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Tanatar Tarquinius

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Everything posted by Tanatar Tarquinius

  1. I reread my application and realized I completely forgot I was telling this guard my backstory I went into auto story mode and told her why I was there, and not my backstory like I was supposed to lol. I probably will post a revised version later "With a Backstory."

    1. Unwillingly


      I'd sure hope that's not cause to deny your application. Hopefully you make it through, but fixing it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Best of luck newbro

  2. You close your eyes and calm your mind, thinking about why your here, and say." I am Tanatar Tarquinius, I am an elf with a love for antiquities as they inspire me, but we don't need to dwell on that, to continue I was born across the sea to the family of Tarquinius. I was born 24 years ago, and my father taught me to read, write, build, and my mother taught me alchemy and basic weapon design." You pause and take a sip of water from your bottle then continue" My family hired a teacher to teach me world history, but he really wasn't the best, so I instead read books, but until recently I had never left the town, I grew up in." The guard looked me up and down and said "you don't look like you've had a shower in weeks, and you certainly don't smell like it, but not being clean is not a reason to bar your entrance all I need is an authentication letter... and my I ask why you wanted to come to this. small town?" " Well, I am here because..." you quickly remember the note you read in a book and continue to explain after a brief Pase. "I am here because I am looking for the Ring of Angler. I read about it in a myth and folklore of the swampy regions by Hernades Gancible." you think back to when you first came arose the legend on page 689 "The enchanted ring of Angler is said to be made of pure gold and encrusted with dazzling sky gems, was lost over 4000 years ago and is said to be worth over 1000 gold Pices. "You think to yourself" that could be enough for my plans..." This ring is said to be buried in the swampy region of Norostook. The ring is guarded by.... The checkpoint guard interrupts you and says "Ok I just need a note of authentication and you may prossed" You look at the guard he looks to be about 27 years old, and you can almost see the sadness in his eyes you think "should I ask what is the matter " but you remember you only have a limited amount of time till the full moon rises and the door opens and you rush to grab your note of authentication.
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