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Posts posted by Kushina__

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Allria Va'eylul


    Character's Age:

             old enough


    Character's Race:

             dark elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Gusiam Jusmia


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  2. Lorcan Sutharlainn saw the announcement about the death of Anika and felt a pinch of sadness. out of all the members in the Denodado Family, Anika had at least showed him some kindness. she would be missed, even if they hadnt interacted with eachother in years now.

    Luis Denodado Berkhoven was blizzfully unaware of his Abuela´s passing as he slept in his room with his two twins sisters. once he eventually woke up, the five year old boy would be confused as to why everyone was so sad and the worst part is that noone would tell him what was wrong! 

  3. Lorcan Sutharlainn looked at the bounty and had mixed emotions, he wanted justice for what the Vicar had done to him. But he had hoped that the Vicar would be sentenced to death, not being caught alive. Although the thought of 1000 Mina was tempting..

  4. Lorcan sutharlainn picked up the letter that had been left at his family grave and read it. he vaguely remember the name Anika..but he felt a pinch of sadness over her death anyway. after all..she had taken care of his father when he was a child, and the father´s siblings. Lorcan put the letter in his pocket, going back to the keep in dunrobin to tell the rest of his remaining family that Anika had passed..

  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Lorcan Sutharlainn


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Bardmancy [M+S]


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Farian Malto-Gylldene


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  6. [!]

    posters would be placed all over Vortice, Lurin and Celianor.





    Aher´Khel Va´eylul

    This young ker has been missing ever since she left her clan house in Vortice. Please keep a look out for a teenage mali´ker with short, white hair and red eyes, standing at 5´5. If found, her parents will reward the person greatly to get their daughter back. 

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Allria Vae´ylul


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Onon Vershar Kervallen


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Allria Vae´ylul


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             dark elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             A´lia Vershar Kervallen


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             reverant and then specter


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:



    the thing that keeps phantom together is called ectoplasm, it is a very intangible substence that can be changed at the phantom ́s will depending on what abilities the phantom has.. of course ectoplasm may interact with other phantoms, if they come in contact in lets say a battle, the phantom can still feel pain from a “punch” despite being not mortal.


    Phantom weaknesses

    just like every other “living” thing. phantoms can also feel a sort of pain. it can come in many different forms such as from direct sunlight or even just arrum itself. Another weakness that phantom have are enchanted object. more commonly voidal magic enchanted objects. other than that, phantoms are also weak towards shamatic, mysticism, lutamancy, paladin magic and much more. 


    phantoms are known for their unstable mindset. they are often heavily depressed by the fact that they have died and suffered from trauma, this causes them to be distant from the world around them. it is very common for phantoms to suffer from some sort of ptsd or ocd. poltergaists are most know to be very unstable due to the fact that they have been through a lot of trauma involving their death. 



    even though they are extremely rare, it is possible for a specter or poltergaist to switch their mental state. for this to occur a very impactful even must happen. this can only happen to a poltergeist or specter only twice during their playthrough.



    to put it simply, revenants are phantoms who have just awoken from their death. they are called “grey spirits”. the creation of revenants is either an untimely death or a very traumatic one. or simply because the person that has died refuses to pass on. they look very similar to all the phantoms, but since their death was recent, people can still see what killed them, for example if the reverant has a stomach wound, that piece of clothing will be torn apart, leaving a hole. their voices are known to be hollow and distant as they are not aware of their new state in this new “life”. just like all phantoms, reverants suffer from trauma and depression for their death, aswell as some form of ptsd or ocd. they also have a feeling of searching for awnsers about what happened and what they once lost, in other words how they were like when they were actually alive. just like all phantoms, reverants are more affected by things like arrum, magic and enchanted objects. if a reverant as gotten a fatal wound, it would take them 2 ooc days to heal.




    a specter is a type of phantom that are often called "white spirits" due to the fact that they have acknowledged their death and the trauma often surrounding it. although sometimes the realization that they have indeed died can be a heavy burden on them at times. specters share the same basic looks like most phantoms, but what really sticks out is that they are either in the color white, blue or yellow. representing the fact that they are peaceful and does not seek violence. of course their appearance are close to how they looked before their death. the voice of a specter is often described as being a soft almost melodic tone. giving the people surrounding it a calm sensation.

    unlike the rest of the phantoms. specters can come in contact with direct sunlight without being harmed.

    a specters mind is often stable and not as unstable or depressed as revenants or poltergeists and often have a very shy approach to things. specters respond to pain in a very mortal manner, almost like they did when they were alive. if threatened with arrum, the specter will become afraid since arrum can actually cause pain to them. Once injured with arrum, a specter will need 1 ooc day to fully recover. 



    basically the opposite of a specter. instead of coming to terms with their death, they are consumed by denial and the trauma that comes with it, in other words they are very unstable. making them unable to become at peace with their new state and also abilities. 


    due to being consumed with trauma and anger by their demise, unlike reverants that only show a faint picture of how they died, poltergeists really show in extreme detail how they died. for example if a poltergeist died by drowning their apperence will show as rotten and often swollen. and they often have a red color to represent their rage that they feel. 


    just like all phantoms, poltergeist can feel pain by arrum, magic and enchanted objects. if wounded badly it takes them 1 ooc day to heal fully. 


    unlike reverants that struggled with control of the realm around them, poltergeists have an immense rage which boosts their manipulation of the physical realm. that is what makes them so dangerous. it is because their rage gives them more power.


    phantom beasts

    phantom beasts are phantoms that have been animals in their life but cant pass on because they feel unfulfilled in life. phantom beasts hold a similar appearance to when they were alive, but they have a wispy, even translucent body with a faint distant glow.


    other than all the other phantoms, phantom beasts have a very simple mind. very much like their living counterparts. but just like all phantoms, these beasts can also be affected by their death if it was gruesome. For example, a wolf that died of hunger because their pack left them to die might come back as a phantom beast and feel anger, much like a poltergeist but less of a threat.


    Phantom beasts also slowly age with time, unlike other phantoms. so the older it is, the more detached they will become from this mortal realm.  leaving them feeling without a direction and purpose in life. 


    Just like all phantoms they have abilities but they are less complex since the beasts have a less complex mindset. they can for example at least float one foot off the ground or fade out of the mortal realm. 



    apparitions are phantoms that unlike the rest, really stand out. Even if they manifest as individual entities, they are more like a terrific form that has been born through mass deaths such as battlefields, massacres and so on. to make an apparition appear, these deaths must happen close to each other. just one day apart.


    Apparitions are ectoplasmic entities that surpass the span of any other Phantom since they include tens or hundreds of souls, making them really stand out amongst the phantoms. 


    With such concentrations of ectoplasm, the substance's usual limitations become somewhat irrelevant, allowing Apparitions to be as physical or insubstantial as they want at any given moment, meaning that they are able to mount physical assaults that can shred metal and topple stone. they can also sink into stuff and become untouchable to all but the arcane, light, fire, and aurum. making them really dangerous, even more so than poltergeists. 


    Of course the power of each apparition depends on how many souls they have absorbed. Basically, the more souls you have when you were created the more powerful you are. 


    Unlike poltergeists that actually can “control” their emotions at times, apparitions do not have that ability, they are simply driven by the sole purpose to kill and cause insanity. With this in mind, it is almost impossible to bargain with an apparition. but due to their flawed mind, this is also one of the biggest strengths and weaknesses that an apparition has. They are not known to make complex plans. they act purely on impulse meaning that when fighting an apparition, their combat tactic can change drastically. With all this in mind, the opponent needs to be very adaptable to keep up with the apparition that they are fighting. 


    The only trait that is reliable when it comes to apparitions is the fact that they are not pleasant in any way. they don't act with kindness. At best they may have completely lost the will to defend themselves and at worst they may be in such a rage that they are willing to destroy everyone and everything around them. however there is always a slim chance that an apparition may experience a moment of sanity, adapting to distinct personalities and behavior, of course this fact will disgust the apparition since their only purpose is to cause destruction. 


    apparitions may slowly age after some time, making them more “complete” as an entity. and thus making them even more dangerous. 


    just like every other phantom, apparitions fear arrum, magic and enchanted objects, since it can cause them pain.


    the thing that keeps phantom together is called ectoplasm, it is a very intangible substence that can be changed at the phantom ́s will depending on what abilities the phantom has.. of course ectoplasm may interact with other phantoms, if they come in contact in lets say a battle, the phantom can still feel pain from a “punch” despite being not mortal.


    Phantom weaknesses

    just like every other “living” thing. phantoms can also feel a sort of pain. it can come in many different forms such as from direct sunlight or even just arrum itself. Another weakness that phantom have are enchanted object. more commonly voidal magic enchanted objects. other than that, phantoms are also weak towards shamatic, mysticism, lutamancy, paladin magic and much more. 


    phantoms are known for their unstable mindset. they are often heavily depressed by the fact that they have died and suffered from trauma, this causes them to be distant from the world around them. it is very common for phantoms to suffer from some sort of ptsd or ocd. poltergaists are most know to be very unstable due to the fact that they have been through a lot of trauma involving their death. 



    even though they are extremely rare, it is possible for a specter or poltergaist to switch their mental state. for this to occur a very impactful even must happen. this can only happen to a poltergeist or specter only twice during their playthrough.



    to put it simply, revenants are phantoms who have just awoken from their death. they are called “grey spirits”. the creation of revenants is either an untimely death or a very traumatic one. or simply because the person that has died refuses to pass on. they look very similar to all the phantoms, but since their death was recent, people can still see what killed them, for example if the reverant has a stomach wound, that piece of clothing will be torn apart, leaving a hole. their voices are known to be hollow and distant as they are not aware of their new state in this new “life”. just like all phantoms, reverants suffer from trauma and depression for their death, aswell as some form of ptsd or ocd. they also have a feeling of searching for awnsers about what happened and what they once lost, in other words how they were like when they were actually alive. just like all phantoms, reverants are more affected by things like arrum, magic and enchanted objects. if a reverant as gotten a fatal wound, it would take them 2 ooc days to heal.




    a specter is a type of phantom that are often called "white spirits" due to the fact that they have acknowledged their death and the trauma often surrounding it. although sometimes the realization that they have indeed died can be a heavy burden on them at times. specters share the same basic looks like most phantoms, but what really sticks out is that they are either in the color white, blue or yellow. representing the fact that they are peaceful and does not seek violence. of course their appearance are close to how they looked before their death. the voice of a specter is often described as being a soft almost melodic tone. giving the people surrounding it a calm sensation.

    unlike the rest of the phantoms. specters can come in contact with direct sunlight without being harmed.

    a specters mind is often stable and not as unstable or depressed as revenants or poltergeists and often have a very shy approach to things. specters respond to pain in a very mortal manner, almost like they did when they were alive. if threatened with arrum, the specter will become afraid since arrum can actually cause pain to them. Once injured with arrum, a specter will need 1 ooc day to fully recover. 



    basically the opposite of a specter. instead of coming to terms with their death, they are consumed by denial and the trauma that comes with it, in other words they are very unstable. making them unable to become at peace with their new state and also abilities. 


    due to being consumed with trauma and anger by their demise, unlike reverants that only show a faint picture of how they died, poltergeists really show in extreme detail how they died. for example if a poltergeist died by drowning their apperence will show as rotten and often swollen. and they often have a red color to represent their rage that they feel. 


    just like all phantoms, poltergeist can feel pain by arrum, magic and enchanted objects. if wounded badly it takes them 1 ooc day to heal fully. 


    unlike reverants that struggled with control of the realm around them, poltergeists have an immense rage which boosts their manipulation of the physical realm. that is what makes them so dangerous. it is because their rage gives them more power.


    phantom beasts

    phantom beasts are phantoms that have been animals in their life but cant pass on because they feel unfulfilled in life. phantom beasts hold a similar appearance to when they were alive, but they have a wispy, even translucent body with a faint distant glow.


    other than all the other phantoms, phantom beasts have a very simple mind. very much like their living counterparts. but just like all phantoms, these beasts can also be affected by their death if it was gruesome. For example, a wolf that died of hunger because their pack left them to die might come back as a phantom beast and feel anger, much like a poltergeist but less of a threat.


    Phantom beasts also slowly age with time, unlike other phantoms. so the older it is, the more detached they will become from this mortal realm.  leaving them feeling without a direction and purpose in life. 


    Just like all phantoms they have abilities but they are less complex since the beasts have a less complex mindset. they can for example at least float one foot off the ground or fade out of the mortal realm. 



    apparitions are phantoms that unlike the rest, really stand out. Even if they manifest as individual entities, they are more like a terrific form that has been born through mass deaths such as battlefields, massacres and so on. to make an apparition appear, these deaths must happen close to each other. just one day apart.


    Apparitions are ectoplasmic entities that surpass the span of any other Phantom since they include tens or hundreds of souls, making them really stand out amongst the phantoms. 


    With such concentrations of ectoplasm, the substance's usual limitations become somewhat irrelevant, allowing Apparitions to be as physical or insubstantial as they want at any given moment, meaning that they are able to mount physical assaults that can shred metal and topple stone. they can also sink into stuff and become untouchable to all but the arcane, light, fire, and aurum. making them really dangerous, even more so than poltergeists. 


    Of course the power of each apparition depends on how many souls they have absorbed. Basically, the more souls you have when you were created the more powerful you are. 


    Unlike poltergeists that actually can “control” their emotions at times, apparitions do not have that ability, they are simply driven by the sole purpose to kill and cause insanity. With this in mind, it is almost impossible to bargain with an apparition. but due to their flawed mind, this is also one of the biggest strengths and weaknesses that an apparition has. They are not known to make complex plans. they act purely on impulse meaning that when fighting an apparition, their combat tactic can change drastically. With all this in mind, the opponent needs to be very adaptable to keep up with the apparition that they are fighting. 


    The only trait that is reliable when it comes to apparitions is the fact that they are not pleasant in any way. they don't act with kindness. At best they may have completely lost the will to defend themselves and at worst they may be in such a rage that they are willing to destroy everyone and everything around them. however there is always a slim chance that an apparition may experience a moment of sanity, adapting to distinct personalities and behavior, of course this fact will disgust the apparition since their only purpose is to cause destruction. 


    apparitions may slowly age after some time, making them more “complete” as an entity. and thus making them even more dangerous. 


    just like every other phantom, apparitions fear arrum, magic and enchanted objects, since it can cause them pain.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Ian was a tall and muscular human man that died in a duel, trying to defend his fiance. but this ended with him being stabbed in the stomach, despite the brutal blow, ian passed on calmly in his lover´s arms. because of his cause of death, ian´s shirt has a cut from the dagger that killed him. making it clear that a sharp object killed him. other than that he looks exactly like he used to when he was alive. 

    when Ian turns into a specter, he´ll take the color of greyish-blue. he is often calm but has a sad undertone since he is trying to find out what happened to his former lover, not willing to let her go just yet. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             i understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:






    A very Aeltarosi Wedding


    Let it be known all across the continent  that the long awaited marriage between Lord Daeron Vaelaris and Lady Naesys Scrivener is finally going to take place in the grand sept of Maegor in the city of Aeltarys. Both houses have agreed on keeping their house names despite being married, and their two first born sons will be divided into heirs for the two houses when they come of age. Thus both House Vaelaris and House Scrivener will have a successor.


    all Aeltarosi are welcome along with allies and friends of the two houses. 

    (ooc: we havent actually set a date yet but hopefully soon!)



                                        Lord Daeron Vaelaris, lord of house Vaelaris and Lord Architect. 

    Lady Naesys Scrivener, Lady of House Scrivener and Scale-Seer of the Temple of Aganor.

  12. Name: Saoirse Sutharlainn
    Race: highlander
    Experience: was in the Ashguard before it got re-worked, has great combat experience due to many duels and hunts. has remained loyal to the kingdom of Norland since birth. wants to follow in her father´s footsteps to protect norland at any costs. 

    IGN Name: Kushina__
    Discord: kushina8775
    Timezone: GMT + 1

  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Allria Va'eylul


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             dark elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self-teach housemagery tome


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self-teach housemagery tome


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?





         three missing Sutharlainn´s

       on the 18th of the deep cold, year 134 of the second age





    the Sutharlainn clan are missing three of their beloved family members.

    the missing members are:

    Fred Sutharlainn, 21 of age.

    Eric Sutharlainn, 21 of age.

    John Sutharlainn, 20 of age.


    All of the missing men have blue eyes and bright red hair. On behalf of the Sutharlainn clan, please look for them, and may the All-Father watch over them and keep them safe. 


    If any of the missing family members are found, the person that found them will be rewarded greatly by the Sutharlainn clan.



    protector of the Sutharlainn Clan,




  15. Aeltarosi Cuisine: Vaelaris Edition



    One of the Great houses from Aeltarys provide with a great amount of seafood to the old continent. this house is none other than house Vaelaris, they specialize in seafood meaning many great dishes have been made that are very popular among all the Aeltarosi. So in this article you will read about 3 of the more popular dishes from the Aeltarosi culture.


    Vaelaris Grilled Crab:


    This dish is exactly what the title says, it is simply grilled crab legs filled with spices such as garlic, lemon and most of all butter. giving it a very greasy yet refreshing flavor. the crabs used to be catched crabcliff bay specifically, but since the cataclysm that is no longer possible. during  of the old kings reign, this dish was often served at the royal court. in the present day it is possible to make this dish with any crab you want.


    Salted Herring:

    This dish is served along with  stale bread. to simply put it. It is salted fish that has been dried in barrels of salt for months. making it last over a year. giving it a very seasalty flavor and along with the neutral stale bread it is a perfect food to have when you are out at sea or on long travels. this is extremely popular among the lower class since it is so easy to make and take with you anywhere you go.


    Vaelaris Moules:

    this dish is renowned for its rich flavor and high quality. just like the Vaelaris grilled crab, these moules used to be caught just outside of crabcliff bay. the moules are open by hand and then put on a grill. giving it a very smoky flavor along with the citrus juice that is put on top. perfect for when you want something easy yet fancy to make. goes well along with mead or ale. 


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