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Catarina Valentine

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  1. Catarina Valentine


    As soon as Cat was born, she was cherished by her family and didn't have to do much of anything for herself since she was an only child. She has a very strong relationship with her parents so she always helped out her father with house chores but her favorite thing to do was to help her mother in the bakery they owned. Cat loved baking ever since she was 5 and planned to take over the bakery when her parents got too old, but by the time Cat turned 16, the bakery was all run-down and was barely getting any business. It all got worse when a gang of bandits visited her mother's bakery and stole all of their earnings of the week, their only supply of income. When Cat's mother tried to fight back, the bandits destroyed the bakery. Her parents were so devastated that they shut down the bakery and her father went off to find new work Only a month after this incident and Cat noticed her household was getting more depressing day by day, so she decide to get a job as a local window cleaner for her close neighbours. She saved every bit of money she earned to fix up the bakery and when she turned 17, she finally had enough to start working on the repairs. Cat's parents did not want her to spend all of her money on their old bakery because they were getting too old as well and wanted to retire from baking. They told her to go to the countryside like she always dreamt of so she can start again. Cat kept cleaning windows but soon began offering to clean entire houses to earn more money. One day, when she was cleaning her fairly new neighbour's house, he told her many stories of when he used to live in Acre, in the countryside. After that day, Cat went over to his house every week to hear more stories of Acre until he had no more stories to tell. He told her to go to the countryside if she wanted to hear more stories and gave her a map. Cat packed her bags and said goodbye to her parents, promising to visit. She said goodbye to her neighbour and started her trip to the town of Acre.
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