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  1. How does one go about making a second or even third character? Can I use my same Minecraft account and just do another application? Is there a way to switch personas on the same in-game account?

    Edited by Nyami
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    2. Nyami


      Oh that is so awesome! Is also there a way to delete a character if I've decided I wanted to go in a different direction? Also, can characters actually die of old age and do they age even when I'm offline?

      Edited by Nyami
    3. sam33497


      Lifespans are generally longer in lotc, e.g. humans can live to like 150 and all other races longer and since 1 year ingame = 1 OOC week, you can have characters for a long time. That said, yes, they do age while you're offline, and the character age will go up by 1 each week, but you still get to choose when they die, no one's gonna force you to get rid of the character unless you've lived for way too long. There should be a delete persona button in the menu as well, but you'll need to make another persona first i think

    4. Nyami


      Yeah, the aging thing is so not going to work for me. I logged in and my character was already 60.

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