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About game_thomas

  • Birthday 06/27/2000

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    Proteus Bennett
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  1. game_thomas


    Proteus Bennett was born in a small town next to the Holy Orenian Empire. He is a single child and had no friends in the town he lived in, so he became depressed. When he was nine years old he traveled to the Holy Orenian Empire, because he was told that ther was family living there. When he was in Orenian he saw that his family where just leaving the city to go to the Kingdom of Norland. So he traveled back home to see his parents again to feed him. His parents where angry that he left his town but he was welcome in the house. Months went past and he had that feeling in his backhead that there was something going on in Norland. When he was 16 he asked his parents if he could leave to Norland, his parents said yes so a month went past to prepare to travel to norland. When he arrived he saw that Isabella Nora was gone but her parents where not. He asked if he could stay with them and they said yes but they needed one thing, they told him that if he was old enough to travel to Almaris to find their daughter. He agreed and became a family member. Three years went past and he was almost ready to leave Norland but first he needed to learn to survive the long trip ahead of him, when he had learned enough he was ready to find Isabella on the age of 19, he started his journey to find Isabella and her brother. He started his journey with horse and carriage. he went to alot of townson his journey so he had grown a passion for fishing. It where 3 long years of traveling to Alamaris. but finally he arrived to find his niece. And got the news that his mother died of that she never got news from her child
  2. game_thomas


    Proteus Bennett whas born in a small town against the Holy Orenian Empire. He is a single child. he had no friends in the town he lived, he became depressed in the town. So when he was 9 years old. He traveled to the Holy Orenain Empire. Because he whas told that there whas family living there. When he whas in Orenian he saw that his family where just leaving the city to go to the Kingdom of Norland. So he traveld back home to see his parents again to feed him. His parents where angry that he leaved his town but he was welcome in the house. Months went past he had that feeling in his backhead that there was something going on in Norland. When he whas 16 he asked his parents if he could leave to Norland his parents said yes, so a month went past to prepare to travel to Norland. When he arrived he saw that Isabella Nora whas gone but her parents where not. He asked if he could stay with them they said yes but they needed one thing. they told him if he whas old enough to travel to Alamaris to find their daughter. He agreed and becam a family member. Three years went past he whas almost ready to leave Norland. But first he needed to learn to survive the long trip ahead of him. when he whas learned enough he whas ready to find Isabella on the age of 19. he started his journey to find Isabella and her brother. He started his journet with horse and carriage. He went to alot of towns on his journey so he had grown a passion for fishing. it where 3 long years of traveling to Alamaris. But finally he arrived. to find her niece
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