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Posts posted by Midnus_Anarion

  1. *walks over to Bircilins house and slips a note of response under his door*

    The elves are a noble race and we pride ourselves on being open and kind, as native showed us through his many years of leadership. As a citizen of Laurelin for over 400 years and an elf dedicated to her I feel I must speak my opinion.

    I have known Bircilin since I gave shelter to him and Aedan when they first arrived in the city. He is a good man and a shining example of the good side of humanity. However he is a human and I believe none but elves should lead Malinor. Not, mind you, because other races are not fit to lead us, but because a race led by one of another race is not logical. There has never been a non-dwarf dwarven king, nor an orc, elf or dwarf king of Oren. I would say the same about the orcs but they are lead by the strongest and if there was one of another race strong enough and crazy enough to beat they’re way to the top I’m fairly sure they would not object.

    Perhaps instead the mate of her highness could be selected to represent the other races that live as part of our beautiful nation in the Council. This, in my opinion, would be the best course of action.

    -Midnus Anarion

    Head of the Anarion Family,

    Laurelins biggest family and largest land owners.

  2. Somthing important to note is although i may be around the base if i am in one of my diguises You dont know its me however if i am using my Head_Detective_M then you can rp know its me.the same is true for any detective if they are in disguise. If you need to contact me martin or bastion our minecraft names are as follows

    Head Detective Midnus(me): doctordemento

    Head Guard Martin: martinvilla822

    Chief Bastion: lastchance2099

    It is best to contact Me and Bastion using the forums our usernames are as follows,

    Chief Bastion: Bastion

    Head Detective Midnus: doctordemento

    If you have been accepted into the holmes Pm bastion on the forums with a quote of the post saying you were accepted, If it is an ingame Interview Pm him with Who interviewed you( this will take longer as he will have to confirm with me or martin. Base construction is nearing completion and when it is done All initiates will have a room to stay in that is theyres.

  3. Before I begin Id like to say that this is not my original idea, but I believe it is a great one. Also I understand if the GMs do not want to work in another sub-race and I don't expect them too. Instead I would like them to ok this piece of lore for full incorporation into aegis.

    In all the history of the Elves, there is only one occurrence to appear in their history that remains a mystery. The Birth and existence of the Moon Elves. In all the records of the past, the first known Elf was Lady Lorileyl Austril, also known as Lady of the Moon, to posses the unique characteristics of the Moon Elves. Even stranger to note, is the fact any Elf can be born as a Moon Elf, be it a High Elf, Wood Elf, or Dark Elf. So long as the child is born during a full moon, something occurs to alter their appearance.

    Gifted the name: Children of the Moon, these Elves are few and far between. Recognized by their silvery skin and black hair, they appear to shimmer like the moon itself. Their nature remains closest to which sub race their parents belong to, though it has been recorded that Moon Elves hold a higher respect and fascination with night time. It is also said they also feel a kind of euphoria during the full moon, often breaking out into laughter, dance or song for the duration of the night.

    The explanation as to why this magical shift occurs during birth has been explored for countless years. The true meaning is still lost, though it is known as a magical transfer from the moon light into the elf child. With the birth of elven children as rare as they are, it is not uncommon for a celebration or ceremony to be held on nights of expectancy when the full moon rises. Many Elves respect the Moon Elves for being one of their kind and unique at the same time.

    While Moon Elves seldom travel, they will seek out other Moon Elves or Elves of their Sub race to live and laugh together.

    I hope you will consider this!

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