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  1. RemasteredMusic


    In-Depth Descriptions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_D-2R6RFiSJyqdYXlzp_lpPfIDAKoOpVTkOBe65chR4/edit?usp=sharing Early Years Avern'siol grew up in a wild, small tribe of Wood Elves that, quite similarly to the Sirame, believed that family was the people you chose, not the people you were born with. Born to a Wood Elf and Dark Elf in the seed, the boy lived in the caves or the forest for most of his young life with his parents. His father, the Dark Elf, taught him how to mine and perform combat with a sword, while his mother, the Wood Elf, taught him how to identify edible shrubs and practice archery. He grew to love and value his mother more so than his father, causing him to become more of a Wood Elf than a Dark Elf culturally. This life went on for 11 years, until disaster struck. The Gorge Avern'siol's mother, Evarir'leyun [Beautiful Protector], was traveling back to their camp with her son when the ground on the cliffside trail gave way. Both elves fell, Evarir'leyun managing to catch her hand on a jutting root. She swung her son upwards and onto higher ground, using her own motion to shove him onto the bank. This bout of movement caused the creaking root to give way, and sent Evarir'leyun down to the rocky depths of the river. Avern'siol screamed for his mother, but it was too late. Alone and terrified, the Mixed Elf sprinted up the trail and back to camp, trying to get help for his drowning parent. The boy wasn't fast enough, and her mangled body was found a day later, washed up on the banks below the gorge. Raised by a Dark Elf After Evarir'leyun's death, Avern'siol's Dark Elf father, Iheiu'ker [Dark Wind], raised the boy until he was old enough to go out on his own. He was a strict teacher, yet not an inconsiderate one. He taught his son the more complex ways of the sword, a little archery, and the Dark Elf religion of the Ancestors. Avern'siol still considered himself apart of the Wood Elves, but he began to come to terms with the other parts of himself. He converted from the little he knew of the Wild Path to the Ancestors, and started to value the arts more. He still kept his Wood Elf clothes and accessories, however, in honor of his mother. Betrayal At the age of 18, Iheiu'ker declared Avern'siol to be fully trained. The elf was bestowed with his father's large sapphire cloak as remembrance of his teachings and a somewhat of a graduation gift. Despite the end of his training, Avern'siol stayed with Iheiu'ker for another eight years, continuing to learn from his seed and help his father. Only a year ago did Avern'siol start to travel, learning the world with experience instead of maps. During this year, he befriended the creatures of the wilds, and explored a few of the rural towns of the Realm of Elvenesse. Not all was well, however, as close childhood friend of his, Anthri'vulnir [Trickster Hedgehog], betrayed him in the first few months of his slow exploration. Anthri'vulnir had defaced a sacred Grove, framing it on Avern'siol. The seed rejected Avern'siol for his supposed participation in the crime, pushing him out into the world and forbidding him from coming back. Bitter and alone, Avern'siol set out into the world with only the clothes on his back and the weapons in his sheath. From then, he has learned to observe, avoid dangers, and become independent from any town or settlement. Avern'siol is currently a nomadic traveler, and can be seen throughout Almaris.
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