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Everything posted by McMustache

  1. IGN: McMustache Discord: McMustache#7034 Persona's Name: Elias Scholz
  2. McMustache


    Lucas was born in Norland, a mile outside of Alisgrad. Lucas' mother (Emilia Schmidt Richter) died shortly after giving birth to Lucas due to complications at birth, this caused Lucas' father (Finn Richter) to view Lucas as the cause of his wife's death and as such neglected Lucas while he was young. Lucas grew up in the small community of hunters that was the Fjord clan. While treated badly by his father the rest of the clan treated him well and took care of him in place of his father and mother, but Lucas never really felt an love or affection due to the lack of a mother and his neglectful father. Lucas grew up learning how to hunt and how to survive in the cold of Norland, and yet Lucas was unhappy. He yearned to leave the life he lived, of just surviving, he wanted to learn about the world and live rather than just surviving. When Lucas was 23 and on a hunt alone, his clan was attacked by an unknown force, he returned to his clan to see that the entire clan had been killed, with wounds that resembled human weapons. At that moment Lucas felt little sadness, but freedom. Lucas finally felt that he could live his life as he wanted, living like a person instead of as the animals he used to be.
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