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  1. Raphyol


    Ballas was born in a northern city. At the age of 7 they already started training him in the art of combat. The city he lived in from then on was called Dundorma and was known for their fighters aswell as Blacksmiths. After he mastered the art of combat he started at the age of 23 learning to forge weapons. Over the years he became one of the best blacksmithes around. After some time he ended working because he found his love. He had three sons and an adopted daughter. After a few years the city got hit by a plague as terrible as it could be. Many died and left the surviving ones to flee from the place. One of his sons decided to sail off to distant lands but ended up dying there while Ballas tried sailing after him ending up in this world. He found out about some new things aswell as hearing about dark magic and demons which have awoken his interest. He is now traveling around looking for the dark arts of this new empire he found aswell as blacksmiths to learn maybe some more about forging
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