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Everything posted by marikandaperc

  1. [i] another drawing, this time more chaotic, was put up underneath the first. [i]
  2. [i] the following drawing made with crayons is held around the Kingdom. The lines that made the drawing varied from drawing to drawing, growing ever so shaky [i]
  3. She whined as the missive was sent, uncomfortably slapping the dorf-sized chair she was forced to sit upon. "I'M NOT KIDNAPPED!!!! MARRIAGE IS /NOT/ ABDUCTION!!!!!!"
  4. marikandaperc


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” I forgot what happened to the town I had been wandering in for hours, every memory of that became a blur as I entered the tent. My head was tilted at that of the woman in front of me, we mutually studied each other. My cream dress was very worn out from the travel, and that was the biggest of my worries right now; my mom will kill me. Noticing my silence, the woman spoke again. "I asked ye a question, prinzzes..." she said, and to that I snapped from my overly worried thoughts. But what was the question? I could not rememeber. So I decided to ask again. "What was the question, miss?" I asked with the most innocence in the world; because I was not scared. Not of her, at least. With quite the annoyed grumbling, the woman responded. Her voice was annoying and raspy, but it didn't bother me that much. Nothing ever really does. "I asked if you wanted to sit and tell me yer story, kid." To that, I rolled my eyes. Maybe something does quite bother me; talking about my story. I sat on the cushion, and held my hands upon my thighs, something I do often while anxious. "My story is quite the boring one, I'm not too sure you'd want to hear." The woman waved her hands dismissively, and I felt almost disrespected by that. But nevertheless, I carried on. "My family is poor, and we barely can afford a piece of bread for every day. But they love me-- My family, I mean! They bought me this dress, but as you can see... It's quite used up. I have a sister, her name is Dorothy and mine is Ludmilla- But I have a second name, too. Because my grandma died on the day I was born; Silvia. I really want to learn magic!" I eventually carried on with the boring speech, with a unhinged comment by the old woman every now and then. I did not realize that in the mean time, my surroundings were changing. And before I could notice, I slowly fell asleep. One of the best sleep of my life, and possibly the last.
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