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Alexi Stromthur

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  1. Alexi Stromthur


    Alexi was born to a poor but loving family in the outskirts of The Kingdom of Norland. As a kid he would always see his father play various fluted instruments as is the highlander way in an attempt to pay the bills though this was not a very successful endeavor. He resented his father for choosing such a lowly profession and vowed to strive for success in his early teens. By his early twenties Alexi established a booming cloth trading company but when a shipment from his main supplier was found to be counterfeit by the authorities it threw his business into shambles. Seeing he was back in poverty and living as he did during his younger years all Alexi could see was his father every time he looked in the mirror. It was at this point in his life he would come to realize he hates failing more than he hates having a lowly job. For the next 7 years Alexi would become lethargic of doing any endeavor barely being able to leave his residence and play fluted instruments himself to survive. He grew tired of this however and had the idea that if he can become the figure head of a realm he can work minimally for the rest of his life and be paid extravagantly. With this thought he gets out of his bed in search for the means to obtain this dream.
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