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Posts posted by SharpString

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Tuzic Mossborn


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Forest Dwarf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Atronach Forging


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Lefkos Amethil


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:

             Of course!


    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

             yup! fair enough!

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Tuzic Mossborn


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Forest Dwarf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Alchemy is the study of the fundamental building blocks that make up the material realms. Like any science, alchemy often involves much trial and error, and experimentation. The prospective Alchemist learns of the material alphabet from their teacher in order to accomplish such. As one learns more, their use of reagents, signs and symbols will allow one to effect the material realm in more useful, or terrifying ways. The Alchemist finds their reagents, signs and symbols throughout the realm, whether in plants, dead bodies, drawn blood, liquid mana… or even through dark magics like necromancy.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    I would say there are a few different subsections, the most important being a few different processes that are essential to Alchemical practice.


    Identification: Through diligent study of the material alphabet, as well as the guidance of a master Alchemist, one can learn to identify the signs and the symbols found within one’s reagents. Identification is a laborious process that must be performed on each and every reagent that the prospective Alchemist may want to use. Doing such requires deep study for many hours and a lot of concentration, as well as it may require alchemists that are still learning to constantly reference the material alphabet in order to gain an understanding.


    Extraction: Extraction is how signs and symbols are removed from reagents, so that they may be used in our alchemical concoctions. There are five different forms of extraction: Mundane/Aether, Earth, fire, water, and air. Each one of these different extraction methods are utilized depending on the signs found on the reagent one wishes to extract from, for example a fire sign can be extracted with the fire extraction, etc. Once the Alchemist finishes their extraction, they are left with just the signs and symbols they will be using for their potions.


    Mixing: Mixing is the most dangerous of these processes, but also the most fruitful. Mixing is the process in which Alchemists truly create their potions, it’s where their extracted signs and symbols come into use. If one does not follow instructions very carefully, the potion they intend to make may fail to be created, or in some cases, the potion may even react violently, even exploding upon the Alchemist mixing it up. In practice, signs and symbols are usually added to a base of some kind, such as distilled water, aqua vitae, liquid mana, etc.


    There are also other kinds of alchemy which are lesser known, and that require a knowledgeable teacher to learn, whether its Alteration or Warforging, though there are many more possibilities, and such knowledge is often guarded much more heavily than the more basic alchemical processes and recipes…


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?



    Tuzic Mossborn walks up the stairs of his home, entering his home-lab and letting out a sigh. He needed to make a light potion for use in The Deeproads of Urguan, as an expedition was soon to be led down into the caverns to uncover an ancient ruin… “Okeh… light poshun lets see…” he murmurs to himself, grabbing his recipe book off the counter and flipping through it for a moment “hrmm okeh… need mundane light, mundane endurance, and mundane swiftness… okeh one of each…” he says, setting the book back down on the counter as he runs over to the herb cooler.


    Inside the cooler, Tuzic grabs a 1 night’s glow, and 1 goblin’s Ivy, he brings them over to his workstation. Once there, he sets down the goblin’s Ivy, opting to begin with the extraction on the Night glow. He uses a knife to roughly chop the Night’s glow into bits, before he drops it into his mortar and pestle, and begins to thoroughly grind up the reagent. Once ground up, Tuzic pours in Aqua vitae, allowing some time for the mixture to soak. He then grabs a sieve from his workstation along with a bottle, and begins to seive out the mush from the mixture, leaving him with a bottle of just the infused Aqua vitae. The bottle is then placed over a gentle heat, and allowed to heat until all the liquid had boiled off, leaving Tuzic with just the powdered symbols. 

    He sets these still mixed symbols off to the side for a moment, to be separated after he completed his second extraction.


    Tuzic now grabs the goblin’s Ivy, and begins the same mundane extraction as he had just used for the Night glow, he snips up the Ivy, and grinds it in his mortar and pestle. He then soaks this in aqua vitae, and sieves out the mush before boiling the leftover liquids to leave him with just the powdered symbols.


    Tuzic then performs the lengthy process of separating out the symbols, using a magnifying glass to get a closer look. Using a sieve, he separates out each of the collected symbols into small vials for later use in his potion.


    “Aah okeh… hard part done” Tuzic murmurs to himself as he grabs a potion bottle, moving across the room to fill it up with a base of distilled water. He returns to his workspace, and collects the vials he needed from his recent extractions… one mundane light, one mundane endurance, and one mundane swiftness. He grabs them up, and uses a funnel to drop the symbols into the distilled water, before he swirls it gently to dissolve the symbols, and seals up the bottle for its use in The Deeproads. 


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    Tuzic waits patiently in the Alchemy guild lab in Kal’darak’aan, he taps his foot along with a cute little tune he was whistling. After some time, he hears the footsteps of a heavy dwedmar approaching the lab in the guild area…


    Ursus Grandaxe peaks his head around the corner then, the muscled dwarf entering the lab once he saw Tuzic “‘Lo t’ere broddah” Ursus says with a wave offered to Tuzic


     “Aaaah mah dear friend… lo there Ursus, ah was worried fer ah bit ye forgot about our lesson!” Tuzic offers in return to his old friend, letting out a warm chuckle after.


    “Ah dinnae forget… just got ah bit caught up en mah trainin..” Ursus mutters “suh.. Wot weh gon beh learnin dis toime..?” Ursus asks with an eyebrow raised. 


    Tuzic runs his fingers through his beard, thinking for a moment “hrm..Todeh weh will start te learn ow we can studeh tha material alphabet, ah will teach ye as mah teacher taught meh… ahnd en tha next lesson, weh will start wit our extractshun met’ods” he nods, quite sure of himself. Tuzic then pulls out a quite large tome from his bag he had sitting between his legs as he sat, he plops it down on the counter and gestures Ursus over.


    Ursus walks over calmly, checking out the book “ah t’ought ye just said weh just studied tha alphabet te learn…”


    Tuzic nods vigorously “Aye ahnd dat es true, though there are… certain differences wit dis studeh te others… ‘ere oill show ye..” he flips open the book, and upon finding the page he wanted, he points to the Earth sign, starting with that sign as he had learned from his master “Dis es tha sign fer Eart’... dis sign es associated wit maneh different attributes, ahnd ye can see why, as most all t’ings find their roots en tha eart’ en some weh. Now dis seem ah bit weird… but as ye studeh t’ese well.. Ye will notice, as ye studeh them ye will begin te see these signs… ahnd even almost feel what they mean…fer example ye may ‘ave ah quick vision of sommin… or ah memoreh may play in yer head… As tha burgeonin alchemist, et’s yer job te make sense of these. Tha example mah teacher gave meh was.. Perhaps ye ‘ave ah vision of ah tree wit et’s roots en tha ground, te represent et’s connectshun te eart’... dat make sense?” he asks Ursus, smiling all the while.


    Ursus furrows his brows as he considers the idea “hrmmm… et seems ah bit… odd bot ahm sure wit some practice et well beh foine..” he muttered


    Tuzic nods vigorously “Aye exactleh… as ye practice more ye will become more comfortable wit ow t’ese such t’ings come tew ye.. Now let’s get ye some practice now… wot’s dis sign?” he says as he points to the FIRE symbol in the material alphabet book “Tell meh ow ye feel about et… wot et might bring up en yer mind.. Perhaps wot et may remind ye of, ah memoreh maybeh..” he says, looking at Ursus expectantly


    Ursus glances at the sign, looking between it and Tuzic a few times “aah…” he pauses “well oi’m… rememberin tha heat ah the forge… tha flames lickin at mah skin” he says, raising a brow at Tuzic as if he was unsure with such an answer


    Tuzic nods deeply, obviously proud as he smiles at Ursus “VEREH gud lad… as ye may beh able te guess ef yer thinkin ahead… dis es tha fire sign” he says, still pointing at it “Ye did ah grand job, once ye kinda know wot ye are lookin fer… ahnd feelin fer… et’s not suh ‘ard. Wit ah lot of long ‘ours studyin ahnd workin en tha lab, dis will become much easier fer ye.” Tuzic says with a big grin, he seemed to be enjoying himself. He closes the book, and offers it over to Ursus


    Ursus takes the book, and dips his head in thanks to Tuzic “T’ank ye broddah dis ‘as been quite ‘elpful…” he says simply, managing a smile over at his friend


    “Ah course mate… ahm glad te praise Ogradhad en such ah way, ahnd oi’m enjoyin mahself anehways” Tuzic says with a gentle smile and a laugh before continuing “Now ye make sure ye studeh hard…. ahnd remembah dis es nae gon beh sommin ye just grasp easileh ovahnight, et will take maneh hours ah diligent studeh, ahnd et may get frustratin, but oi know ye will do ah grand job..” he says, nodding and seeming quite sure of himself “good seein ye mate”


    Ursus takes his leave, waving as he exits “and ye tew Tuzic, see ye round!”


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If I learned that my student was powergaming, I will of course immediately ask them what happened and if they knew that they were powergaming with what they did. As I would hope most wouldn’t do so knowingly, I would then go into detail about what exactly they did that was powergaming, why that action is detrimental to the roleplay, and how they might be able to more fairly use their skills to achieve their goals. 


    If the powergaming was in relation to potion crafting, I would then hold a lesson with the student, making them go through all the emotes of extraction and mixing with serious detail, so that any problems with powergaming may be worked out together.


    If they powergamed the USE of a potion, I would also hold a lesson with the student, running through the exact uses of the potion, and perhaps even running a test usage of the potion against training dummies (if possible, like with a blasting potion) so that any aspects that are being powergamed may be explained in detail to the student.  



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:

             of course


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Tuzic Mossborn


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Forest Dwarf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Earth Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

             https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/218630-water-evocation-ma-sharpstring/?tab=comments#comment-1947795 Yep, Water evocation


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:

             Of course!


    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

             yup! fair enough!

  4. I think lore wise this makes sense... why should the tear in the soul stop producing the mana (as an obelisk) while in motion? There doesn't seem to be any reason lore wise why it should. 

    In terms of mechanics, I think this would be a completely fair change as well. While allies would be able to use the boost from the voidstalker, so would any caster that comes within their range (The voidstalker wouldn't be able to take away the mana boost from an enemy caster, just by moving a bit.)


  5. Tuzic closes his copy of the Emerald book, letting out a content sigh into The Grand Library. “Lore Mastah, Sageking… finalleh wit’ dis we can remind tha realm of yer lessons.” He returns his copy to the shelf, and walks off to the temple for his daily worship. 

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Tuzic Mossborn


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Hana Starbreaker. AKA - Hana of Tolta


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:

             of course! im happy to


    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             nope never applied!


    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

             indeed, it is what it is!


  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Tuzic Mossborn


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Voidal - Eminence


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Tuzic Mossborn


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:

             of course! im happy to


    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             nope never applied!


    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

             indeed, it is what it is!


  8. Tuzic spent A long night in the Grand Library preparing the books uncovered during the delve... "Bettah safe then sorreh..." He mutters to himself, watching the Dwarven printing press work its magic "Thank ye Lore mastah... ah truleh stunnin gift of knowledge yer uncovered fer us..." He says, retrieving the fresh copies from the press to add to the public collection. 

  9. Grins knowingly at the missive, he grabs his light potions and lantern and packs them in his bag... on the way out of his house, he grabs his fishing rod "Just in case..." He chuckles, running off to his favorite spot...

  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Tuzic Mossborn


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Forest Dwarf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Water Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Valazaer Calith


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:

             Of course!


    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

             yup! fair enough!

  11. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Tuzic Mossborn


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Forest Dwarf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Lefkos Amethil


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:

             Of course!


    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

             yup! fair enough!

  12. ((OOC Information))


    What is your Discord?: SharpString#3385

    What is your Minecraft username?: SharpString

    What is the ideal time for you to partake?(Please use GMT as well as EST for convenience): Any time on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (except this upcoming friday week of 11/21/22) On other days I am also available from 11:30 AM EST - 2:30pm EST or after 11pm EST.


    ((Only IC past this point.))


    What is your name?: Tuzic Mossborn

    How old are you?: 52

    What is your race?: Forest Dwarf

    Are you aware of the rules of the College and that not conforming with them will attract consequences?: Yes I am. And of course I can understand consequences for such rules.

    What class/classes do you wish to enroll in, of the options?


    My Clan father informed me that I may learn water evocation, and alchemy at the eternal library.


    Why is it you wish to enroll in this class/ these classes?: I am a current student of both alchemy, and voidal magic. My alchemy teacher has not been able to give me a lesson for 2 years now, as he is a wanderer... I am hoping to find a teacher that might be slightly more able to have lessons with me, so I can aid hefrumm with my studies, especially healing. As for Water evocation I wish to learn it, along with my fire evocation studies, as I am a forest dwarf, and have epiphite friends made of wood, that I dont wish to worry about burning with such fiery abilities.


    Please describe yourself in a few sentences, to the best of your abilities: I am Tuzic Mossborn, Librarian of the Hefrumm Library, Prophet of Ogradhad, Scholar I try to fulfill as many roles as I can as Hefrumm recovers from a bit of an exodus of dwedmar. I strive to please my patron god Ogradhad, the lore master, the keeper of magic, with new knowledge over alchemy, magics, and anything else that I may learn of. I am a kind-hearted man, who wishes mostly to help his family, and his country of urguan with his skills, as he attempts to honor the Brathmordkin in his position as prophet. 


    Anything else you wish to add?:

    As a holy man, I wish to put your mind at ease of what wishes I may have for my newfound knowledge I seek, as the dwarven gods demand kindness and respect for all descendants and living things. I wish to learn these skills to aid, to heal, and to protect my family and friends from harm.

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