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  1. "Nowhere are the laws I drafted many years ago mentioned. I tried to bring peace, and was spat on..." Chono spoke, "My mercy is reserved for the victims of this inaction." looking up toward the gathering around the table, "It's a shame it took this long for somebody to offer real peace. I'm pleased it was Markus Sarkozic, but this shouldn't have fallen on his shoulders. Remember, he was a servant, same as I. He helped me /draft/ those laws. Fair laws. Just. If anybody is capable of bringing this place back into The Light, it's that man. It's Markus Sarkozic."
  2. Chono looked over the missive she was sent on the matter. Sitting on the felled tree as the light from the fire came through the back of the papyrus, her typically-worn smile had faded. Twenty years... for this? More than half of her life... for this? Her job was taken. Her respect was taken. Her safety and privacy were taken. Now, her home. Somber expression taking over her features, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Eyes opening slowly as she exhaled at the same rate, the luster in those emerald eyes was just... gone. Betrayal? Regret? Now was not the time for self-study. She had things to do. She had to inform her Sister. What came next would be left to The Creator, and her Ancestors.
  3. I, as a player, am agender, and asexual.

    Don't be gross.

    My skin is still crawling from the comments made yesterday.


    There is a line, and making disgusting sexual comments about my character(s) is over that line.

    Stalking my character(s) IC and OOC is over that line.

    Asking in a VC where to find me IG so you can come screw with me is over that line.


    If 'Human Decency' is too big of an ask for the community, then I'm done asking.

    Edited by BaconAvengerII
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Apotolofo


      As a fellow agender and asexual individual 


      Gimme names bbg 🔪


      (I mean bbg in the most platonic way possible)

    3. bravery


      Honestly yeah, you really need to report this. On top of that, report the ableist slur in one of the above comments.

    4. xo31


      wtf??? i really had higher hopes of this community but here we are, apparently ableist slurs n shit being thrown around aswell

  4. What followed would likely have made Ethan tell Chono that it was a fire-hazard. Every day for the next year, she would light a candle at the top floor of the tower she resided in, in memory of the man she admired for his honor and humor in the face of astounding odds. "He taught me how to laugh, and mean it."
  5. [MUSIC] She sat at the very top floor of a tower in Winburgh, shudders open to let in the night. In her collection was a total of 40 journals written over the last 20+ years of her service to Veletz as an entity. All written in cypher composed mostly of another language, these journals are meant to be the collective knowledge learned while 'outside'. These journals are to be returned to her people so they may learn, grow, evolve, and adapt to an everchanging world. Nomads by nature, the Kazakh are on the brink of extinction, sending their best and brightest to look for solutions. Knowledge. Information. "Juli'el" Chono is one such person. You see, the Order that raised and trained her sent her out into the world at a very young age. To humble themself before an outsider. To perform a 'great deed'. Then, and only then, were they allowed to return to their own people as an Honored Elder. They were only about 15 years of age when they arrived in Adria, proving themselves to Duke Sarkozic by training a corvid for him. The Duke and his wife, now Mother Oksana, had become something of parent figures to them. Both would later HEAVILY influence the Draft of Law for Veletz. These journals are not only on matters of conflict and war, though they are included. From Defending against a Dwarven Raid in Norland, to surviving hours-long cannon fire in Breakwater. Every battle with the forces of Deadmund. Every physical altercation, including the loss of her finger. These journals encompass many topics, though most would seem rather mundane to most. Medicine, economics, farming, politics. Every so often, one would come across an entry regarding her life, becoming more frequent as time went on. Updates on events, names, places, relationships. A running list of all the names she knew of the people she'd lost. People that meant something to her while she was in Veletz. Sir Hannibal's name was at the very top of that list. There was later a whole 3-page entry on how beautiful the garden in Winburgh keep is. Tonight, she was relearning to write with her left hand since the removal of that ring-finger. Lantern and a few candles lit, she sat on a small stool with a faint smile on her face, scratching characters away in another journal. The last entry was on the subject of loss and sacrifice. How a conflict shows people for who they truly are beneath the smiles and garments. I stand by this conclusion, having noticed this war turn some of my closest friends, those I believed would choose mercy, into blood-hunters. I do not blame them, or judge them. I care for them deeply. I simply wish more people would choose peace. The one I have come to call Brother, the very man I serve, seems to be the only one who sees the benefit of mercy. Peace. His voice is the only one most listen to, despite his efforts to change this. He is a far more patient person than I. I see why his path lead him to this position. This entry is about love. True love. When I was young, Teacher Eigo told my class a story. I believed I understood it, before. I was so very wrong. With him? I understand. The story starts as all his stories did. In a fishing village. A Monk of our School walked to the docks of a fishing village and happened upon a fisherman who was whistling as he caught many fish that day. Very happy. A lot of bites. The Monk asks "Why do you do this?" The fisherman replied "I love fish." The Monk replied, "Do you truly? Why do you love fish?" "It is easy to catch, clean, cook, and eat when I am hungry." "If you love fish, why dig a hook into its face? Why remove it from its home? Change its form to suit you? Why should it sustain you if you love IT?" The fisherman was stunned. Stunned silent. He slowly began to release the fish, one by one, and asked the Monk to keep speaking. The Monk went on "If you truly loved even a single fish, you would feed it and give it safety. You would leave it with its people, and family. You love it for what it does for you... not because it is a fish." The fisherman then became this Monk's student. I lost my finger because I was loved for what I provided. I was pretty, and fun. I was entertaining, and safe. When I asked for something to be done for me, it was unthinkable. Now, I have asked that none be killed or harmed in my name, and... he heard me. Were it done for me, it would be done as I would do it. I would not travel to a stranger's home and butcher them while they sleep. No. When he claims to protect me, he truly does it, even when I am not present to behold his actions. All this by chance. I was prepared to accept defeat. Failure. I had forgotten myself. Thanks to him, I have remembered who and what I am. Is this what my Creator had in store for me? Is this what I've sacrificed for? Such high praise from such a kind man? He has taken the title of 'Min Khair' in accordance with the old ways. I have done the same for him. He means to take me as his wife, and I could not be happier. My heart sings his song. I hope we will share each others' company for many, many years to come. If all that returns are these journals, know that I see the path before me more clearly than I have ever, before. I understand now what it is I must do, and why. Thank you, Creator. Thank you, Teachers. ...and thank you, Min Khair.
  6. "Peace was always an option." Chono sets a few forms aside as they go through Steward Logs for Winburgh. "One cannot shake hands with a closed fist. I wish those who label me 'enemy' would see this."
  7. After the excommunication of their adoptive family from The Church, Chono wrote the Pontiff to demand excommunication themselves. Their personality, description, nature, clothing, disposition, and even their theme song was made to change with everything that has take place during the War. Still residing in Veletz, and still active in defending its undefended citizens, Chono's smile is now mostly missing. Their tone has become more reserved. They are now missing the ring-finger of their left hand, up to the middle knuckle.
  8. Juli'el Chono looks over the information, pleasant smile remaining on their face as they took in the information. "False..." spoken calmly to themselves at the first lie noted in this report. Chuckling softly to themselves after they'd finished reading it, they'd turn and leave the office without another word. This was no more hostile than The Church had been to them, personally, the entire time they were in Veletz. So... nothing has changed. Wonderful.
  9. ~Baptized Canonist~ Age : 33 05:00 on the 7th of The Deep Cold Year 153 of the Second AgeJuli'el Chono Named for the wife of the first Ruler of Men. APPROVAL Cardinal Antonius Captain-General Gaspard van Aert "Juli'el, the wife of the first ruler of men. I am not her, but, I will fight to protect all who came after her. Every mother and daughter. Every father and son. As I believe she would have asked of me. As many can attest, I will do this with love, and compassion. Patience, and understanding. In service to one I believe to be the current Ruler of Men. Captain-General Gaspard van Aert of Veletz."
  10. o_O

    Edited by BaconAvengerII
  11. I've been informed that the situation is being handled by staff.I won't be leaving for good, but I will be taking a break.Months of this, non-stop, has turned me off of wanting to write.I'll be back, and hopefully, when I am, my request to not be struck will be heard.
  12. I'M DONE


    I just wanted to RP.
    That's it.


    I wanted to come back to LotC after years of being away.

    I get back, and things are okay for a little while, but... then... somebody swats me OOCly three times and runs off.

    I spend he next hour IRL looking for food to refill what was taken from the attack.
    Within that hour, I was swatted by four more people, and was dropped by the last one.

    This last person didn't know how to revive me, so, I lost my items.


    I take a week off, because that was infuriating.

    I come back, and politely ask people who swat me NOT to.
    "Hey, could you not do that? Food isn't free, and I don't feel like chasing health bars."


    I THOUGHT that there was some level of human decency.

    Enough so that the request NOT to click on me would be listened to.
    For a day, it was.


    The next day, it seems that everybody got the GREAT IDEA to troll me.
    Screw with me.
    ...and they all got a good laugh out of it.

    Do you know who hasn't been laughing?

    It hasn't been funny.


    I will admit, I saw Simba standing on a wall, but I gave him food, warned him, THEN pushed him.


    The issue I'm having NOW is that STAFF has taken up the mantle of 'troll'.


    I made a declaration that I would kill anybody who swatted me.
    Literally THE NEXT DAY (today), a staff member swats me.
    I try to attack them back, but lo-and-behold, they're INVINCIBLE... so...


    Not ONLY is there nothing I can do to make it stop, now I have staff in GOD MODE doing it so there's not anything I can do to make it stop.
    I can't REPORT them for it BECAUSE THEY'RE STAFF.


    I have asked nicely, I have begged, I have gotten angry, I've tried setting PvP timers, making statements publicly, and yet... the "Goon Squads" can't help but "Get a rise" out of me.


    "Well, if you didn't react this way, they wouldn't do it."
    I'm sorry, are you victim blaming?

    I'm literally being attacked in PvP and demanding it stops, and that demand is a "bad reaction"?


    You're the only ones laughing.
    I'm not.
    Process that...
    Just... give that some thought...

    You're intentionally ruining the experience of another player for YOUR laughs.
    You're intentionally causing stress in another human being for LAUGHS.
    That's sadism.

    What's more is that a STAFF MEMBER did it.
    Somebody who could have NOTHING done to them in response.
    If that's not 'swinging down', I don't know what is.

    I've made my requests, demands, and I've tried making it stop, and it hasn't.

    I'm done asking.
    So... now I'm just done.

    You trolls have just pushed a user out of this community.
    Somebody who genuinely enjoyed writing with you all.
    ...and all because you couldn't treat me like a human being.


    1. Rigorous


      if i could i'd send u a gif of me punching u mcly o_o

    2. BaconAvengerII


      ...and this is part of the problem.
      You and the other goons would be the only ones who find it funny.
      It isn't.
      Please stop.

      I've been informed that the situation is being handled by staff.
      I won't be leaving for good, but I will be taking a break.
      Months of this, non-stop, has turned me off of wanting to write.
      I'll be back, and hopefully, when I am, my request to not be struck will be heard.

    3. Rigorous


      LOL ok

      Enjoy getting MC hit for the next 8 months bucko

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