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Everything posted by Wofflerz

  1. Wofflerz


    Mossin Sorcar comes from a neglectful, yet well off Elven family. He was raised in a primarily human community and developed resentment for his own race because of it. Upon turning of age, he left and distanced himself from his home to travel the world and document it. During his travels in the The Grand Kingdom of Urguan, he developed a love for magic after encountering a powerful Dwarf named Aro. The two developed a close bond and lived together for a short time. Not long after meeting though, Aro would perish, leaving Mossin to continue his journey alone. Mossin is on a quest to find peace, develop magical skills, and become human. He wears a robe, and has long hair to conceal his ears. His jaw, while well defined given his Elven nature, could be mistaken for a human to the average person.
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