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Posts posted by _Grey_W0lf_

  1. 18 minutes ago, Nooblius said:

    The Rhun Prophet chuckles, clapping Durin on the back and remarking, "Nae let et worry ye, I doubt Urguan would dare siege deir peacefully exodusin' kin; even ef dey did, we'd be ready."

    A Masked and Dark Clothed Dwarf nodded "Let em comeh, bet ef t'ey du ah'd beh leavin', cuz dwedmar neehd tu stand 's oneh front, nae devoided, bet tugethah. Ah learned frum mah mestake, bet ef t'ey 'arm mah famileh, they well experience truu fear"

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             23 (or 15)


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    A group of catlike creatures, the Kha resemble various felines, from panthers (Kha’Pantera) and leopards (Kha’Leparda) to cheetahs (Kha’Cheetrah) and even tigers (Kha’Tigrasi). These creatures originally were created by a Daemon, in the time they ruled the Realm with an Iron fist. Metztli, the Daemon in question stole babies from the villages among the realm, using them to breed or otherwise combine them with the natural cats and ocelots around them.


    The subrace I hope to be playing is the Kha'Tigrasi, the largest variant of the Kharajyr. These impressive creatures resemble tigers, and were often seen as Guards and fighters of the Kha kingdoms.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    The name is prenounced as Maahes.


    The Kha'Tigrasi you see in front of you is almost 7 feet tall, broad shouldered and extremely scarred. His armour and clothes may vary, from loincloth to heavy armour. This Tiger has a large scar over its eye, as if an opponent had tried to claw it out.

    This Kha'Tigrasi walks around with a variety of weapons, ranging from spears to scimitars and even an axe. But he seems to dislike bows for some reason.




    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. Anger, confusion and worry fought for domination in the already scrambled mind of Ursus "Dwedki-Slayer" Grandaxe as the news of the trial reached him. "Norleh, please dunnae say yah ded. . ." He muttered, as he jumped on his horse, riding out of Celian'or in a wind of brown and black.

  4. Ursus Grandaxe would sit at the highest peak of the mountain when a raven delivered the message. "W'ot beh tae crazy fookah talkin' bout. Es losin' 'and, 'onour 'nd familiehotel nae 'noug' fur yah?" He stokes his beard "Bet oi 'ope mah weapons fur 'ow lon' et lasted, cuz yah cant t'reaten meh 'nd mah famileh, t'en take meh stuff 's well. . ."  The Dwarf stood up, a fire burning in his eyes, his hand moving towards his Belt "'nd run, cuz Annbellah knows yah need et. . ."


    These words echoed throughout the vally, as Ursus "Dwedki-Slayer" Grandaxe descended down towards Hefrumm 

  5. Ursus Grandaxe would sit idle in his room, reading through the letter again and again, slowly shaking his head "Problem beh en foindin' tae roig't leader, but te qualitehs beh rarer 'nd rarer t'ese days.He sighs and stands up, moving towards the forges "W'oevah or w'otevah well come frum t'es message, oi bettab beh readeh."

  6. Ursus Grandaxe lets out a deep sigh as he sits in the Skycell in Urguan "Oi am sorreh lad, dunnae expected et tu escalate tu t'at degreeh" He mumbled before looking up at the roof of the large cave he looked over "Lord Dungrimm, may yah protect t'is c'oild, 'nd take 'is soul tu Khaz'a'dentrumm, 'nd give et tae 'onour et deserves." He speaks, his voice echoing through the massive cave as a single tear rolled down the scarred face of the Dwarf.



    [OOC: Sorry Scatman, I didnt mean to kill, the Roll 20 was not intended, but I hope to see where this goes with the brothers...

    You are an amazing roleplayer and an amazing player!]

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Ursus Grandaxe


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Mountain Dwarf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Fire Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Falk Irongut


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  8. 50 minutes ago, Nooblius said:


    I think having a very mountain and cavern heavy map next map will be good, and I don't say this just as a dwarf- not all mountains should look the same, and having a variety like that could be really cool- but there should defo still be a lot of lowlands for people to inhabit who may prefer the valley vibe.

    I think caverns would be a cool idea, or like we have on the current map, but with a deeper vally, and with caves in the sides, so when one enters, they can both look up and down


    Or maybe a deeper cave, something like that would be cool for Dwarves.


    And on the variation I agree, some with flat tops, some with spiky tops and some with a crater or pool of water would be really cool to see.



    Took some time, but here it is.

    It's a long story.

    But make sure to read all of it.



    A short Dwarf slowly walks into a large arena.

    As in the middle of the Arena, a large Olog awaits.

    The Dwarf takes out his hammer, closes his eyes and gives a short prayer to Dungrimm.

    "O' Dungrimm, Guide mah 'ammer"
    "O' Dungrimm, Guide mah 'ands"
    "O' Dungrimm, Guide mah Weapon"
    "O' Dungrimm, Guide mah Soul's"


    Full of hope, the Dwarf charged forward.

    The Olog grinning and lifting his axe.

    Weapons clashed, and curses are called.

    But the Olog is victorious. . .






    Under mountain, beneath the cavern. Come home my son, come home.

    The day is done, your time has come

    You battled hard, the war is won

    You did your worst, you tried your best

    Now it's time to rest

    Now it's time to rest

                                                                                                                                Written by Dhaen Grandaxe





    Ulf FrostbeardBhafrec EmberstoneThrotgrarlum ChainbornHargrom NoblebreakerKoghar MetalcoatRazaek Ashbreaker and Kronoic Stormgrip. Different Souls, all in the same body.


    Freedom in Vuur'dor or Khaz'a'dentrumm. That is what Bhafrec wanted for the Many Souls of the Troubled Dwarf, so that is what he got.


    After speaking to Falk Irongut, he came to the conclusion that death was the best thing for him. 


    After meditating on the matter, he came to the conclusion it was the best for everyone.

    And so he did. He went to Krugmar, challenging the biggest Olog he could find to an Honour Duel to the death, in the hope to either come out victorious, or die in honour.

    The Olog that accepted the challenge would be no less than the Papagoth of Clan Ungri himself, Drekür'Ungri, and he would be the eventual killer of the Troubled Dwarf. Taking him out of his misery and freeing the aforementioned souls into the infinity of Khaz'a'dentrumm.


    As expected, each of the Souls in the Frostbeard Body experienced their own death, and for each it was different.


    Let's start with the ones in control, Throtgrarlum and Hargrom

    These two experienced their deaths very differently, though both tried to fight it.



    The Souls


    Nothing, thats what he saw, felt and experienced.

    Throtgrarlum, the one in control when the body was stabbed to death tried to fight his descent into The Void.

    He fought, trying to claw his way out, fighting to stay in the body.

    He cried out in pain, but no sound came out.

    It was as if he was forgotten, banished to the emptiness.

    Too evil for Khaz'a'dentrumm, too honourable for Vuur'dor,

    this soul would remain in limbo until it could claim a new body.





    Hargrom was the next one to go.

    He felt as if his soul was ripped from his body.

    He was in agony, in extreme pain, but it ended quickly.

    His soul easily entered Khaz'a'dentrumm.

    He entered the large Gates, and looked up towards the Gods which sat before him.

    One god stood up, his face covered by an Iron Mask.

    Hargrom recognized this god as Dungrimm, and was honoured to be chosen by the God of Death.

    After being chosen, this Soul was selected as one of the Defenders of the Khaz'a'dentrumm.

    He was tasked by defending the entrance, guiding Souls into the Hall.





    Razaek was the next to enter the Hall of Gods.

    When entering, he looked around, his hand moving to his waist.

    A deep laugh could be heard from one of the Gods.


    "Yah well get yah weapon back Dwarf, w'en yah beh c'osen"

    Razaek nodded, understanding this, and relaxing somewhat.

    Each of the gods looked at him, looking into the Soul.

    The silence stayed for a few seconds, in which he saw every action he ever took flash before his eyes.


    Finally, one the gods stood up, a beautiful women dressed in earthy tones.

    She looked down at the Dwarf, speaking to him with natural authority.


    "I 'ave seen your soul. . ."
    "You have both served and harmed Nature, both killing and defending my husbands creations. . ."
    "I shall take you, setting you into the service of the Wilds as its defender. . ."
    "As my Ranger. . ."

    He was chosen by Anbella.





    Next was a well dressed, well educated Soul.

    Bhafrec looked around full of curiosity, seeing the gods and going over into an elegant bow.

    Looking back up again, he allowed the gods to look into his soul, opening it up like a book.

    The gods nodded, and all looked at one of them.


    "We are grateful you open up for us, that prevents us from taking up the time it would've cost otherwise."
    "Now, you seem like a Scholar, is that correct?"

    The god asked him, looking down at the Dwarf.

    Bhafrec nodded, staying silent in the presence of these mighty beings.


    "Very good, very good. . ."

    "T'en I shall claim you as my servant, seen that none of my Kin like reading. . ."

    The god smiled, looking at his brothers and sisters before waving his hand.

    Bhafrec was teleported to the Library of Ogradhad, the greatest collection of knowledge of all the Realms





    Koghar was next, and he stood before the Gods, seeing them in their ceremonial armours as he would have made them.

    This Dwarf was a special case, as he had never fought, and had never really interacted with others.

    The only thing the Brathmordakin could do was letting him show what he could do.

    So they did. . .

    They gave him the recourses and tools to craft a tool or weapon.

    And he did, with incredible speed and skill.

    Due to the magical fire and anvil he got provided, he could work on the weapon without having to wait for the metal to cool down.

    And within an incredibly small timeframe, he managed to fashion a beautiful Axe.



    Something that could be both a tool and a weapon was exactly what was needed.

    It impressed the gods, and it was clear who the Dwarf should belong to.

    But there was one God that fought the decision.

    This god was Grimdugan, who argued that the dwarf should be his.

    He told the Gods the skill of the Dwarf should be used to fill the vaults of Khaz'a'dentrumm.

    But he wouldn't get his way, the soul of Koghar being claimed by Yemeker himself.





    Only one more soul seemed to be awaiting the judgement.

    This soul was the original soul, being Ulf Frostbeard.

    This soul had lived the longest, so there was the most for the gods to review.

    It was visible he was a fighter, but he also was a very troubled Dwarf.

    The gods decided that, once clear how he lived his life,

    this soul should be allowed into the Halls of Khaz'a'dentrumm, no matter the god that claimed him.

    Anbella however spoke up, telling her Kin that, if no one took him, she would.


    "If none of yah beh going to take this troubled soul, I will."

    "I will take care of him, make sure he did not life his life for nothing."

    "I well foind out what went wrong with his soul."

    She announced, waving her hand, and sending Ulf to her chambers for further study









    A small boat lied on the coastal region of a broken and rotten city.

    A small Dwarf stepped out, looking up at a large and armoured figure.

    The figure looked down, an aura of power and might around him.

    The Armoured figure spoke, a deep, intimidating voice coming from inside the helmet.


    "You came. . ."
    "You sailed past the Khaz'a'dentrumm, past my brothers and sisters to come to me. . ."
    "You will be of great use to me, to our cause. . ."


    Kronoic  Stormgrip looked up, an amused expression on his face.

    He nods slightly to the God in front of him before looking around at the ruins of the city.


    "Seems loike yah beh en need o' 'elp endeed"


    The dwarf chuckled as he followed the God inside.

    As Khorvad smiled behind his helmet.


    A powerful soul was his to use. . .




    If you read all of this, respect to you!
    It took me a long time to write this, so I want to thank a few people.


    First of all, the amazing Olog that killed Ulf.

    Popogoth Drekür'Ungri, played by DutchSupremacy

    Then there are the Dwarves that came to my aid

    Ragrin Ireheart, played by KindEmperor

    Balor Ireheart, played by DcSword

    And of course there is the person that helped me writing this amazing character

    Monkeyboy0001 aka Glod Grimgold


    To finish this, I just want to thank all the Story Team members that helped me with all the annoying things that go with figuring out how to play a character with Dissociative Identity Disorder



  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Ologs are a subrace of Orcs, and the dumber, more aggressive brothers of them. The beasts are very dumb, very large and very strong, which is a dangerous combination to say the least. They can lift more than any other of the descendant races, and can eat more as well. The Ologs are always hungry, and are often fat, which is caused by their own need for food, and the need of others to keep them well fed. Ologs are twice as strong as the average orc, being able to lift 400 lbs with ease, but due to their size, which is twice the height of the average Dwarf, and at most 2 feet taller than the tallest Orc, they are slower than most of the descendants.
    The Olog is a very dumb creature, only focused on food, fighting and survival, and because of this, they are often seen together with other creatures which point and guide them to anything that needs to be harmed or helped.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Very big (9'9"), muscular and fat, this Olog represents the regular physique of one of these beasts. He often  is seen wearing heavy gloves, a helmet and shin guards, along with cloth.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:




    Rp Name: Ursus Grandaxe

    Age: 86

    Role Interested In: Student

    Classes Interested in(For Students): My interests lay in both the field of Evocations and Arcane Smithing, as well as magic overall, so I will be applying for all the classes availeble

    Qualifications for role (Only for Teachers, this includes magics they want to teach, and if they have taught at an establishment before.):

    Reason for wanting to join the Academy?: I have started my studies in the Voidal Ways of Magi before, but stopped because it didnt fit with me back then. After that I studied all around, found out as much as I could about all ways of magical manipulation, and came to the conclusion that the Voidal ways fit the best with me after all, especially because I want to improve my smithing, and keep those around me safe.



    MC Name: _Grey_W0lf_

    Discord: _Grey_W0lf_#7961

    Time Zone: GMT +1 (Amsterdam)

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