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  1. HeroYTM


    Dariah was born at home her mother too stubborn to have sought out medical assistance. Her mother, Esther Silvenski called her daughter 'Miracle Elf' after surviving the birth. Esther raised Dariah as a single child and single mother duo. They lived within The Sister City, they had lived in a cave for years her mother being independent had decided to homeschool Dariah. By the age of 7, Dariah was already learning to take care of herself, how to speak, how to forage for food. Although when she was 12 things took a turn for the worse. The foundations of their home failed and caused their home to collapse, Dariah was lucky to get out but her mother not much so. The home was cleared and reconstructed but Dariah didn't return. Instead she'd find caves in the wild and sleep there, she'd enter cities and take whatever rations were available to her. She grew up withdrawn from social interactions and preferred her life through nature exploring the lands it had to offer, as of now she's not settled down properly yet she believes she will find a good to live her life in and pursue her career in writing.
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