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Everything posted by PadaBoio99

  1. PadaBoio99


    Lyra Xilro was born in Aegrothond and orphaned at the age of 3, she had gone to live with her widowed grandmother, and she didn't know of her parents cause of death until she turned 16, At which point she went for revenge on the humans that had killed her parents, ignoring her grandmothers' pleads for her to stay and her own self-doubts. Lyra had been hunting for only a year, while out on her travels, she met a kind dark elf named Runaan Dufir. She wasn't quick to trust him, but after cautiously speaking and meeting with Runaan, she began to trust him. He was a calm elf, and he helped Lyra not be so reckless, and to not be so hostile but more passive-aggressive. She then gave up plotting against the humans, and lived near Runaan for another 2 years. She was having a peaceful life, until one day, Lyra woke up to smoke filling throughout her house, she threw all her weapons together and went to Runaan's house, It was ingulfed in flames, and she could hear yelling from a small way away. She rushed to the house, and tried to find a way in, but couldn't, there was no way in. Lyra started calling for Runaan but there was no answer, from him at least. She could hear the stomping of feet coming her way, she was panicked and terrifyed. Just as soon as she saw the first soldier coming around the trees, her survival instinct's kicking in, and she dashed out of view before they could see her. Her main goal was to run very far way, She didn't know who the group of humans were, but she had a suspicion, the humans who had killed her parents. Lyra was trying to remember what Runaan taught her, but with Runaan gone, she just couldn't do it, she needed revenge, now more than ever. (RL right now, its 3:59 am, and I had to rewrite this 4 or 5 times. Pls Don't judge me)
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