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    Blood Money 187#4429
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    Blood Money

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    Topa Xan
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  1. Topa looked upon his peers as he gave a salute back, ready to serve the Norther Commando Unit of Saint Karl.
  2. Arr4


    Topa was raised in the outskirts of the Free City of Ves, now Kaedrin. He was raised as a peasant that would do the daily chores required of him by his family, including such tasks as gathering water from the river, helping out his father, a Guard in the city, or doing other menial chores for people about the city. This was a simple life with a strict routine, getting up early and finishing late. This was not a life Topa wanted to live because it did not pay well at all. Eventually he decided he wanted to do something more - become a skilled fighter and adventurer. For this he left Ves and headed towards the Capital of Man, Helena, where he presumed the most skilled fighters of Human society would be. The aim here was to tutor under one of the Knights of the realm, and hopefully become as skilled as them one day. Beyond this, he was also aware of a recent war that had taken place and that had ravaged the land called the War of the Two Emperors. This is where the victors lived, he was told, and so he knew Helena was where the best fighters would reside – they had won the war after all. Ves was against Helena during the war and so he made sure to learn this before setting off. This was because if he was not cautious then he may get backlash for where he lives due to the war. That’s where Topa's history ends and his future begins, with a quest for him to find a Knight to squire under and learn the way of the sword.
  3. Arr4


    Born in the tender spring of 1648, Jakal was raised on the shores of Judi to a fisherman father and loving mother. She is second to an older brother, mediator to three more siblings that followed soon after. Life in such a lively household held no shortage of excitement - arguments between who took who's precious trinket, why should I be punished if they started it, and many more little spats taught the younger Claridge that kindness had no wrong place to belong. In a community that valued humility and humanity above all, the lesson proved itself beyond her little family when her father was crippled in a fishing accident. Taking up the reins for income, and a more masculine role, along with her older brother, Jakal was suddenly exposed to the greatness that was freedom of work. The freedom to learn with your own two hands, the freedom to learn out of written word, the freedom to see much more outside of their house overlooking the sea; it was almost too much for her mind to gobble down like a wolf. Books soon filled the underside of her bed, stuffed into the mattress as often as she could grab them. It was this ravenous hunger for knowledge that set her off with the first mention of a world beyond Judi, like the exotic lands of Oyashima, or the strong Federation of Sutica! Jakal was a moth to flame, knowing that her family could support itself, and was aboard the very first ship out to sea headed for the Federation to start her conquest for anything to learn about the great wide world.
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