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Posts posted by Rhettthecoldone

  1. Faeran, upon hearing the tragedy, procured an assortment of necessary materials. These materials being, simply enough; an open window, a match, and a candle.


    The Moonlit hadn’t ever known Catherine all that well, for he was far too of an anxious creature to truly walk up to such an individual of high authority for no reason other than to converse as friends. He wish he had, however. But of course, it was too late.


    So, that magus retrieved his candle and placed it atop a windowsill, before the misty moon above. It was pillar of wax that was clearly used before, that Faeran procured. And again, he was to use it. He struck a match to the insignificant wick. A white heat licked the tool then, casting waxen tears to hit the wooden surface the candle sat upon.


    Faeran’s eyes drifted to the moon above, an object so lonely in the inky sky, and spoke. . .


    ”Hold them close, Moon. Just for now. . .”

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             The Black Bird


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Gravelord Kryndomere


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:

             I do!


    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             I have not!


    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

             I am!


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Lonan Morwenna


    Character's Age:

             old enough


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  4. Faeran, after having been taken away to speak with Fatebinder, sat cozied up at his home in Vallagne. His previous encounter with Razad Fatebinder led his requirement of rest to be true, not to fend off exhaustion, as his only spellcast was willed to deflect a cobra from assaulting his sister. Rather than exhaustion, he needed rest to decide.


    Would he choose Sulieronn, his former teacher of the arcane, someone he oh so sincerely looked up to? or would he choose Hohkmat, the home he had been living in for centuries now?


    “Eugh. . . All this thinkin’s gonna make mah brain go numb.” A soft grumble exited the clenched and gritted teeth of the ‘ker. ‘Decide later’, he thought to himself, ‘sleep now.’ And that is just what he did, lunardrowned eyes falling into a  dreamscape.

  5. The Morwenna leaned atop his cane, a never-shifting gaze locked upon a dying man he had only ever briefly spoken to. His forever-glued face, a visage of no expression, just might’ve curled into a sly grin at this death, as he’d been informed the importance of such.

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Old enough


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Fire evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Iduna Thriceblood


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:

             I do.


    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  7. Faeran'duil Lunuae-Reinhold set his mouth to the Breakfast Feast he had ordered just minutes ago. The food had emit strings of warmth that hit the elf's face with a simple grace. And so, he'd dig in, entirely inhaling the assortment of baked eggs, sausage, etc!


    The 'ker jolted up from his table in a sudden abrupt way. He was utterly flabbergasted by the exquisite, delectable flavors of the meal! For sure, the elf was satisfied with his meal. One glance at his face and you could tell he was enjoying it. Words couldn't even describe the grace blessed upon Faeran just then. He was speechless to reply, and simply continued eating.

  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Faeran'duil Lunuae-Reinhold


    Character's Age:

             Old Enough


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Voidal Translocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    General Translocation:


    Voidal Translocation is a widely used form of Voidal Magic. It has to do with the rearrangement of a person or object’s position within reality. The process is a simple idea, one that is commonly explained the same by most teachers under the veil’s blankets of reality. Mana Anchors, fissures of mana that loosen the veil’s integrity, which allows voidal energy to wire through, are the simple reason as to why this magic is found within tomes under the genre of the arcane. A mage of material rearrangement places these anchors onto a desired location within reality, and the target they wish to rearrange. At this stage, they have prepared their spell and are ready to cast it. Casting could be used on objects, animals, people, and even the mage themselves! It all depends on what the mage has commanded the void to perform. They could order the anchors they place to displace their entire existence into a new location within reality, or perhaps store an object within a voidal pocket by consuming its material state of existence.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Shifting Translocation:


    Shifting is the most general form of translocation. It is the key and staple subsection of Translocation that Voidal Magi harnesses day to day. The magi finding themselves wielding the powers of Shifting can alter the coordinates at which a person, object, or simply themself stand at. Anchors are encased around targets that the mage wishes to rearrange, and another Anchor is warped into reality that sits as a standpoint for where the target shall travel to. And with that step complete, the target, either being a person, animal, or object, may be sent to the desired location within the hues of an aura. To put it simply, Shifting is the subsection that has to do with teleporting entities across distances through the use of Mana Anchors.


    Expatriation Translocation:


    A lesser version of Translocation, yet definitely still a useful subsection, is Expatriation. It is a form used to store matter within a pocket of voidal energy. Simply enough, these pockets are dubbed considerably as Voidal Pockets. Voidal Pockets may hold weapons to other items that voidal magi perhaps need to store or simply do not want to hold. In some instances, Expatriation is harnessed to displace thrown projectiles or spells that were guided towards the direction of the translocationist. In this occurrence, two anchors of mana are warped into reality by either sides of the mage. It is used to swallow incoming attacks through one portal, and spew them out the other mana portal. - To send an object into a Voidal Pocket, one must anchor it before willing the void to do any such wish. Upon coating an object with a Mana Anchor, the mage may send their object into a Voidal Pocket where it will be held until they wish to retrieve it.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Voidal Pocket [(Deconstruction) 3 Emotes to cast, Connect -> Charge -> Cast]


    Faeran, a mage of many magicks, set forth a hand to place in the empty space at the front of his chest. Before him rested an apple of sanguine hue and a crystalline shine. The dark elven man studied this apple further, before a smoky tendril of shadow sprouted at the ends of his fingertips. The darkness spread, wafts of ebon exhaust crawling from his arms, fingers, and shoulders now. Within his concentrated eyes rested a glow of the moon, a settled perch for the moon to rest its lunar beams into.


    Faeran willed those shadows to format a hiss of existence, which then demanded a fog of silvery-blue presence to erupt from within. These fogs were illuminated by a similar light in the wielder’s eyes. It was only then that the fogs crawled for the aforementioned fruit, seizing its red existence in a grip of chilly moonlight.

    [!] In a beautiful display of heavenly light, moonbeams shone down on the fruit, crumpling its existence to the core. Its presence within reality was no more, but rather under the guidance of the void, where it would not exist until Faeran ordered it to.




    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Faeran strode around the room, precisely observing the presence of his student. “Make yer link t’ the void fer meh, pretty please. Jus’ like at th’ start o all our lessons.” The request was simple. “Today we’ll be learnin a sim’le spell. Voidal Pocket. Allows ye t’ store spells in th’ void! Quite ‘andy fer when ye need uh’ holdin hand.”


    Herold ushered a breath underneath his visage, allowing a sickly teal-green aura to form on his shoulders in the appearance of cackling flames. “Got it! Voidal Pocket… How- how do I cast it?” Had the highlander man questioned.


    [!] “Jus’ getting t’ that..” he stated with a smile. “Now ah’ know yer familiar with uh’ Mana Anchor- as tha’s what we wen’ o’er last time.” A nod presented itself from the origin of the dark elven man’s visor. “Ye’ve got t’ place an Anchor on th’ object ye wan’ t store.” He’d retrieve an apple from the depths of his satchel, placing it atop a marble table. “Ah’ll demonstrate, like always…” And that he did, deconstructing the apple from existence in a dance of moonshine, only for it to reconstruct from particles of lunar-lit fog. (demonstration of spell above.)


    Herold gave a quick nod before turning his focus onto the apple. He’d lift his hand towards the fruit, a spark of those ill flames grazing the object. Eventually, the red apple was coated in an inferno of spectral green. “Alright! I have an anchor on it…” he’d then push out a hefty sigh.


    Faeran gave a polite applause, though not enough to make Herold think this spell was under full completion, as it was not. “Now- instead o’ crea’in uh’n anchor to it’s destination in th’ material world, yer gon’ t put th’ anchor inside th’ void. Dip a fissure o' yer mana into the void and shape it int’ uh’ necessary container fer this apple.”


    Herold: “Sounds- a little difficult.. I got this-” Another huff of wind escaped his visage before those flames that wreathed the apple began to burn away the fruit’s material makeup. It took the appearance of a scorched, blackened, and charred fruit now. In a wisp of ash, the apple was entirely erased from existence as the teal-green flames danced away.

    Faeran applauded fondly! His claps impacted softly against each other as his smile grew. “Great job, ‘erold! Great job fer yer firs’ try! O’ course, ye could always improve by…” his words trailed off as the scene was cut short.




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I would personally contact the student, questioning what went wrong and if they had the intention to powergame on purpose or on accident. If they simply did not mean to, I would dive further into the situation, specifically determining what they had done wrong and correct it. If the situation had been enacted with full intention of powergaming and ruining other's experience, I would contact an ST member immediately. Once a higher status individual had been contacted, I would inform them of the situation and let them handle it from there.


    (copied from previous Teacher Application.)



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

             I do not.


    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:

             I do.


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.

             I have not.

  9. Faeran the elf wandered aimlessly through his abode in Vallagne. He wasn’t sure how to think of this…


    Elena had always been a a respectful and respectable person, at least to Faeran. Though he remembers the awfulness she performed, unintentionally tearing her apart from her own family. Something about hearing the news touched him. Maybe he should’ve seen her differently. Maybe he should’ve listened closer to her reasonings. Perhaps they weren’t as foolish as he thought.


    His gaze wandered up to the bright and shining, silvery entity in the sky. It was the moon that illuminated his ashen skin, in castings of silver light. Hushedly, he spoke…


    “Let ‘er be with ye, oh moon so bright.”

  10. Whistling away within his kitchen stood Lord-Aspirant, Faeran of Hohkmat. A snowy white owl made a sudden stop through its flight around Vallagne, laying a missive specifically at the open windowsill of Faeran’s home.


    The dark elven man reached for this rolled up missive, peering onto it curiously. “Well tha’s jus’ great!”


    The snowy owl took off into the sky after its reward of a mouse.

  11. Somewhere in the lands of Petra ventured a halfblood of two elven sub races. He kicked at the rocks on the dirt paths, singing tunes to himself as he thought up ideas for a Hohkmat District Renovation.


    Only there had he seemed to of stomped right on a paper, by accident of course. Faeran crouched to the earth to retrieve this mysterious flier. Someone must’ve dropped it against the ground on there way out of Vallagne. Well, he might as well give it a read…


    And that he did, heart dropping to his feet. In fact, his feet might’ve moved just like his heartbeat. The elven man raced for the Reinhold Manor! Once inside, a wide hug to both Atticus and Wilford were insisted upon. He never really gave hugs to the two, but he decided to get over that and show them the Moonboy love.

  12. A long time it had been since Faeran stepped foot into the surrounding settlements. The only thing he could quite remember was the terror consuming his visage upon entry. His eyes ventured the scene wrought of a twisting, ethereal heat. Colors he hadn’t imagined before danced through his ‘Ker-toned skin, originating from the torrent of hissing, Voidal flame above in the clouds.


    Perhaps it was the burning pyre above, or the dreadful familiarity of Veletz that had caused his sharpened facial features to twist. A grimacing affinity about the man had obviously set present as the most purest forms of his mana shred off towards the bearer of energies, Atticus, his brother-in-law.


    His hands set forth to harbour a darkened energy, smokes of a negative shadow whistling from his fingertips and shoulders. It was as if nature’s graceful breath extinguished a metaphorical flame about him, leaving trails of ebon exhaust to wriggle towards the flame-bearing sky. Mentioned smokes of negativity brought forth a light of sorts. A thrumming fizzle of bright illuminance gently departing from the dark. Shreds of moonlight delicately set onward, traveling with the apathetic movement of sluggish ocean waves. They met towards Atticus, fueling the man’s very figure with foreign mana.


    And at that, the spell was satisfied. Its hunger gratified by a selection of magis’ mana.


    In a quake of bolstering temperature and overpowering effulgence, that dream-like, elven man crashed to the floor in a heap of exhaustion.


    He wasn’t quite unconscious, though he wasn’t fully there in the moment. Faeran’s silver eyes graced the fume-filled area as he dazed back into a pool of memories. Beside him… where the ritual was done… he took note of the oozing, melted building that used to be the local clinic. 


    It was where Wren took her last breath. Where the crimson seeping from her wounds spilled far too much. And then to the grasslands onward… where he was coerced to watch Wren’s lifeless body whittle to darkened, hovering ashes in an assortment of logs and tricking heat. Maybe at first his decision wasn’t clear about his thorough intentions. Was he performing the ritual by order? Or was he fueling the spell to watch his past burn away. Deep inside him, he thought. In fact he did wish this place gone. He wanted every memory, every thought of Veletz crisped away to a fine rubble. Faeran wanted nothing more than tragic death for this dreadful place. In no way had he felt even the slightest regret. All he wanted was death. Death and revenge.

  13.     OOC


        ((MC Name: Rhettthecoldone ))

        ((Discord: _ratinahat ))

        ((Timezone: CST ))




        What is your name?

    Faeran’duil Lunuae-Reinhold, though there’s no need for all of it. Just refer to me as Faeran if you’d prefer.


        Why seek membership to the Mages Guild?

    I wish to advance my knowledge of the Void and gain a more professional status amongst the society of magi. The Arcane studies are most fascinating to me and they always have been. I also hope to potentially locate a teacher for separate studies under the Arcane branch. Upon acceptance, I do intend to spread my knowledge over the Arcane to those I dub ready-minded enough.


        What arts, if any, do you currently practice?

    I am a Master Aeromancer and a Master Translocationist.


        What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance?

    I hope to obtain the role of Adeptus Primaris as I already have a wide selection of students under my wing that are all studying Aeromancy.


        When should you be contacted for an interview?

    I say whenever you deem fit! Send me a bird and I will likely respond sooner or later. Sometimes the birds at the Hohkmati Aviary aren’t the brightest. (I may or may not have witnessed one crash into the roof of a wizard tower, poor thing.)

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