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About XJ047

  • Birthday August 20

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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Condorian Nikoli
  • Character Race
    High elf/Human
  1. XJ047


    Condorian was born in The Silver State to Rykerson and Emile Nikoli. Rykerson was a human whose research on elves led him to settle down in The Silver State, and Emile was a high elf of the middle class who already lived within the city. Therefore making Condorian Half-elf and Half-human. This is what led to his family becoming lower class, and moving from a somewhat structurally sound house to an apartment that you'd be likely to find mice in. Being of the lowest class obviously had its struggles, such as never going to school or getting an education. Instead Condoran would spend his time as a small boy working small freelance jobs. When Condorian was 10 a disgraced sword master moved into their apartment with them. She was a friend of Emile's from long ago who had protested the exchange of power from Visaj Maheral to Iaria Elervathar and as such lost all standing. In exchange for a place to stay the sword master agreed to teach Condorian the art of the blade. Now, he wasn't good at it, at all, but he had the gusto and determination to keep going. As the years went on Condorian found himself getting better and better at the sword, even after his teacher had left The Silver State altogether. Eventually these skills lead him to where he is today. One night, when he was around 17, he heard commotion outside of his house. A noble was being attacked on the backstreet where he lived. Despite his fear of the dark, Condorian found himself raising the practice blade his teacher had left him and rushing out to the noble's aid. If it wasn't for his split second actions that night might have ended in bloodshed. He quickly tried his best to ensure the noble was okay, even inviting them inside to prevent any further harm. The Noble(Who's not a player character and will never be shown) quickly became attached, charmed by Condorian's fierce determination to ensure everything was okay. As the Noble went on their way that was assumed to be the last of it, but it wasn't. The next week Condorian received a summons, which he just barely understood with his limited reading abilities. Within the next month he was hired on as the Noble's personal knight. And that is where he stayed for most of his remaining years, up until an elf caught his Noble's eye. He can't quite recall the name of them, but he'll never forget their face, nor will he ever forget the crushing nights by his Noble's side when that person (Aurelius Ignatius, PercyVerance's character) ran away. Quickly in the heat of the moment Condorian was sent on what was practically a fool's errand to find his Noble's lost love. And that's where he is today. Condorian is wandering the world in search of a person that doesn't want to be found, and he's more than happy about it. (As a note, all characters except for Aurelius are fake and aren't tied to another player unless someone would like them to be. They won't be shown in roleplay at all and are just here for backstory) Art(by me) of the boy, and proof of permission from Percy:
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