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  1. Name: Zaccon Race: wood elf Age:18 Gender: male [[OOC]] Username: Bivssss Discord: bivs...#7410 Timezone: mt
  2. Bivssss


    from birth his family was looked down on for being where they were(them being in a small hut in the woods living off want they could find). by the age of 12 his friends where moving up in life and he wasn't so he when through one of the hard time in his life. until 14 he started to have animals as friends and got very close with them. once again at age 15 he found himself at a point where he felt like he had to do something for him and his family. Practicing his stealth and what he can do with his animal friends. Now at the present day he was still training now with his aiming with a bow, still trying to make the best of his skills. Also at this time is going into fenn to see what they have there.
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