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Everything posted by DeadraSlayer

  1. The little Gaspard reads over the missive with a somber expression growing upon him. "Hey, I don't know if you can here me. . . I guess it doesn't really matter all to much, but I'm gonna miss you. I can't help but blame myself at times and it hurts knowing that I'll never get to show you how far I'll go. Anyway, rest well and thank you for. . .Everything" The boy lets out a long sigh, followed by a faint grin "I'll make you proud, I promise to you"
  2. Heidenrich looks over the notice, his old sickly looking self would seem quite surprised "I will not lie to myself. This was not expected. . .BUT it is not a bad surprise."
  3. Little Gaspard reads over this notice with a rather large frown upon him, grieving the loss of his mentor. The Little Gaspard speak faintly to himself "I should have been there. . .If. . .If only I wasn't s-so weak"
  4. Little Gaspard reads over the notice, as he the scratches the side of his head. . .it seems the little one thought of something that baffles him till this very day, he'd look over to his Father @Pegleg_Bob with a curious look growing upon him "Dad. . .where do babies come from?"
  5. Little Gaspard frowns at his father. . .as he slowly reaches for the popcorn which his Father held " DAD look! It's a Evil'doer! " he'd say trying to distract him, with his hand growing ever closer to the Precious Popcorn
  6. Little Gaspard reads over the missive, seeming to struggle to understand the many LARGE words upon the missive. BUT, he knows Darkspawn equals bad and all of the Great Knights of Old took up arms against the evil the scatters over the lands And just as they did SO WILL LITTLE GASPARD " GOD. . .GLORY. . .GASPARD " Shouts the young lad, with his sword. . .THE GREAT DARKSPAWN SLAYER™
  7. I would take this honestly, having belligerent drunk as a roomy would be pretty cool ngl Inshallah
  8. A lone young Skanarri sits by a campfire, having long awaited the return of his brethren, reads over the missive and decides "Ek sjá nei fleiri khoice, okkarr fólk eigvitar hvergi fleiri" the young Skanarri rose to his feet, gathering all the materials he could carry. Proceeding to walk across the Ever-Expansive lands, trying to find the remnants of his fellow peoples.
  9. PRAEFECTVS CAPITOLINVS PRIMVM DECRETAE DECRETVM PRIMVS As to protect these lands from any and all Darkspawn, any and all Darkspawn slayers will be allowed into Caelia, especially if the individual(s) is hunting Darkspawn, despite where they come from. - They will not have the same rights as citizens. - If they were to commit a crime, they will be tried like any other outsider. DECRETVM SECVNDVS The consideration of Musin as Darkspawn will cease for here on out - though they will never be considered citizens of this land. DECRETVM TERTIVS If ever comes a time where there are three or less Senatus. The individual who holds the highest seat of the Senatus shall have the authority to declare him or herself Praefectus - If there is more than one in the highest available seat, they shall decide amongst themselves who will lead the peoples of Caelia. If an agreement cannot be met, they must hold a competition of their liking to see who is worthy. - Once the number of Senatus is higher than three, the Praefectus must step down and claim the title of Consul. If the Praefectus refuses to step down, action must be taken by the peoples of Caelia. Tyranny must never be allowed to foster - If anything or anyone suggest foul play is afoot, the Legio must investigate this properly DECRETVM QVARTVS Starting on 279 A.V.V elections for the Senatus will be held every four Gods’ Weeks - This system shall remain forever more, and shall never be postponed M. Manlivs Capitolinvs
  10. Septem Praefectae Amicae. Caelii. Civeae. Today is a somber day. The death of our glorious and faithful Praefectus, Tvl. Valstos Protevs, still weighs on our shoulders. It leaves us worried for the many futures to come. The undeniable strength of Wealth One’s servants threaten our very livelihood, we all see this. There is no denying it. This land is in dire need of order. And for this very reason, as the soul member of the Senate, I will declare myself Praefectus. I will not sing for the praise from our peoples I will not sing for the support from our peoples I will do what must be done, not for myself, but for the safety of our peoples. I will not allow weakness! I will not allow tyrants! I will not allow our people to buckle and fall to the fiery pits of failure. We MUST not underestimate the power of our Will. The Will to live, the Will to fight, the Will of the GODS! We will not shatter! We will not fall here, my brothers and sisters. This is naught but a beginning For we have the Gods on our side! Caelia Invicta! M. Manlivs Capitolinvs
  11. IGN: Deadra_Slayer RP NAME: Lavette Volkov PERSONA ID: 81117
  12. Ramwold looks up from the page, and scratches the side of his face"..... But, I'm not even a Baron
  13. Deadra_Slayer Lavette Stroheim #81117
  14. Flavia Stroheim would cast her votes
  15. Flavia cast her vote " Ex nihilo nihil fit"
  16. DeadraSlayer


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) Example: I, Ramwold von Bardenwig, was born in Johannesport to a branch family of the house of von Bardenwig. My mother, Jutte von Bardenwig, had a son named Robert out of wedlock, and my father, Lutolf, was especially cruel to my older brother. We were always overshadowed by our cousin's success in Sedan, where Helwig had married into nobility and combined our lineage with the von Alstreim house of old Oren. The move from Sedan to Aaun was difficult for us, as our fathers knew about the land and its people, but we from our generation knew nothing about Old Oren and its customs. Tragically, my father was killed by a stray arrow during a hunting trip, and we never found the assailant. We had to move on and eventually ended up in Velen, where we were put to work clearing and setting up the main branch's holding in the untamed wilderness. While spending time in Minitz, I was able to somewhat come to terms with my father's death, although the pain never fully went away. Despite the challenges we faced, I remained determined to make a name for myself and prove that I was more than just a member of a branch family overshadowed by our cousin's success.
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