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Everything posted by Olai

  1. There was a momentary pause towards the shout before an expected sigh. A packed lunch would be ready alongside his prized weapon, "The Rat Smacker."
  2. Olai


    Olai was raised by her parents in the heart of Yong Ping, merchants who were specifically known for their wax and honey products. Growing up, Olai was the only girl out of four children, the rest her older brothers. Two of which went into the military, one remained home to assist in raising Olai and took up the merchant mantle. Olai was properly enrolled in studies and eventually even took up learning ceremonial dances and tea sessions, though knowing those won't grant her a permanent future. Eventually by the time she matured, Olai was still struggling with self-identity and what she would do with her life, especially from the pressure of her family. Now, Olai resides in Yong Ping, though in the process of moving away from her parents and being able to afford her own home. She plans to open up a business whether it be to rival her family's wax company or to discover a new passion through whatever friends she makes in Yong Ping.
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