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  1. I'M DONE


    I just wanted to RP.
    That's it.


    I wanted to come back to LotC after years of being away.

    I get back, and things are okay for a little while, but... then... somebody swats me OOCly three times and runs off.

    I spend he next hour IRL looking for food to refill what was taken from the attack.
    Within that hour, I was swatted by four more people, and was dropped by the last one.

    This last person didn't know how to revive me, so, I lost my items.


    I take a week off, because that was infuriating.

    I come back, and politely ask people who swat me NOT to.
    "Hey, could you not do that? Food isn't free, and I don't feel like chasing health bars."


    I THOUGHT that there was some level of human decency.

    Enough so that the request NOT to click on me would be listened to.
    For a day, it was.


    The next day, it seems that everybody got the GREAT IDEA to troll me.
    Screw with me.
    ...and they all got a good laugh out of it.

    Do you know who hasn't been laughing?

    It hasn't been funny.


    I will admit, I saw Simba standing on a wall, but I gave him food, warned him, THEN pushed him.


    The issue I'm having NOW is that STAFF has taken up the mantle of 'troll'.


    I made a declaration that I would kill anybody who swatted me.
    Literally THE NEXT DAY (today), a staff member swats me.
    I try to attack them back, but lo-and-behold, they're INVINCIBLE... so...


    Not ONLY is there nothing I can do to make it stop, now I have staff in GOD MODE doing it so there's not anything I can do to make it stop.
    I can't REPORT them for it BECAUSE THEY'RE STAFF.


    I have asked nicely, I have begged, I have gotten angry, I've tried setting PvP timers, making statements publicly, and yet... the "Goon Squads" can't help but "Get a rise" out of me.


    "Well, if you didn't react this way, they wouldn't do it."
    I'm sorry, are you victim blaming?

    I'm literally being attacked in PvP and demanding it stops, and that demand is a "bad reaction"?


    You're the only ones laughing.
    I'm not.
    Process that...
    Just... give that some thought...

    You're intentionally ruining the experience of another player for YOUR laughs.
    You're intentionally causing stress in another human being for LAUGHS.
    That's sadism.

    What's more is that a STAFF MEMBER did it.
    Somebody who could have NOTHING done to them in response.
    If that's not 'swinging down', I don't know what is.

    I've made my requests, demands, and I've tried making it stop, and it hasn't.

    I'm done asking.
    So... now I'm just done.

    You trolls have just pushed a user out of this community.
    Somebody who genuinely enjoyed writing with you all.
    ...and all because you couldn't treat me like a human being.


    1. Rigorous


      if i could i'd send u a gif of me punching u mcly o_o

    2. BaconAvengerII


      ...and this is part of the problem.
      You and the other goons would be the only ones who find it funny.
      It isn't.
      Please stop.

      I've been informed that the situation is being handled by staff.
      I won't be leaving for good, but I will be taking a break.
      Months of this, non-stop, has turned me off of wanting to write.
      I'll be back, and hopefully, when I am, my request to not be struck will be heard.

    3. Rigorous


      LOL ok

      Enjoy getting MC hit for the next 8 months bucko

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