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Status Updates posted by Appreditius

  1. Hey, this kind of dumb and I'm sure you guys are busy anyways but if anyone could answer me on this, I have gotten my application accepted but I'm not whitelisted I'm sure its just you guys are busy but if there's something I've done wrong please tell me.

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    2. Traveller


      haha like i said i'm not staff so i can't give you any specific advice, but they themselves can, if they think your app is almost there they will give you a "pending" rather than denied/accepted and let you make changes in a 24h timespan, with reasons/how to fix the mistakes you have potentially made. 

    3. Appreditius


      okay thanks again like i said you've been a huge help

    4. Zacho


      My only advice for your app is to look pretty hard at the guidelines. The purpose of the application is create a very basic character with at least some sort of depth to it. For example, a farmer boy from x city who often travelled to x city to get goods, got robbed one day, and now sets out to achieve [insert goal here]. If you need anymore help (although I dont handle applications) feel free to hmu on discord. Zacho#5276

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