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Posts posted by DeadraSlayer

  1. The little Gaspard reads over the missive with a somber expression growing upon him. 

    "Hey, I don't know if you can here me. . . I guess it doesn't really matter all to much, but I'm gonna miss you. I can't help but blame myself at times and it hurts knowing that I'll never get to show you how far I'll go. Anyway, rest well and thank you for. . .Everything"  

    The boy lets out a long sigh, followed by a faint grin

    "I'll make you proud, I promise to you"

  2. Little Gaspard reads over this notice with a rather large frown upon him, grieving the loss of his mentor.
    The Little Gaspard speak faintly to himself
    "I should have been there. . .If. . .If only I wasn't s-so weak" 


    Let the emo phase commit


  3. Little Gaspard reads over the notice, as he the scratches the side of his head. . .it seems the little one thought of something that baffles him till this very day, he'd look over to his Father @Pegleg_Bob with a curious look growing upon him "Dad. . .where do babies come from?"   

  4. 12 minutes ago, Pegleg_Bob said:

    Sir Magnus walking into the feast hall with some popcorn in his hand would look around scowling at all the people, knowing they want his precious popcorn saying to them all  "I'm not sthhawing my booodoy popcown."

    Little Gaspard frowns at his father. . .as he slowly reaches for the popcorn which his Father held " DAD look! It's a Evil'doer! " he'd say trying to distract him, with his hand growing ever closer to the Precious Popcorn  

  5. Little Gaspard  reads over the missive, seeming to struggle to understand the many LARGE words upon the missive. 
    BUT, he knows Darkspawn equals bad and all of the Great Knights of Old took up arms against the evil the scatters over the lands
    And just as they did
    GOD. . .GLORY. . .GASPARD "
    Shouts the young lad, with his sword. . .THE GREAT DARKSPAWN SLAYER™

  6. A lone young Skanarri sits by a campfire, having long awaited the return of his brethren, reads over the missive and decides "Ek sjá nei fleiri khoice, okkarr fólk eigvitar hvergi fleiri" the young Skanarri rose to his feet, gathering all the materials he could carry. Proceeding to walk across the Ever-Expansive lands, trying to find the remnants of his fellow peoples.  











    As to protect these lands from any and all Darkspawn, any and all Darkspawn slayers will be allowed into Caelia, especially if the individual(s) is hunting Darkspawn, despite where they come from. 

      - They will not have the same rights as citizens. 

      - If they were to commit a crime, they will be tried like any other outsider.



    The consideration of Musin as Darkspawn will cease for here on out 

       - though they will never be considered citizens of this land.



    If ever comes a time where there are three or less Senatus. The individual who holds the highest seat of the Senatus shall have the authority to declare him or herself Praefectus

      - If there is more than one in the highest available seat, they shall decide amongst themselves who will lead the peoples of Caelia. If an agreement cannot be met, they must hold a competition of their liking to see who is worthy.

      - Once the number of Senatus is higher than three, the Praefectus must step down and claim the title of Consul. If the Praefectus refuses to step down, action must be taken by the peoples of Caelia. Tyranny must never be allowed to foster

      - If anything or anyone suggest foul play is afoot, the Legio must investigate this properly 



    Starting on 279 A.V.V elections for the Senatus will be held every four Gods’ Weeks

      - This system shall remain forever more, and shall never be postponed


    Elections will be held on 03/09/2024


    M. Manlivs Capitolinvs



  8.                 Septem Praefectae             




    Amicae. Caelii. Civeae.


    Today is a somber day. The death of our glorious and faithful Praefectus, Tvl. Valstos Protevs, still weighs on our shoulders. It leaves us worried for the many futures to come.


    The undeniable strength of Wealth One’s servants threaten our very livelihood, we all see this. There is no denying it. 


    This land is in dire need of order.

    And for this very reason, as the soul member of the Senate, I will declare myself Praefectus.


    I will not sing for the praise from our peoples

    I will not sing for the support from our peoples


    I will do what must be done, not for myself, but for the safety of our peoples. 

    I will not allow weakness!

    I will not allow tyrants!


    I will not allow our people to buckle and fall to the fiery pits of failure.


    We MUST not underestimate the power of our Will. The Will to live, the Will to fight, the Will of the GODS!


    We will not shatter! 


    We will not fall here, my brothers and sisters. This is naught but a beginning 


    For we have the Gods on our side!

    Caelia Invicta!


    M. Manlivs Capitolinvs



  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Heidenrich von Bardenwig


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             FIre Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Fire evocation: 
     Among one of the most common Voidal Magics on Lotc, Fire evocation and it is for good reason. You're lost at night without a light, poof, you can see now. Need to get a fire going, poof, you now have a fire. Want to commit totally legal arson, poof, you just lit some poor persons' house on fire (they deserved it). What I'm trying to say is that this magic is very versatile. It can be a most deadly weapon, and can prove to be a vital tool in the vast lands of Aevos. In order for one to use this art, one must establish a Mana Anchor (connect themselves to the Void), then they must imagine the ins and outs of how fire works, and then they pull it out of the Void and transport it into reality. As one may be able to tell, this is a huge 'time' thing. The more time you spend learning, the better you'll be at it. And there are some spells that require a certain Tier of Mage, like most other Feats in Lotc, you start out at Tier 1 (2 ooc weeks),  Tier 2 (3 ooc weeks), Tier 3 (5 ooc weeks), Tier 4 (6 ooc weeks), and finally Tier 5 (will become available after you complete the Tier 4, 6 ooc weeks)


    No matter what Tier you are, your conjured flame can still hurt you just like normal fire would. These Voidal Flames will spread just like any other flame. Lets say you throw a fireball at a wooden house and assuming you hit your mark, the flame would be quite small as it would burst into multiple smaller flames (unless stated other wise in the used spell's details). If a small fire, such as this, goes untreated, it will begin to spread quite rapidly. But if it was a brick house, the fire should find a hard time igniting it and spreading. And just like normal fire, it can be easily put out with water and/or a lack of oxygen (suffocation). All in All Voidal Fire is very cool and be used in very cool ways, but logic is both its greatest weaknesses and one of it's greatest weapons 

    Here are a few thing that you must have/do in order to use this Feat:  
     -In order for one to use it they must have an Accepted [MA], which requires confirmation that an Accepted [TA] has taught you and an ST's confirmation.

     -A student learner must establish a Mana Anchor
     -Concentration must be keep in order to cast your magics (your concentration will get better the higher your Tier is)



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are only two subsections (so far) and those are Blue Fire and Combustion: Both of which have different effects on your spells, but they are both added the same way. You can and both of these, by adding one more charging emote into the already established number of emotes required. For example lets say you want to cast a Blue Fire Flame Projectile, Flame Projectile by itself requires three emotes to cast [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 1 Cast], if you wanted to make it a Blue Fire Flame Projectile it would look like this [1 Connect + 2 Charge + 1 Cast], the same could be said if you wanted to cast a Combustion Flame Projectile.


    The properties of Blue Fire: It is two times as hot then normal fire, meaning it is two times as costly. 


    The properties of Combustion: It applies, as the name implies, a concussive blast to any spell that the mage wish to add it two (unless stated that you can not do it in the Redlines of said spell) which should   stun and send most opponents back a few



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?



    [!] After a few moments of silence an unseen link would occur - a Vermillion colored aura would then flow out of Heidenrich's Mortal body, flowing like a fog [1/4] (Connect)

    [!] The Aura would seem to gather infront of Heidenrich, slowly condensing, growing more erratic. . .A small flame would being to grow within this condensed Aura [2/4] (Charge)

    [!] The fire which has formed inside the Aura consumed all of the Aura which surrounded it, and has grown even more erratic. . .it seemed as if this Raging mass of flame was ready to burst [3/4] (Charge)

    [!] after Heidenrich condensed the Raging mass once more one finale time, he would look towards his foe with a faint grin. . .mere seconds after, a jet of flame would shoot out the Raging mass. Consuming everything in it's path, engulfing it in flame [4/4] (Cast)



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    [!] Heidenrich would clap his hands together, as his smile grew" Okay, since you are quite new to this, lets do something easy" he'd chuckle a bit as he spoke once more" Well, for you at least. . .it is called Cauterize, it is used to seal smallish wounds. . .it is quite painful, so one may want to bite on something- we don't want anyone biting their tongues off, do we?" he'd would then pull out a knife along with a small piece of leather, placing them on the table before him
    "Alright so to do this, one must connect to their anchor of course. . .then you must empty your mind, and envision a flame, and envision that it would envelope the wound in a cleansing flame. . .but you must make sure not to over do yourself, you don't want to cause any unnecessary pain to the person you wish to help. . .Now any questions?" he'd ask with a tilt of his head.

    [!] Would chuckle once more, as he looked towards the items he pulled out earlier" Oh those? Well you need to be tested somehow. Theory can only go so far after all" He'd pick up the knife, slightly cutting his hand open- then he'd place the piece of leather into his mouth

    [!] he'd then speak in a muffled voice "Stop looking so surprised. . .this wound isn't gonna seal itself" as he then extended his hand towards his student" Go on now. . ."  


    [!] Hedienrich, still with a muffled voice" Must I remind you ho-" he'd be cut of by the searing pain on his wounded hand 

    [!] Hedienrich would slam his free fist against the table while his student worked his magic, as he bit down onto the leather. . .followed by a sigh, as he spit out the leather. As he then inspected the wound, seeing it sealed- despite the pain, a small grin grew upon his face" Not bad, not bad-  but next time. . .try to envision the wound better" as he held up his hand, he then showed it towards his student- it would seem that there was much more cauterized then there needed to be" You did good" he'd then chuckle followed by a groan


    [!] Would nod, with an long sigh- as he closed his cauterized hand with a groan, as the seal opened a bit" Yeah. . .the clinic may be a good idea"                                 



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If I realize that one of my students misused their magics, I will take the blame and point them in the right direction both in and out of rp. If they continue to misunderstand even after I helped them through chat means, I would try to get into a voice call with them and verbally correct them, and answer their many questions. Making sure that they understand everything before we stopped our chat, assuming that it happens of course. 

     I will give them a total of three strikes, and if they fail to correct themself, even after I corrected them. I will assume that they will continue to abuse this magic, then I would politely send them on their way and remove them from my Student List.  



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Manius Manlius Capitolinus


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Athri'annyer Tinuviel


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  11. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Heidenrich von Bardenwig


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Fire Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Nepir Wolfguard


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  12. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Hedienrich von Bardenwig


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Tier/Techlock 1, Alchemy


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Father Ferrus Vuiller


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


           In the Eternal Forest, there are many creatures that wonder around freely.  Many creatures found themselves in the Mortal Realm; they have appeared in waves, evolved, and even disappeared altogether. One of these are small flying creature, those of which are a made of plant and/or insect matter. These creatures, throughout history, have been known as Sprites, Pixies, or Fairies. Some of these Sprites have developed their own language, and some even learned the language of Descendants. Mali’ame respected these creatures, as they believed that they were blessings from the Aspects. Alchemists, herbalists, and scientists sought out these creatures for their many useful properties, such as their toxins, spores, and mystical powders. Because of the chaos caused by the September Prince, the sprites of old fled back to the Eternal Forest. After many years the Descendants, would start to notice the return of the Sprites to the Mortal realm. , and full moon after full moon cascaded over Fae Rings, the emergence of Sprites has been noticed once again.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sprites generally act in a childish manner. They can understand basic basic greetings and vague words which are often used around them. Sprites can fly, but it's more like a hover , as they can't fly to high (about 5 blocks/meter), because of their delicate wing( you can not use flight to fly over things, that are unachievable mechanically). Sprites are able to communicate to plants, animals, and Druids to those of which are in a 15 meter area around the Sprite. When Sprites feel threatened, they can gather some sort of poison within their core and emit a sort of pollen which cause those around them to become extremely disoriented (to do this you must use 2 emotes, those of which are, the sprite gathers the toxin within its core, and the second emote involves the excretion of the mist, after the second emote, the mist last one more emote). There are three different type of Sprites those of which are from the Nightfall Domain, the Dayward Lands, or the Twilight Domain.                                                                       If a Sprite or Floral Echo enter the Fae Rings during a full Moon, the Sprites are trapped and pretty much forced into the Mortal Realm. As they are transported to the Mortal Realm, it would appear as if the transported Sprite or Floral Echo died in the Eternal forest, only to be reincarnated in the Mortal Realm.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sprites are quite similar to the Descendant’s in the way that they share a similar body, like their legs, arms, heads, eyes, mouth, and nose. Except that of the Sprites size, which is around five to eight inches.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Gelu is seven inches tall made up mostly of intertwined barrier bush. They have Morning Glory flower petals surrounding their small body, giving off the a look as if they were wearing a dress. They would also have Glory-of-the-Snow (Chionodoxa luciliae) flowers, those of which are acting as Gelu's hair. They have white fluffy moth like wings, and their eyes are made up of small seeds. Overall Gelu is going to be a mix of blue, purple, and white



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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