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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Alendra Seki Tathvir
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf (adopted by snow elves)
  1. Inspa_The_Hero


    I was a lost child. My parents who I have long forgotten, had abandoned me when I was but an infant in the wilderness. I have tried to think of why they might have done so with no good reason coming to long days and weeks of pondering. Fate probably would have killed me then, to wild beasts or starvation, yet a lone traveler heard my cries and took me in as his own. He was a strange one, as I came to know him only as 'Father' and he never showed me anything of his face except his eyes. I shall never forget those eyes. He taught me in ways unbeknownst to my past people, things he said would be necessary for my future. He taught me that above all Family comes first, and that we are loyal to the family even in the eyes of death. He taught me to have honor, and to have pride in myself; even as he showed me that too much pride can be your downfall. He taught me to respect my elders, and how to survive in the wilds. Together we prayed to Wyrvun. Then one cold night he left me saying; "I have given you all my teachings young one. All that is left for you is to see the world with your own eyes and embrace it with your heart. You are truly a Tathvir now." Having no other idea of where to explore, I decided to embark for the lands of Fenn, the home of the Tathvir. My Homeland. (All of this relates my life to my current age of 22.)
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