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  1. ErrorCode24


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” “I come from afar past the mountains in a little town where my mother raised me.” you begin to feel the past sorrows of your life-“I lost my father in the war and then later my mother too.” My village was burned and I was one of the few people who managed to escape.” “Growing up we never had much but my parents were always so kind to me and loving; made it all the worse when I lost them…” “So here I am searching for a new beginning, a chance to have a fruitful life despite my past” you feel determined after everything that has happened-“I will go and seek the places that people only dream of!” “Anything for the pain to go away…”
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