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Everything posted by SimonItorp

  1. A groan was exhaled beneath the earth, within a cave littered with cyan light rebounding off its walls of which contained a large seat, a Throne. And upon this Throne, sat a Lord encased in stone whom's empty sockets of his stone helm were illuminated with a dark cyan glow, dread seeping out in the form of dark cyan mists from underneath the helm. "Dark and Light... Fear and Courage... Glory and Death." Rasped out a voice of such depth and sinister nature.
  2. A fellow Obediah would read this missive as it flew past him in the wind while he tread the path between The Petra and the City-State of Hohkmat. Reading it, he stops dead in his tracks, brows furrowing into a perplexed and somber look as the contents of the letter sets him at an unease like never before. "So... That's that then." The man grumbled before he stuffed the missive away in his pocket. The very last of the Obediah line, walking the land of the living still, completely alone, once more. [!] "Indeed it is."
  3. A Watcher would be ripped of the little sleep he'd be able to get one night, a rippling sensation running down his back and an echoing sound of strained and rapid breaths of anxiety and fear. His cosmic gaze of dark blues stare into the darkness, thinking for a moment he had seen something that had been, maybe, watching him sleep. Of course, there was nothing... At least from what he could tell. A mighty colossus of stone, a statue, would be stood somewhere out in the cold lands of the north from where he had last left things off. For a moment, the sound of stone scraping against stone, rocks crunching together, would echo lightly over the mountainside he'd be stood atop. No words would be uttered, but, the Lord had sensed something - And it was not of the dark as he knew it. This was different.
  4. An Atronach made of stone comes across the missive, the white glow beyond the cracks of his earthly body flickering faintly as the information on the paper is processed. "A belief in something non-physical, compared to the Void being physical, is delusion and plain idiocy. Arrogance and ignorance, that is what your made up prophet is bestowing upon you, idiot."
  5. If CT would regain warps that don't require me to keep my soulstone unbound from places I wish to go to quicker, out of fear of getting stuck, I would consider the new CT a very good thing. I will also say that I personally wish PvP would be let go of entirely, apart from large scale warclaims. Too many people, I'm looking at you Ferrymen, do bandit rp that do not persist of actual roleplay and character development. It's more so a scheme of laziness where they wish to get cool things, and thus pop players just to get some loot. I would rather interact with a bandit that is robbing me IRP than robbing me mechanically by popping me when I could actually have a chance at fighting back or something of the likes. Those two matters are my only complain. Everything else is fine.
  6. Custom colours would be awesome for EVERYONE, not just VIPs. Consider making it a non-VIP perk, tho.
  7. One hulking mass of rock would have read the missive, too. Though, no sound came from him, it was evident he weren't happy with the news. "The moment you are found, you will know what stone does to bone." His voice of earthy and rough nature rumbles.
  8. This is just... Wow. I cannot believe that this is happening, and I strongly disagree with Halflings needing to have activity checks as it is not mandatory for them to have to be put into pressure like that. They've been around from the start and are BARELY any threat other than that they can acquire magical weapons and artefacts like anyone else. That is not to trample the Halflings, to say that they are weak folk- They are not! They are just very peaceful and enjoy life as it is, I enjoy rping with them and want to continue doing so!
  9. The Hyspian Knight would look upon the missive and nod once. "At least now it's stated." He'd grumble a little for himself.
  10. "Think this changes anything?" The Hyspian, Camilo, would grumble in a low and angry tone upon having heard of this letter's contents.
  11. Reading the missive over, Camilo can do nothing but scoff. "And to think I had you within my grasp to dispose of, and I let you walk away.."
  12. Sitting on his couch as Julietta comes to him with the invitation, the man would just roll his eyes a little. "I don't know... They just do. And you do that, I'll remain in the forge." He says simply in response.
  13. I myself as a distinguished gentleman will present a proper offer, being that you, fine individual, may giveth these crowns to I, for a great future to come. :D
  14. What is your name? Camilo Santos Where are you from? Hyspia How old are you? 17 What is your favorite thing? Forging and drawing
  15. Isaac looks upon the missive, reading over the text and nodding slowly for himself, letting off a soft sigh before turning on his heel to march on...
  16. OOC ((MC Name: SimonItorp )) ((Discord: Simme#0303 )) ((Timezone: CET )) IN-CHARACTER What is your name? Isaac Daystar Why seek membership to the Mages Guild? To learn more of Fire Evocation to master it entirely. What arts, if any, do you currently practice? Housemagery and Fire Evocation. What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance? Practicus. (Currently I am T2 Fire Evocationist) When should you be contacted for an interview? At any point that I am around.
  17. SimonItorp


    Von Solomon ‘‘Kenny’’. Born SA 6, not too long after he received a brother, Vonchester Solomonson. At first, their relationship was blooming, everything was easy and lovable. Perfect in other words. Soon however this changed... Vonchester grew and showed his personality traits and his true colors. This was highly appreciated by their parents, Kenny was the EXACT opposite... Sociopathic, sarcastic and unserious about everything, not too appreciated by his parents... Vonchester evolved his relationship with the parents, Kenny devolved his relationship with them instead. He stopped eating at the table since they never asked for him anymore. Occasionally the father would ask him how he's doing but he'd reply the same thing always... ''Now you care?''. After a while the father stopped asking and Kenny was left in the barn that Kenny had claimed since it was abandoned. He would watch the rest of the family play out on the fields from the loft of the barn with one candle lit, counting down the hours of the days that passed... He got sick of it, and started plotting something to regain his parents' love. The best way to do it was to become noticed but none of his plans were possible or viable, the ONLY plan that would work was a very strong one but... A very effective one too. He had to get rid of Vonchester, for good. But he couldn't do it himself, so he started to look for someone that could do it, though every single bounty hunter was too expensive. BUT, Orcs were dumb enough to be fooled into doing something for free. As long as food was involved. Kenny smirked at the idea and when plotting it one night he then stood up, read it all out loud and then laughed, and laughed, and laughed... The night finally came, the raid started, sirens and horns and shouts were heard throughout the fields and forests surrounding the Chateau. Orcs were storming the gates and further on the doors of the actual building. The family were all together at that point, Kenny felt included again, and soon enough the moment of truth would come where he'd push Vonchester to the Orcs for them to tear him apart. But one Orc grabbed Kenny by the cloth of his pants and held him in place. Vonchester let go and was rushed away with his parents to get to safety, Kenny was left to die... Kenny knew it was up to him to save himself at this point and kicked at the Orc holding his leg, he kicked and kicked and eventually got loose, but the Orcs had been clumsy and started setting fire to the entire property, one of the support pillars collapsed onto Kenny, crushing his leg. After the raid had settled, and the Orcs had left, Kenny woke up and crawled out of the rubble and remains of what at one point was his home... Pain in his leg became apparent and he had to just deal with it and crawl away. A few days passed and all he could think of was how his parents never looked back or how Vonchester, just. Let. Go... He finally found out that his parents passed due to murder, the ones who murdered them was none other than the Orcs he had assigned to kill Vonchester. This made him more mad since he never got the chance to prove himself worthy of their love and attention like his brother got to. When all these thughts roll over his mind, the color in his eyes fade from a well and healthy cyan blue to an endless and cold light gray type color instead. Kenny was in the Tenth Nordling War between Norland and Oren. He was on the loosing side however... This pathetic defeat of the faction surrendering drove his anger and thirst for vengance even further into his mind. All he could think about now was how much he wanted to seek out Vonchester to fully settle things. He joined the Norland militia because he wanted to find his brother in battle to fight him there and then. No use hiding, Vonchester...
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