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Tempir Amedaius

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Posts posted by Tempir Amedaius

  1. MC name:BoltofFusion

    IC name:Lady_Aerovine_Amedaius

    How old are you(IC)?:20 years old.

    Do you agree and obey the rules?:Of course.

    Do you have a villain application?:No I do not.

    Why do you want to join?:I want to join because my father, Tempir, was the lord of Aliquam Purus and was the bishop of arcane. In his absence I want to keep Aliquam flowing like it did before.

    What specific skills do you have?None really, I am a priest and a noble lady. I know some magic.

    What previous experience do you have?:I ran Elros with my father, other than that, none.

    What rank would you belong?:I want to be the lady of Aliquam along my father.

    Would you be good at it?(level?):Yes, I would be. I am a good talker and my father has taught me a lot.

    Short description about yourself:I am a 5'6 girl, with brown hair and brown eyes.

    Biography (Keep it short):I grew up in Elros with my father. He kept me there, to shield me from the evil of Asulon until I grew up. At age 19 he let me go visit Ascella. I went to the mainland with joy, because of my leaving, Tempir has been at Elros keeping all the crops and animals alive.

    You see a dead man lying on the street of Aliquam. Your supervisor stands next to him with blood on his hands. He doesn't say anything. What do you do? I look at my supervisor, and immediately call for a guard. I try to examine the blood on both of them to see if the supervisor did kill him, or tried to protect him. If I found out that the supervisor has killed him I would ask the guard to jail him until further trial. If he did not kill him, I would question who did kill him, and help him out.

  2. MC name: nppeck

    IC name:Ariana_Gracchi

    How old are you(IC)?:22

    Do you agree and obey the rules?: Yes

    Do you have a villain application?: No

    Why do you want to join?: I wish to join because my father was a very important member of the White Ravens, and I'd like to try and complete the work that he did.

    What specific skills do you have? I am very skilled with the sword and diplomacy.

    What previous experience do you have?: I am currently the Lady of Ascella and a high ranking member of the Seventis Government.

    What rank would you belong?: Well I'm not really sure what to put here, but I'll talk to you about this later. I would hope to help run the city.

    Would you be good at it?(level?): Yes, I would be very good at it.

    Short description about yourself: I am 22 years old. I stand about 5' 6" tall. I have brown hair and brown eyes.

    Biography (Keep it short): I was born in the city of Aliquam as the daughter of Marius. And I spent most of my early life either in Ascella or Aliquam. When my father died, I took command over the city of Ascella and helped rebuilt it from the ruins.

    You see a dead man lying on the street of Aliquam. Your supervisor stands next to him with blood on his hands. He doesn't say anything. What do you do?

    I would quickly observe the man's body and my supervisor and see if the man's wounds match the blood on the supervisor's hands. I would try and see as well if there was blood on the supervisor's sword. I would then bring a higher ranking White Raven in to assess the situation.

    You could help Tempir run Aliquam as a Chancellor

  3. *Takes his gold sword that was given to him by Corvas*

    *He puts the blade on Thorvalds left shoulder*

    I hereby announce that Thorvald Hrothgar

    *He takes the blade off of his left shoulder, and puts it on his right shoulder*

    Is now a Champion of the White Knights.

  4. "I have stored many items in the "Extra Items" chest, such as logs, sticks, wooden planks, cobblestone, smooth stone, wool, and various other goods. Take what you need, but don't be a hog!"

    Thank you Thorvald, you have done many things for this guild.

    As a result I hereby promote you to the rank as Champion.

  5. *Looks at his daughter, and puts his arm around her*

    Everybody, this is my daughter, Aerovine Amedaius. She has been with me for a while but has been living in Elros until she grew up. I am happy to introduce her to you, she turned 20 yesterday.

    She is a very pretty girl if I do say so myself, so you better treat her right!

    *takes his arm off of her*

  6. What is your name? Duncan amell

    How old are you? 264

    Do you have a pure heart, do you wish to create balance? yes it is, and i want Balance for the world, Haflings or orc, wood elfs or high elf, slaves or kings, we are all Liveing people, we are all the same, no matter what family you were born into, we are all the same

    Biography[few sentences minimum]: i was borned in the old world, my whole family was killed by undead, then i found the white ravens and they took me in, and then i help keep the raven alive after the wardens tryed to burn them to the ground, and then after i went to Galahar, where i became a page but soon my best freind, Gideon Silverblade tryed to kill me, i got away and work for the elf's and then the world fell, and you all know the rest, then i marryed abreal and we had a son, corvas, and you know what happen, since you lived in the same town as us

    Why do you want to join? to help the people who has been wroung and make sure the wrounger get what is comeing for them and i want to keep this new world safe

    What branch do you want to join [Military, laborer] Military

    Other Information:

    i am head of the amell family and i seen a lot in this world both new and old[ player card is mess up]

    My name is Duncan amell, i want to keep the world safe

    ACCEPTED! Welcome to the guild Duncan, you're a Zealot.

  7. "What exactly is happening now that The White Ravens have reformed?"

    Nothing really. This guild will still be up and we will still flourish. The only thing different is that we will ally with the White Ravens.

    What is your name?: Aaron Lightblade ((IGN: mcboignyboingboy))

    How old are you?: 234

    Do you have a pure heart, do you wish to create balance?: Meracahe is the very reason we are in this land. If Aegis had retained it's balance, the undead would not have overrun us, for that is an upset in the balance.

    Biography[few sentences minimum]: Aaron Lightblade is a High Elf also from the land of Albion, as is Lucian, his compatriot. He aspires to be a skilled swordsman, and is always there when he is needed.

    Why do you want to join?: I want to join because my friend is in it and because you have an interesting guild.

    What branch do you want to join: I would like to join the military.

    Other Information: ((My charactor card is currantely screwed up, I'll fix it later))

    ACCEPTED! Welcome to the guild Aaron Lightblade, you're a Zealot along with your friend.


    You need to pay the taxes!

    The people who have paid are


    The people who haven't

    -Everybody else

    If you do NOT pay today, or the next elven week your house WILL be evicted.

    ~Duke Tempir Amedaius

  9. Right, currently Casimir is 2nd and you 3rd because your my brothers, but if I had a kid he'd be Prince and therefore everyone gets pushed back.))

    ((I see what you mean. You should rename lords/ladies to Dukes/Duchess'. For the main fact that lords are feudalism and princes are modern day monarchies/constitutional. Dukes/Duchess' fit more into the category and would go better, and they overall just sound cooler. :P

  10. *looks up to the stars, and back to his White Knights*

    I am Tempir Amedaius, duke of the White Knights and lord of Seventis. The White Knights and I are here to pay respect to the gods of Asulon.

    *All of the White Knights kneel, gold swords in the ground in front of them, along with their shields*


    *Tempir tells the Knights to repeat what he says*

    Oh gods of Seventis, we are here today to pay respects to you for letting our order flourish, we wish for you to give us hope in creating peace, and harmony.

    *The White Knights pick up their swords and shields. They bang their swords on their sheilds twice to represent respect for the gods.*

  11. What is your name?

    Evinger Coinscarlet

    How old are you?


    What city do you currently live in?


    Do you agree to follow the rules?

    Till death do I part

    Have you had any experience with magic? If so, what kinds?

    Only what I have read in books. Mostly earth and animal-like magic.

    What race are you? [Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf]


    What are you efficient with? What are you inefficient with?

    PROS:Fishing Rods, any form of farming.

    CONS:Physical Combat and anything that requires a large amount of muscle.

    Biography: [2 Paragraph minimum please]

    My name is Evinger Coinscarlet. I started my journey in Asulon as a blacksmith's apprentice in the town of Ascella. I toiled and mined, gathering anything the blacksmith needed. The blacksmith eventually left, with only me left to take his place. For a while I was the town's only blacksmith and the leading supplier of coal and other ores. I met the love of my life whilst travelling the roads. I eventually got married to her and now share an extra home in the wilds with my amazing significant other.

    Whilst traversing the forests and rivers, I noticed that animals tended to apporach me without worry. I have saw other mages cast spells and do the things that other's can only dream of. I feel a strong pull towards the ways of Magick. Being a Lord of Ascella now, I feel like using the skills of Magick could solve multiple problems, and help the people and animals of the land. My Lordsahip was given to me when I raised Ascella out of the dark. Ascella had been abandoned and was near deconstruction. Luckily I stumbled across the land and with Jullius and Ariana, rebuilt the town of Ascella, and joined forces with the Seventis nation.

    I am Evinger Coinscarlet. I am a helper. I am a Leader. Magick is my calling in this world, and I wish to follow the path I feel has been created for me.

    Open response, answer with as much detail as possible.

    You see a man attempting to kill a Seventis citizen, you walk upto the man and asks what he is doing, what do you do?

    I approach the man rapidly, standing in between me and opposing force. I ask him, "What by the gods do you think you are doing?". I shout for a guard to come and apprehend the man, but he tries to flee. I quickly throw a fire charge in front of the man to block his path. Alchemy is also a mage's best friend. Especially and aprrentice's.

    You see the lord of Seventis and a man, the man is in full armour with a gold sword. What do you do?

    I approach my fellow lord and try to join the conversation. Assuming that the encounter is of a negative nature is foolish. If it is though, I would stand by my ally to defend him and our home.

    You see another mage using magic to harm another mage, and or citizen, what do you do?

    I immediately contact a few guards or a higher level mage of our nation. Knowing that me being useless in swords, and only dabbing my finger into magic, I would quickly fall to a mage whom could hurt other people.

    ACCEPTED! Contact me, and I will start you out.

  12. "I would like to request a personal items chest in the attic, would that be possible? I would also like to be the only one with the keys."

    That is possible, Corvas will get you some keys when he is back in Ascella.

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