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Posts posted by TysCreations

  1. 7 hours ago, ECS1999 said:

    [!] A paper is pinned under the missive:

    "Lurin has been working with the CCC to achieve peace with the orcs. We took all last night to get it, it's up to your queen now if she wants to avoid bloodshed or not; Lurin stays by its acts. Vikela was offered peace once before and laughed at their enemies.

    The CCC was formed to bring peace, not to fight for people who cannot fight their wars, it was a Concord to remain peaceful in the coast, not to lose our lives for people who are so brave to laugh at the face of a bigger threat than themselves.

    The terms for a new era of peace have been settled, Lurin and Vortice told your Queen what their thoughts were, if she listens you all will be fine, if she does not then there's nothing we can do to save your lives; maybe you should start by thinking why noone wants Vikela as a neighbour."

    Pinned under this paper was a scrap of parchment in a familiar handwriting to some with the following question...or questions
    "dose one not expect another to fight for home? for what they have spent so long to build with blood, sweat and tears and when in times of need to turn to their alliance for help just to have backs turned to them? im sure you would fight for lurin even if the threat was bigger then ones own force."

  2. 1 hour ago, Tael said:

    Tomes heard clearly the words of his teacher, looking too onto a copy of the missive that he had come across. He stood across a pit of flames, his tired eyes reflecting the enduring fire-pit of Faelheim. His face reflected little emotion, only a gentle yet hearth-felt sigh leaving his mouth in clear disappointment "Well, this might as well be a public declaration from Lurin's rooftops to let all of Aevos know that they will not honour their pacts or treaties. Should they see the grip of a situation getting tighter and tighter, they will be the first to make up lies and excuse themselves out of conflict." The man, who still held the missive on his hand close to his eyes so he could scan it, proceeded to adjust his glasses, throwing the missive onto the flames, watching it burn and feed the flames "First bigotry, then cowardice and now... at lastdishonesty, dishonorableness. I only hope the nations of Aevos, from the farthest east to the west know that Lurin's word is about as valuable as a drunken old beggar's"


    Timothy propped a foot up on his knee as he leaned back, drink in hand, watching Tomes toss the missive into the flames before turning his head to look through his brows to Aserath "I hope the words and actions of my people do not change your opinions of me, they may have fled, tails between their legs but I, I stand with you" 



  3. From quiet walls the halfling peered over the missive he had gotten his hands on, a raise of a brow coming to his face. He understood the anger that came from having ones signature forged but not the lack of integrity from the silver lubba "mm....do as you wish...but do not expect us to rally to your causes from now on..." he'd mutter, taking a sip of his tea as he placed the missive down on the table for the others to see


    ( @6Dark and two others im unsure of there forum names )


  4. 22 minutes ago, TheGekko said:

    The blue haired elfesse’s green slit eyes peered curiously over at her son from the comfort of the tiny chair she had managed to get herself down onto. 

    “Wha’? Gon’ show me wha’ yer readin’?”


    She questioned before being handed the paper, immediately scanning it’s contents, gradually making her expression grow more serious the further it went on.


    Ah see.. so ‘et is tiem fer war once mor’..”


    The elfesse let a deep dark purple flame wash over the paper as it ceased existing in this mortal plane and she got up from the place in which she was seated, nodding at her halfling son with his Shovel. 

    “We ‘ave sum’ neighbors t’ defen’.”


    The halfling nodded to his mother before heading to the door of his house "let us go, I have some extra resources that our friends at vilkela might enjoy"

    Slinging the shovel over his shoulder readying his horse

  5. A halfling stud in his kitchen, tapping a metallic finger against the counter as he staired at the paper through his reading glasses "I haven' a clue how I'd of service but-" he'd place the paper down, turning to grab a freshly sharpened shovel off the rack "war is war I suppose"

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Timothy Kervallen-Elmwood


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Edvard Kervallen


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?






    Across the lands of Aevos leaflets had been pinned to notice boards and posts. A coat of arms stamped onto the papper.



    "To the people of Aevos


    I send these leaflets out in hopes they reach those who find interest in preserving and protecting the flora and fauna of our home. The band of the crossed claw reaches out to you after a long silence in search of new recruits to help us on our mission.

    ‘Who are we?’ you may ask yourself. We are a group of like minded individuals who have come together with the ideal of keeping The Wilds protected from those who may not know any better or do not understand the what and why of a creature. We pride ourselves on the safe relocation and protection of said creatures and strive to keep our ideals and beliefs.


    If you are interested in securing a position with us or wish to know more about us, come find me or Bhodhi within the walls of Amathine or send either of us a bird with your inquiries. To those members who are spread far and wide across Aevos’s lands, we welcome you back with open arms if you choose to reunite with us."







    OOC: Hey guys. first time making a post like this so sorry if its lacking. here is a link to the guilds culture post. if you have any questions please come find me on discord. thanks!

    Tys out!


  8. Timothy sat within the walls of his home, the horse whistle Meira had given him not a month ago and her will in his hand. If only he had the chance to say a proper goodbye, if only he had been around more to be with her. though not of blood she was his sister and he saw her as such from the moment he had been adopted into the family. Now he wouldn't see her again. 
    "farewell Meira" his head dropped down into his free hand. those who passed his burrow would hear the cries of the halfling inside.



    (OOC: thanks for being around man. ya did a grate job especially with Meira. good luck on whatever you decide to do next!)

  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

            Astronach (astro)


    Character's Age: 



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Telekinetic Atronach


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Mika Anarion


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Atronachs are constructs of voidal origin, Constructed through transfiguration and an evocation of choice, Atronachs are elemental constructs, Being Air, Sand, Earth, Fire, Water, Ice and Telekinetic, Each having their own relevant strengths and weaknesses. Their bodies are comprised of the element of relevance surrounded by plates which help them keep form, Their form, as it were surrounds a core which acts as a sort of heart for the constructs. If the core were to be destroyed, so too would the atronach. Atronachs though primarily built to follow orders are still fully sentient, Their sentience and consciousness warped around their directives and orders of course, but still capable of thought. Each atronach core is rather similar to the core of a golem, Made from a large focus crystal encased in mage gold. Then, given a grand enchantment for sentience. Then the element of choice is transfigured onto the core. The particular atronach here, A telekinetic. Thought to be unmakeable for a good while as Telekinisis was lost to mages. Though, The craft rediscovered with transfigurationists mild control over objects. Telekinetic atronachs atronachs are largely based in physical strength, though they have some minor telekinetic abilities aswell. In times of desperation a telekinetic atronach is capable of overcharging their mana reserves to perform great feats of strength. This leaves the atronachs tired and exhausted, The strength is just below that of a brawn golem. Atronachs are also capable of developing their own unique personalities.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Astro is a large Atronach, Standing at seven foot tall, Built from black ferrum plates assembled in such a way to resemble a suit of armour.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Timothy Boukers


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             House magery


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self taught


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self taught


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  11. Einhard stud silently on the beach, the battered journal in his old worn hands. his gaze squinting as he'd pass through the pages of the water damaged book. his head tilting as he'd look up over the horizon into the distance, the sound of waves in his ears as the wind blew through his long hair. "Ithil...my dear friend...your death was far too sudden and soon..." the old man would sigh, placing the journal within the pockets in his cape. "I'm sorry you never got to see the fruits of our labour blossom... but I will watch on in your honour" Turning himself on his heels he'd walk away from the waters edge. "your death will not be in vain...until we meet again."


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