to being several upon several meters away.


    •  The weapon will travel around any person that may be in the way, as it is destined to only be returned to Razaak’s hand, not to hurt anyone on its return.


    • The speed of which the weapon moves at when called upon will be no greater than the speed of a fired arrow.


    • In the event of being interrupted while calling upon this weapon, the King will have to start the spell over from the beginning.


    • The distance of which only [1] emote of summoning the weapon is granted, should it be dropped, can be no greater than a [5] meter radius around the King before the emote count will return to the base amount.

      • The weapon, when summoned through this "instant ability" is unable to be used right after. It solely returns to the Lord's hand in the instant recall emote, nothing more.


    • The Lord's hands must be free in order to use this ability in the first place.


    • If a tower is toppled over the weapon, it woud most definitely not be able to be pulled from under the crumbling weight of such a structure. Should it get buried deep in the ground, the Lord's weapon would be able to return to the hand/s of the Lord just fine, albeit maybe taking an extra emote to be done successfully. In other words; Should the weapon get stuck in a surface or crevace that outweighs the strength the Lord has, the weapon will not be recall-able.


    Wrath of a King


    Wrath of a King is a devastating use of Razaak’s strength.


    Should the King wish, he will stomp one of his feet into the ground, causing a rumbling quake of the earth that reaches an area of [5] meters around the King. The earth shattering stomp will cause anyone within the area of effect to be swept off their feet, causing them to fall to the ground and are required to get back up. 


    The Wrath of a King ability takes [4] emotes to do, the effects of being knocked to the ground lasts for [1] emote before the person is required to emote getting back up again.


    Per combative encounter, the King can make use of the ability two times. First time using one of his feet to stomp, then requiring to use the opposite foot as the structural integrity of his stone that makes up his boots becomes unstable from stomping so hard. This in turn requires the King’s stone to regain its integrity outside of combat, able to then perform the ability in the next combative encounter again.


    • This ability requires Razaak to be [12] feet in size or more in order to perform.


    • When using the ability once, the movement speed is cut from [6] blocks of movement to [4.5]. Using the ability a second time the movement will be cut to half - Being [3] blocks of movement.


    • Olog sized creatures and above, are not affected by this ability.


    • The ability requires contact with the ground at all times.


    • Toppling the Lord while he performs this ability is feasible and will cancel the casting.


    • This does not grant Razaak Golem strength, it only utilises the existing Olog strength paired with the size of twelve to fifteen feet.


    • The power behind the stomp can’t level buildings.


    • Should the King stomp and a person (or foreign object) is underneath the stomping of his stone boot, the person will require to move out the way lest they be damaged greatly as they take the full force of Razaak's weight onto their body from the King's mighty size. 

      • If the stomp makes contact with a poor soul, they will most likely recieve major damage dealt upon their body in the form of crushed bones and in worst cases even death. The shockwave done by the stomp is cancelled and thus the damage output is reduced significantly as it is absorbed by the body of the victim of the stomp instead.

        • The same goes for a foreign object being under the boot as it is slammed onto the ground.


    • This ability has to have a visible tell that the King is going to stomp the ground with full might. Typically the very clear sign of him lifting his foot up high, the sound of air being whooshed faintly as everything goes silent before the boot is slammed down onto the ground.


    The Eye of Judgement



    "What's the matter? Are you frightened? Good."


    Razaak always carries a passive aura with him, one that pierces mortals' souls and penetrates their very worst fears, turning them against the mortal instead.


    This ability works in the way that within a [3] meter area of the Lord, a mortal will feel a creeping feeling run up their back, much akin to that of a Poltergeist's ability to incite fear and dread into a being that they decide to haunt. This stems from the fact that Razaak was a Poltergeist for a long, long time before he became a Pale Knight. And he never intended on letting go of that aura of dread and fear, as it only provided an upper hand for him when he haunted individuals he wanted dead.


    A descendant met with this aura will feel their own mind almost being occupied by some other entity, hearing things that aren't truly there and even seeing shapes dance in the shadows that may be nearby, always sensing something in the corner of their eye, yet never being able to lay their eyes on it completely. . .


    The major difference between a Poltergeist's aura of dread and the one of Razaak's is that the aura itself is a lot stronger. This ability will make a person literally feel their bones grow cold in the near presence of the Lord, while also gnawing on the person's worst fear, being that one of the shadows or voices a person may see or hear can be that of their worst fear.


    In all cases, this fear will merely be a flash in the person's mind, not something that is actively in front of them, haunting them, and psyching them out by default. It is merely an effect, much akin to a Poltergeist, excempting the fact that a Poltergeist has to possess a being in order to incite a sensation like this.



    • This ability is always active and may never be turned off for anyone, it is both a boon and a great curse of the once more ascended Lord.


    • A person's worst fear will only be determined and seen by the person that is being affected by this ability. Razaak will never be able to see it, he will only ever know that the person is afraid judging by their appearance and how they are acting.


    • This ability cannot be ignored as it is too intrusive and pressuring to withstand. Even if the Lord does not intend on causing a certain person to feel this sensation at that current moment, the person can and will not be given an exception.

      • Only exception given is to Templars, who are immune to this ability.


    • The sensation of feeling dread creeping up oneself can, but is not required to, affect combat. This is up to the player that is facing Razaak, adding more flavour to the rp for all players involved.



    Red Lines of the Artifact:


    The crown cannot be taken off from Razaak's head. It is a permanent addition to his body that mends with the rest of his stone.


    All other redlines of this MArt are as stated above.



    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    When Razaak became a Stoneborn, he denied himself to let go of the memories he had from life and afterlife. He denied that it would be something he hated. While he didn't lose the memories, the memories lost him, and became blurry and resentful towards the colossus of stone. Ever since he was a newly born Phantom, years after dying the first time, his desire to remember and be remembered echoed throughout decades of him roaming the earth as first a peaceful and comforting spirit, until eventually becoming corrupt with hatred and anguish, darkness consuming him and everything he was - Except for one thing; His past. This past, now haunts him through the creation of this MArt, being a byproduct of the Crown since it reflects of how great of a warrior he was and what nobility he possessed.  


    The "Lord's Bond" is built on the aspect of a Menhirous weapon being bound to the Stoneborn that created the weapon, the one that is meant to wield the weapon with great finesse and accuracy. Only now, as he channels his Menhir waters to a more personal level, he truly makes the weapons part of his new exaltation, becoming a part of his mind and hands. 


    The "Wrath of a King" ability stems entirely from that of Razaak's devastating strength that he carries. That combined with the size that he consists of, makes it possible for him to lay out an attack like such with little to no difficulty.


    "Judgement's Eye" works in a different way. As a Poltergeist incites a feeling of uneasiness, paranoia, fear and even despair in the victims that they decide to haunt - 'Judgement's Eye' is a direct effect from that of a greater source of more paranoia and fear. With the creation of the MArt, the passive ability of dread and anxiety increased. With a King's presecne having a lot of respect within a community and over a large span of other groups of people - The same would go for Razaak upon his own coronation, except instead of respect, it is inherently fear/dread that is heightened within his presence.



    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:



    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.)



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Isaac Obediah-Daystar


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Air Evo


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  4. A fellow Obediah would read this missive as it flew past him in the wind while he tread the path between The Petra and the City-State of Hohkmat. Reading it, he stops dead in his tracks, brows furrowing into a perplexed and somber look as the contents of the letter sets him at an unease like never before. "So... That's that then." The man grumbled before he stuffed the missive away in his pocket. The very last of the Obediah line, walking the land of the living still, completely alone, once more.


    [!] "Indeed it is."

  5. A Watcher would be ripped of the little sleep he'd be able to get one night, a rippling sensation running down his back and an echoing sound of strained and rapid breaths of anxiety and fear. His cosmic gaze of dark blues stare into the darkness, thinking for a moment he had seen something that had been, maybe, watching him sleep. Of course, there was nothing... At least from what he could tell.


    A mighty colossus of stone, a statue, would be stood somewhere out in the cold lands of the north from where he had last left things off. For a moment, the sound of stone scraping against stone, rocks crunching together, would echo lightly over the mountainside he'd be stood atop. No words would be uttered, but, the Lord had sensed something - And it was not of the dark as he knew it. This was different.

  6. Name of the Artifact:

             Crown of Conviction


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):



    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):



    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:





    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):


    The first look upon this artefact reveals that it is a crown made of stone. This crown has an otherworldly sheen emitting from it, namely one of a pale white and blue. The crown consists of spikes that protrude upward like a regular crown would, only the spikes are pointier and longer, representing an omen of death with Razaak’s crowned head.





    Effect(s) of the Artifact:



    The King's Remnants


    The King's Remnants come in the forms of wisps that float around the crown atop Razaak's head. Being either voices, faint shapes or even appearances of consumed souls that went into the intial making of the Lord. Remnants of beings that reside within the stony shell of Razaak and are eager to come out and eager to see the world as it is.


    This ability is purely aesthetic and is meant to add some flavour to the King's appearance and provides no advantage to the King as the voices that may occur are voices taken from people of a distant past to Razaak.


    The King may experience sudden feelings of depression or demotivation, as memories from the past remind him of what once was and is no longer.




    Grasp of a King


    Through a process of Razaak placing his might to bring forth his Menhir forged weapon, should it be dropped or placed down for a moment, the King is able to reach his hand out and recall his weapon to his hand in a quick fashioned way. The weapon physically lifting from the ground, seeking pride in wanting to be within its owner's hand once more upon having been let go, and thus flying towards Razaak's held open hand with haste. This ability can be done from any distance Razaak wishes, as long as the weapon is within sight, as the weapon is now truly bound to him, and him only.


    The ability is to be done in an emote order of [1 focus + 1 grasp + 1 summon] in order to call upon the stony weapon to be ripped back to its rightful place. 



    • When the weapon is close to Razaak, in the event of it being dropped mid combat or similar events, the emote count of which the weapon will be called upon is lowered to just [1 summon] as he is in the vicinity of the weapon. Thus his connection to it is stronger, as opposed to being several upon several metres away.


    • This weapon summoning can NOT be called upon through walls. Can be done through glass, on the other hand.


    •  The weapon will travel around any person that may be in the way, as it is destined to only be returned to Razaak’s hand, not to hurt anyone on its return.


    • The speed of which the weapon moves at when called upon will be no greater than the speed of a fired arrow.


    • In the event of being interrupted while calling upon this weapon, the King will have to start the spell over from the beginning.


    • The distance of which only [1] emote of summoning the weapon is granted, should it be dropped, can be no greater than a [5] metre radius around the King before the emote count will return to the base amount.

      Wrath of a King


      Wrath of a King is a devastating use of Razaak’s strength.

      Should the King wish, he will stomp one of his feet into the ground, causing a rumbling quake of the earth that reaches an area of [10] metres around the King. The earth shattering stomp will make anyone within the area of effect receive heavy auditory distortion, typically tinnitus. This comes from the unfathomable loud bang that the King’s stony boot would cause when colliding with the earth. Moreover, the stomp will have an immense power to it. Such will with no doubt cause all who’s affected to fall to the ground for [1] emote's time.


      The Wrath of a King ability takes [4] emotes to do, the effects of going through auditory distortion lasts for [2] emotes. The effects that this ability has on the surrounding area is dirt that’s shot up and rocks that shatter.


      Per combative encounter, the King can make use of the ability two times. First time using one of his feet to stomp, then requiring to use the opposite foot as the structural integrity of his stone that makes up his boots becomes weaker from stomping so hard. This in turn requires the King’s stone to regain its integrity outside of combat, able to then perform the ability in the next combative encounter again.



    • This ability requires Razaak to be twelve feet in size or more in order to perform. Any sizes below such will render the ability weaker and must be rp’d as such.


    • This does not grant Razaak Golem strength, it only utilises the existing Olog strength paired with the size of twelve to fifteen feet.


    • The power behind the stomp can’t level buildings unless consented to do so by the owner of said buildings. 

      • Even when consent is given, a building consisting of a concrete base will hardly be levelled by this magnitude, only shaken up a bit and lower the structural integrity of the building by a minor amount.


    • Damage done to a character upon falling to the ground can and will not be determined by the user of the ability; Purely the player being affected by the ability. 


    • Razaak can not leap in order to stomp with both feet at the same time to double the effect of the ability. Such is impossible as he weighs too much.


    • Razaak cannot use this ability when in combat with [2-3] people, as he does not see this as a noble decision within such a situation.


    • Should the King be to stomp and a person is underneath the stomping of his stone boot, the person will require to move out the way lest they be damaged greatly as they take the full force of Razaak's weight onto their body from the King's mighty size. 

      • If the stomp makes contact with a poor soul, they will most likely recieve major damage dealt upon their body in the form of crushed bones and in worst cases even death. The shockwave done by the stomp is cancelled and thus the damage output is reduced significantly as it is absorbed by the body of the victim of the stomp instead.


    • This ability has to have a visible tell that the King is going to stomp the ground with full might. Typically the very clear sign of him lifting his foot up high, the sound of air being whooshed faintly as everything goes silent before the boot is slammed down onto the ground.


    The Eye of Judgement


    Razaak always carries a passive aura with him, one that pierces mortals' souls and penetrates their sins. Images of such being shown in the mortal’s mind and reminding them of a sin they themselves consider being the worst one they’ve done throughout their life.


    This ability acts as a presence based ability and can be felt when within a [5] metre area of Razaak. The actual feeling of this passive ability is much akin to being exposed, even if the mortal who's sin is being exposed, it is only them that see it and no one else around the person; A mental effect purely in other words.


    Essentially, this ability is just an intimidation factor and may provide a combative advantage depending on the sin and person being seen.



    • OOC consent is a must with this ability. A mortal’s sin does not have to be one that haunts them, it only needs to be a sin that may make them on edge.


    • For this ability to work best, one has to converse OOCly with the player of the character, which is being seen, of what they consider is the biggest sin to that character so it may be portrayed properly and not exaggerated/powergamed or metagamed for that matter. 


    • Should consent not be given to be seen through, the character of said player would have a violent chill run over them, as if exposed to an arctic wind with too little clothing on. [Regular passive aura of a Poltergeist].


    • Razaak is UNABLE to affect these sins to make them worse to any degree. He is also unable to see the sins for himself, all he "sees" is the severity of the sin. I.e if a person who is being seen through has committed a sin, either by moral standards or their own standards, the person would give off a bright source of light to Razaak's vision ONLY. This then indicates that the sin is quite severe. The same thing goes for a sin that is minor, only the aray of light around the person would be far less intense.

      • A sin that is considered as a much more severe/extreme sin to the "onwer" of said sin, will not give off a brigther source of light in Razaak's eyes. He will see the true severity of the sin at all times, despite what the person who bears the sin thinks for themselves regarding it. For example; A person who thinks of themself as a majorly bad person for not having owned up to stealing candy as a child, is not something Razaak will perceive as a major sin.




    Red Lines of the Artifact:


    • The crown cannot be taken off from Razaak's head. It is a permanent addition to his body that mends with the rest of his stone.
    • Should Razaak be destroyed, and then resurrected through the Lord's Worship, the crown will require to be crafted once more. 



    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    Much akin to how a Lord’s weapon and body can sometimes shimmer, often coming forth as the deceased souls that they have collected over the many-a-years that they’ve been around, the same effect goes for the 'King’s Remnants' yet on a more personal level. As the crown is sat atop Razaak’s head, it is directly connected to where a mind used to be, and unfortunately for the King, that is then portrayed as very ruthless reminders of something he can no longer be in contact with in the same way as he once used to.


    The 'Grasp of a King' ability comes from the fact that a Menhir weapon that has been created by a Pale Knight or Pale Lord is mainly bound to them. Should another individual be to pick it up, with severe difficulty considering the weight of it to begin with, they will find it exceedingly difficult to also then wield the weapon efficiently. The weapon's owner of which it is inherently bound to can carry and use the weapon to a degree unlike any other, practically becoming a feather in weight when held in the right hands. With this MArt, the connection between Razaak and his weapons of his stone become far greater and more personal than before. Now, the weapons of stone practically have a conscience that, in a way, wills them to return to Razaak's hand when reached out for.


    The 'Wrath of a King' ability stems entirely from that of Razaak's devastating strength that he carries. That combined with the size that he consists of, makes it possible for him to lay out an attack like such with little to no difficulty.


    'Judgement's Eye' works in a different way. As a Poltergeist incites a feeling of uneasiness, paranoia, fear and even despair in the victims that they decide to haunt - 'Judgement's Eye' is a direct effect from that of a greater source of more paranoia and fear. With the creation of the MArt, the passive ability of dread and anxiety increased ten-fold, practically becoming a feeling of being seen through entirely. With a King's presecne having a lot of respect within a community and over a large span of other groups of people - The same would go for Razaak upon his own coronation, except instead of respect, it is inherently fear/dread that is heightened within his presence.



    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:



    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.)



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Phantoms have been around since the beginning of everything. They come in various forms, that can ultimately turn into something far greater than their already present form at that current date. Types of Phantoms range from that of a Revenant, a Specter and lastly a Poltergeist.


    Revenants are the direct aftermath upon the person's death that reflect on how they died. Being that of a pale version of their own skin with transparency to a light degree. They hold no memory of their death and retain the cause of death upon their body i.e, a person that has been struck down by a sword across their chest, will appear to have a large cut/gash through their place of injury that looks to be freshly made. They have the coloration of grey or white. 

    Revenants do not know they are dead. They are an infant in terms of their being and remain so until they find out they are dead, either by confrontation of someone else or by seeing it with their own eyes. They are confused and puzzled beings, no real memory of who they were before death.


    Specters are spirits with peaceful auras and calmness radiating off of them. They have learned what they are, and have come to terms with it. The mark of their death is no longer evident, nor is the confusion they once had. Being peaceful spirits that have intentions of good in mind, yet being misunderstood, often. Moreover, they carry with them the weight of being dead, still. This weight often leading to a state of somberness from time to time for themselves. Their appearance are far more advanced than that of the Revenants, being that they can now retain a certain perfection about their appreance, no longer coming off as something natural, but unnatural and even unsettling in some cases. 

    They attain shades of blue, white or even yellow, when shown. They are no longer confused or puzzled in any way, instead, they feel relief in the fact of actually knowing what they are, finally. An inner peace, of sorts. 


    Poltergeists are the sick, twisted and dark counterparts of the Specter. They retain a dark aroma with a twisted appearance about them. A spirit that has completely denied death and its consequences and therefore grow infinitely enraged by such. Plagued and in agony, these spirits seek not to show goodness, care or even slight remark for peaceful tendencies when in contact with mortals. These twisted dark apparitions have enwreathed themselves entirely of their tragic demise, often coming across as a more morbid version of their initial demise. They either come off hostile or immensely scary and unsettling, some driven to inflict terror, others to inflict physical damage.

    These dark creatures hold shades of red or even black when shown. They are the opposite of relieved, instead they are in torment, agony and absolute despair which drives their hunger for revenge and hateful acts out of emotion upon others. They refuse to see what they've become, and can sometimes resent themselves, even.


    All phantoms carry a mutual weakness, however. The weakness to Aurum and magic. Aurum acting as a type of repellent, like bug spray against bugs, it does severe harm to the phantom and causes pain in the sense often described as stinging and burning upon having made contact with the material and when enforced via the shape of a blade - Aurum cuts through a phantom, demanifesting it for a period of time. The same goes for magic only far more volatile, Voidal magic often causing a violent demanifestation of the phantom. Quite a few other types of magic has the same effect, Paladinism and Templarism does significant damage upon a phantom as well as Shamanism. Paladinism is able to also banish a phantom from the realm, should they manage to catch the phantom in question in time.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Revenants hold no aesthetic piece about them other than the grey or white shade they appear in when visible. Specters have got shades of blue, yellow or white and come across as a perfect self of who they once were. Poltergeists on the other hand, hold more influence over their appearance, and can change it accordingly - They appear as they did at the time of their death and are known to even put such views to the next level by brutalising their visuals to degrees that are gruesome and horrid to see.


    Specters and Poltergeists can have other aesthetics, such being faint trails that follow them or scents of things they were in contact with before their death. Both spirits can transform their spectral bodies via the use of their ectoplasm to be that of an animal body, instead. Although, Specters may only be able to take on tame creatures, such being ones that are prey animals or tame house animals, like cats or dogs or other non-feral animals. Poltergeists, on the other hand, can take on forms of predatory creatures and can even have mixed in traits of such creatures with their regular form; I.e claws instead of fingers, canines instead of regular teeth, predatory eyes and so on.


    Bah'löetekh in his current Revenant form carries several cut wounds that reach deep into his body and his eyes carry a small bit of red in them from his head having taken several beatings by whatever had killed him in his mortal life.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  8. An Atronach made of stone comes across the missive, the white glow beyond the cracks of his earthly body flickering faintly as the information on the paper is processed. "A belief in something non-physical, compared to the Void being physical, is delusion and plain idiocy. Arrogance and ignorance, that is what your made up prophet is bestowing upon you, idiot."

  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Isaac Obediah-Daystar


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Atronach Forging


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Edvard Kervallen


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Isaac Obediah-Daystar


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Veil Watching


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  11. New edits: Added an aesthetic ability to the crown that also brings some side effects to it. Made a change in the redlines of the actual artefact that require the artefact to be remade should the Lord be destroyed and then resurrected.


    Thanks to TreeSmoothie for useful criticism.

  12. 7 hours ago, TreeSmoothie said:

    top of it being indestructible is a bit unbalanced

    I do see what you mean, however, with Menhir stone being customisable with what the Lord wishes and being very flexible, it only makes sense to me that the crown would mend together with the rest of the stone and thus becoming just another part of the Lord's appearance. I could potentially add an aesthetic ability that comes from the crown to tap into the more aesthetic parts.

  13. Big up to Meteor__Dragon for helping me with clarification on parts of certain abilities' redlines and phrasing.


    If anyone spots anything else that could be written differently or phrased better, let me know! Don't be shy!

  14. Name of the Artifact:

             Crown of Intuition


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:



    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



     RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:



    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items):



    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable):



    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A:


    TBD upon acceptance.



    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):


    The first look upon this artefact reveals that it is a crown made of stone. This crown has an otherworldly sheen emitting from it, namely one of a pale white and blue. The crown consists of spikes that protrude upward like a regular crown would, only the spikes are pointier and longer, representing an omen of death with Razaak’s crowned head.


    (Concept image for reference)



    Effect(s) of the Artifact:



    The King's Remnants


    The King's Remnants come in the forms of wisps that float around the crown atop Razaak's head. Being either voices, faint shapes or even appearances of consumed souls that went into the intial making of the Lord. Remnants of beings that reside within the stony shell of Razaak and are eager to come out and eager to see the world as it is.


    This ability is purely aesthetic and is meant to add some flavour to the King's appearance and provides no advantage to the King as the voices that may occur are voices taken from people of a distant past to Razaak.


    The King may experience sudden feelings of depression or demotivation, as memories from the past remind him of what once was and is no longer.




    Grasp of a King


    Through a process of Razaak placing his might to bring forth his Menhir forged weapon, should it be dropped or placed down for a moment, the King is able to reach his hand out and recall his weapon to his hand in a quick fashioned way. The weapon physically lifting from the ground, seeking pride in wanting to be within its owner's hand once more upon having been let go, and thus flying towards Razaak's held open hand with haste. This ability can be done from any distance Razaak wishes, as long as the weapon is within sight, as the weapon is now truly bound to him, and him only.


    The ability is to be done in an emote order of [1 focus + 1 grasp + 1 summon] in order to call upon the stony weapon to be ripped back to its rightful place. 



    • When the weapon is close to Razaak, in the event of it being dropped mid combat or similar events, the emote count of which the weapon will be called upon is lowered to just [1 summon] as he is in the vicinity of the weapon. Thus his connection to it is stronger, as opposed to being several upon several metres away.


    • This weapon summoning can NOT be called upon through walls. Can be done through glass, on the other hand.


    •  The weapon will travel around any person that may be in the way, as it is destined to only be returned to Razaak’s hand, not to hurt anyone on its return.


    • The speed of which the weapon moves at when called upon will be no greater than the speed of a fired arrow.


    • In the event of being interrupted while calling upon this weapon, the King will have to start the spell over from the beginning.


    • The distance of which only [1] emote of summoning the weapon is granted, should it be dropped, can be no greater than a [5] metre radius around the King before the emote count will return to the base amount.


    Call of a King


    Call of a King is a sinister ritual where the King of Judgement calls upon an army of the dead.

    The making of an army of the dead that prevails. It is the process in which Razaak tears a piece of his own rock from his frame to form either [1] or [2] Pale Servants to aid him in combat or provide company for the King. The Pale Servant will be no different from an Atronach, effectively, that does as their maker wishes with no complaint. They are somewhat sentient however, able to distinguish Descendants from Mystical beings and Darkspawn, therefore despising any interaction with all Descendants. They can converse like normal with their King, however.


    To summon a Servant requires [1 clutching of stone + 1 throw of this stone + 1 summoning phrase].


    The Pale Servants will act as personal Knights to Razaak and will retain the same strength as a Descendant Knight and exceed a height maximum of six feet and five inches and a minimum height of five feet flat. The Knights will consist of a similar build to that of a regular Pale Knight, requiring [3] hits against the body in order to shatter their stone bodies. Since they are made from Razaak’s stone alone and nothing else, the time they last will only be [1 OOC] hour outside of combat or for the duration of initiated CRP, unless shattered. 


    When the Knights’ stony bodies are shattered, the rock splinters into small pieces that trickle to the ground before beginning to recall to Razaak’s frame to reattach. The stone itself also seeking to return to its rightful owner when detached, much like the ‘Grasp of a King’ ability when the weapon is recalled to Razaak’s hand. Slowly, the pieces of shattered rock are sucked back to Razaak’s form and mend with the rest of his stone. The stone then regains moisture and can soon be used again.



    • The number of Servants per combat encounter will never be exceedable beyond [2] at a time. 

      • As to ensure rp remains suitable and clean, only [1] Servant at a time per combative scenario may be summoned.


    • A Pale Servant summoned for the sake of company will not be able to engage in combat without an extra emote stating that the Servant initiates a combative state before being able to attack, i.e weapon needing to be drawn or the likes.

      • For the sake of company, both Servants may be summoned. Should CRP be initiated, [1] Servant will crumble in order to be summonable during combat if the already summoned Servant is shattered at some point.


    • The time it takes from Servants crumbling and being summoned again outside of combat is [1 OOC] hour of wait.


    • A Servant requires [3] consecutive hits against any part of the body in order to be shattered.


    • A Servant’s weapon of choice will always be summoned with them after what Razaak demands of them. This has effectively the same value and features as a Menhir weapon being crafted, able to be summoned with close to any weapon desirable apart from complex ones such as long-ranged weapons.

      • A Servant can’t switch weapons mid combat.


    • This ability CANNOT be used in combat scenarios that are merely [1-2] people that are up against Razaak. He will see it as unfit to fight in such ways. 


    Wrath of a King


    Wrath of a King is a devastating use of Razaak’s strength.

    Should the King wish, he will stomp one of his feet into the ground, causing a rumbling quake of the earth that reaches an area of [10] metres around the King. The earth shattering stomp will make anyone within the area of effect receive heavy auditory distortion, typically tinnitus. This comes from the unfathomable loud bang that the King’s stony boot would cause when colliding with the earth. Moreover, the stomp will have an immense power to it. Such will with no doubt cause all who’s affected to fall to the ground for [1] emote's time.


    The Wrath of a King ability takes [3] emotes to do, the effects of going through auditory distortion lasts for [2] emotes. The effects that this ability has on the surrounding area is dirt that’s shot up and rocks that shatter.


    Per combative encounter, the King can make use of the ability two times. First time using one of his feet to stomp, then requiring to use the opposite foot as the structural integrity of his stone that makes up his boots becomes weaker from stomping so hard. This in turn requires the King’s stone to regain its integrity outside of combat, able to then perform the ability in the next combative encounter again.



    • This ability requires Razaak to be twelve feet in size or more in order to perform. Any sizes below such will render the ability weaker and must be rp’d as such.


    • This does not grant Razaak Golem strength, it only utilises the existing Olog strength paired with the size of twelve to fifteen feet.


    • The power behind the stomp can’t level buildings unless consented to do so by the owner of said buildings. 

      • Even when consent is given, a building consisting of a concrete base will hardly be levelled by this magnitude, only shaken up a bit and lower the structural integrity of the building by a minor amount.


    • Damage done to a character upon falling to the ground can and will not be determined by the user of the ability; Purely the player being affected by the ability. 


    • Razaak can not leap in order to stomp with both feet at the same time to double the effect of the ability. Such is impossible as he weighs too much.


    • Razaak cannot use this ability when in combat with [2-3] people, as he does not see this as a noble decision within such a situation.


    • Should the King be to stomp and a person is underneath the stomping of his stone boot, the person will require to move out the way lest they be damaged greatly as they take the full force of Olog strength onto their body from the King's mighty size. 

      • If the stomp makes contact with a poor soul, they will most likely recieve major damage dealt upon their body in the form of crushed bones and in worst cases even death. The shockwave done by the stomp is cancelled and thus the damage output is reduced significantly as it is absorbed by the body of the victim of the stomp instead.


    • This ability has to have a visible tell that the King is going to stomp the ground with full might. Typically the very clear sign of him lifting his foot up high, the sound of air being whooshed faintly as everything goes silent before the boot is slammed down onto the ground.


    The Eye of Judgement


    Razaak always carries a passive aura with him, one that pierces mortals' souls and penetrates their sins. Images of such being shown in the mortal’s mind and reminding them of a sin they themselves consider being the worst one they’ve done throughout their life.


    This ability acts as a presence based ability and can be felt when within a [5] metre area of Razaak. The actual feeling of this passive ability is much akin to being exposed, even if the mortal being whose sin is being seen something they are reminded of, it is only them that see it and no one else around the person.


    Razaak is able to see the sins himself as well, able to read and know them personally upon having seen a person through with this passive ability.


    Essentially, this ability is just an intimidation factor and may provide a combative advantage depending on the sin and person being seen.



    • OOC consent is a must with this ability. A mortal’s sin does not have to be one that haunts them, it only needs to be a sin that may make them on edge.


    • For this ability to work best, one has to converse OOCly with the player of the character, which is being seen, of what they consider is the biggest sin to that character so it may be portrayed properly and not exaggerated/powergamed or metagamed for that matter. 


    • Should consent not be given to be seen through, the character of said player would have a violent chill run over them, as if exposed to an arctic wind with too little clothing on. [Regular passive aura of a Poltergeist].



    Red Lines of the Artifact:


    The general redlines of this Artefact are:

    • The crown cannot be taken off from Razaak's head. It is a permanent addition to his body that mends with the rest of his stone.
    • Should Razaak be destroyed, and then resurrected from the Lord's Worship, the crown will require to be crafted once more. 



    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    The Artefact on its own is a crown infused with ectoplasm and remnants of the Ebrietaen wastes. Slight amount of Razaak's soul infused body has gone into the making of the crown as he's taken a piece of his stone and held up high while it was shaped.


    The basic explanation for the crown is that of a coronation for an individual that is about to be a King. Effectively, another ascendance of Razaak's that is similar to the ascendance from Pale Knight to Pale Lord. Effectively, it heightens him to a position higher than a Lord to more of a noble ruler. One of more pride, sense and nobility than he has as is. The MArt also follows general redlines from the standpoint of certain side effects, the theme of the initial nature of this particular Lord as well as physics based abilities. 


    Quick note; These abilities will be used sparingly and not in every single combat situation that may occur, as to ensure balance is achieved between lore and mechanics.



    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:

             There is only one creation of this Artefact. No duplicates.


    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.)



     Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    34 minutes ago, Markisstreaming said:

    you don't need a TA to teach Housemagery, if you've reached T5 you can simply teach anyone you'd like! this way you're only wasting a TA slot!


    34 minutes ago, Ztrog said:

    My mans, you dont need a TA for housemagery


  16. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Isaac Obediah-Daystar


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Housemagery is a very simple and neutral way of making use of one's own inner mana pool, that isn't touched by other means of magic other than natural means. Housemagery itself is known as a miscellaneous magic that taps into a world of harmless magic used within the home of the sorcerer or other places where things could be made a little easier and convenient for the sorcerer. 


    Housemagery in its entirety consists of spells to help around the kitchen when preparing food or cleaning the dishes, help with cleaning the house or making things more alive and flourished than they'd normally be through a gentle warm touch of a natural magic. For many many years, mages have practised this form of magic on levels that genuinely make life easier by having less worry for practical things. There isn't much to be said about Housemagery other than the fact that it's the perfect magic to use for someone that wants to add something aesthetic to their character and add a little pizaz in the character's otherwise simple life. With the magic being harmless, there's no benefits of the magic in terms of combat. There is but one spell of which is slightly connected to combat which is that of a domestic spell known as Home Defense. This spells causes all items in a house to go frenzy and become a frantic mess of items piling up to perhaps stop an intruder from advancing on the mage while they are exiting the house safely. 


    However, this spell cannot be used as a spell of which the caster is in control of, all items that do get flung about are flung randomly. No sharp objects can cut or mortally wound someone. At worst, they will hit a person with the flat-faced side of the object but no worse than such. Larger objects, such as tables/couches/desks and other things alike it, do not get influenced to crush someone. At worst, they will merely block the person's line of movement for one emote.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Moreover inital Housemagery, there is also Soupmancy. Soupmancy, also known as Culimancy, is more so the art of being a master of food and edible items. A master chef, in other words!


    This section of the magic is very similar to Housemagery in the form of different uses of spells that require a lot of study of which then changes the way one perceives food. It becomes far greater than that of a regular cook, as the Culimancer masters the art of using their mana to imbue foods with such extraordinary tastes and effects that make a meal twice, if not thrice, as delectable. 


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    [!] Isaac begins to anchor his connection as his eyes flash of that bright crimson for a short moment.


    [!] Then, with the flick of a wrist, the candles that surround the room all become alight. Lighting up the room in a dim, moody, lighting of cande light within the small library of his home.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    This is an example emote of teaching the spell Perfection under Culimancy.


    "In many cases, should you have an important figure to impress after having invited them home, you can always add a flair to the food that you normally would find quite difficult to do without the proper resources as a regular cook." Isaac instructs to Peter as he stands to Isaac's left, observing the man preparing the steak on the plate, mashed potatoes, cesar salad and brown sauce. "Should such cases occur, all you need is to know what spell to cast." He follows up before he waves his hand lightly as the already self-stirring spoon within the brown sauce is rested against one of the inner sides of the container of which held the sauce, as the container slowly lifts up on its own, pouring the sauce onto the steak and such with such perfection. Faint trails of crimson mana sparks just lightly emitting from the sauce as the flavour and quality of the dish is increased. "In this case... Making use of your mana to manipulate the tools at your disposal, to create something magnificent." He concludes, turning to Peter with a light smile and raising the plate of prepared food that looked outstanding.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    With this magic, I hardly see a person being able to even see a way to powergame anything from the spells with the magic. However, should they powergame trying to create a Living Doll that is above a meter in height, I will put a stop to the lesson immediately by emoting for them that the spell fails, then I will contact ST. Same with the spell Catch Spark, should they try to powergame the spell being as if it's Fire Evocation, I will cease the teaching of the spell immediately and contact ST. 


    If anything happens outside of my care and supervision, the same rules will apply where I contact ST about the poor rp of the magic. Anything abnormal done with the magic that causes for either power- as well as metagaming advantages will be reported to ST.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  17. If CT would regain warps that don't require me to keep my soulstone unbound from places I wish to go to quicker, out of fear of getting stuck, I would consider the new CT a very good thing. I will also say that I personally wish PvP would be let go of entirely, apart from large scale warclaims. Too many people, I'm looking at you Ferrymen, do bandit rp that do not persist of actual roleplay and character development. It's more so a scheme of laziness where they wish to get cool things, and thus pop players just to get some loot. I would rather interact with a bandit that is robbing me IRP than robbing me mechanically by popping me when I could actually have a chance at fighting back or something of the likes.


    Those two matters are my only complain. Everything else is fine.

  18. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Isaac Obediah-Daystar


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


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