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Everything posted by 23blazeses3

  1. 23blazeses3


    Laurence was born in the plains east of Urguan, raised by his mother and his uncle- his father had died mysteriously when he was 4 months old- in the wilderness. Such an upbringing made Laurence an expert on countryside survival, as well as giving him key survival skills, such as how to build twig huts or start fires from twigs or flint. Laurence secured his first kill when he was 7 and a half years old, mentored by his Uncle in the art of crossbowmanship. His uncle was originally a Heartlander from Urguan and was well versed in the crafting arts of archery. Laurence also became rather handy in the art of Swordsmanship, a skill his mother claims he inherited from his father, who was a Highlander from just outside of Norland, but migrated to the Plains in his younger years. By the time he was 16, Laurence was working almost full-time outside of the house to provide food for the family, as no local economic nodes existed near enough to their home. His Uncle had grown old in the years gone by and had fallen too ill to continue working. Not long after Laurence turned 17, his Uncle had died of his sickness, leaving him without a father figure for guidance and reassurance. His mother also died not 2 years later. It was when Laurence turned 20 that he realised that these acts of suffering were unfair, and others shouldn't have to grieve through them the same way he did. Afterwards, he vowed to himself and his ancestors that he would strive to make his life worthwhile by taking off into the wilderness as a selfless do-gooder, always helping those in need, even if they never asked for it. Four years into his self-proclaimed 'career', Laurence has become a formidable wilderness survivor and a dangerous adversary to anyone who can decently use a sword.
  2. 23blazeses3


    Olmomir was born in Northern Almaris out in the glacial troughs west of Norland. He was raised by his mother of 34 and his Father of 40. His father was a hunter and taught Olmomir how to hunt at a range in his youth, while his mother taught him how to cook and look after himself. He was home-schooled, due to his birthplace being the frozen wilderness of the North. Even around his parents, let alone the few others he knew that lived nearby in the extended community, he was considerably anti-social going into his early teen years. He was often seen having conversations with trees or fauna. When questioned as to why, he responded with "they don't argue back". When Olmomir was 15, his father took him to Norland to sell furs and skins for money, which he could sell for food or salts. Olmomir saw the beauty of the Kingdom itself, but also saw the disturbing truth of what lay underneath. He bore witness to numerous criminal offenses, many of which went unnoticed by the law enforcement, which Olmomir was disgusted by. When he questioned his father as to why more effort wasn't put into enforcing the Kingdom's laws against petty criminals, his father responded that "it was none of our concern what went on in those streets. Your mother and I have taught you to care for yourself, not strangers who only drag you down." Olmomir found himself for the first time in his life disagreeing with what his father had tried to preach to him and tuned it out as a result. By his late teens and early adulthood, Olmomir had taken to the road, informing his parents he was "going to chase his destiny". His parents disapproved, but let him leave nonetheless, with his father secretly hoping his son would see the error in his ways. To this day, Olmomir has been pursuing that same destiny: to rid the world of its wrongs. It's evils. He had since inherited his grandfather's uniform, with which he wore into town to show off his status within Norland. Olmomir now wore it as a symbol of justice, dyed blood-red. He donned a trench coat over this uniform to keep a low profile, but it has since been torn and worn by the elements.
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