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  1. Landon123311


    at the age of 7 my parents were convicted of a murder and they were sentence to death i lived alone in the house till i was kicked out and forced to live on the streets for 8 years where i learned to pick pocket steal and survive in the wild. one day a traveling adventure found him fishing and walked up and asked how are you this sparked a conversation that led to Liksehe Kruzaeth telling the adventure hes homeless and has no one. the adventure felt sad hearing the story so he took the kid under his wing and taught him the way of the bow and dagger the boy and why the time the adventure had tought him everything he learned he left the kid to go there own different paths. Liksehe Kruzaeth with his new found knowledge and skills and now at the age of 18 travels around helping others just as the adventure did for him (sorry idk wth happen to the text i tried to fix it but i gave up and the wiki wasn't found)
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